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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Do what you gotta do! Do you babywear? You could maybe wear one or two of them! I wear my toddler and our carrier goes up to 45 lbs. Dh says once she turns 2 I should stop and I'm like whatever! LOL. I'll wear her as long as I feel like it's helpful. They also sell a toddler version of my carrier so it goes up even higher if I get that one. Most carriers allow for baby to face you or be worn on your back so I was saying you could possibly theoretically wear two but I don't know about all that weight LOL. I've seen people post pics of a smaller baby and a toddler, but not sure about two toddlers. What I'm getting at is you have a couple of options. You could harness one and wear one. I don't know if that would make it any easier, though.
  2. They start even sooner at some of the schools here. But ds' first day is a half day. (But August is normal around here)
  3. Oh my, thank you for clearing that up :lol: The ones with the spaghetti straps I call camisoles. Maybe we're just weird, I think we could get by with very few pants. But it's hot most of the year and I have ds re-wear pants before I wash them unless they are just gross. Ds will be wearing a uniform in the fall so I guess we'll see how rough he is with clothes soon. I ordered the pants with reinforced knee caps lol.
  4. I had to look it up, too. Looks like a wrestler uniform. Looks like a nightmare for trips to the bathroom but maybe I don't understand.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002SW52CE/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 That's the one dh used. He wore a mask, anyway.
  6. I have read about it a couple of times. I'd say it's considered mostly safe, but probably not 100%. You might want to consider food-grade Diatomaceous Earth instead. That is what we put down inside the home when our cat had fleas. It was the only thing I felt comfortable with. And I was pregnant at the time so it was extra important to me to use something very tame. Of course, wear a mask if you're the one handling it as it can irritate the lungs.
  7. This is basically what I would do given the circumstances. If you ever pick up The Dance of Anger, there's actually an example of a brother/sister relationship where the brother keeps asking for money. There are some sample responses the sister can use, most if not all ways of declining sending money to the brother. We had some "friends"? ask for money once. When we declined (dh wrote a lengthy response explaining our own financial hurdles) we were deleted as friends on FB and now have no communication with them. If we had agreed I guess we'd maybe still be "friends" but at what cost? The guy asked us for money to pay his cable bill for his online class(es).
  8. I don't know if it's the same message I get, but every night at the same time I get a message the board is down and yet I still try to log on late at night lol. I think for me it's around 2am it screws up.
  9. The Nautilus is similar to the newer version 4 Ever which also comes in pink. But either way, kids may outgrow them before they expire. We had to ditch our Nautilus earlier than expected. Don't make our mistake... the man. date was a bit old even though we bought it straight from the shelf. Sadly this happens sometimes. I'm currently car seat shopping and have been posting on car-seat.org, Car Seats for the Littles facebook group, and reading the reviews on Car Seats for the Littles. I like their side by side comparison charts. Like, it will tell you if the car seat requires vehicle head support (which I'm concerned about because ds is tall and that means the vehicle seat must be above mid point of his head/above his ears. Depending on the vehicle this may be hard to accomplish). See if these lists help: http://csftl.org/recommended-seats. Keep in mind the height of the child's torso matters more than overall height for when they will outgrow a harnessed seat/booster. And keep in mind the highest height allowable for belt positioner to go. Like I was looking at two High Back Boosters and they have a few inches difference in shoulder height allowance. I don't know if it's just where I live but almost every seat I've wanted is NOT available in stores (Target, Walmart, Babies R Us). Very annoying.
  10. Based on another thread I read I think it depends which device you use? I only tried accessing it from my PC last night/early this morning. It was down til sometime later today. I don't know when exactly it came back up. The timer was a bit off. Like one time I logged in it said 45 min. of maintenance left. The next time I logged on (sometime after 45 min. had passed) the timer was gone but it just said it would be back shortly or something to that effect. I was also surprised to see people had been posting all along. I guess they were using a phone or tablet.
  11. The countdown clock kept adding time lol. And eventually just took the timer away and said it would be up shortly or something to that affect. I hadn't thought to view it from the phone when I saw it was under maintenance.
  12. I think it depends on a lot of things as others have mentioned. We just ordered some the other day! Heads up though, the last pair we ordered were way thinner than I was expecting. I'm used to thick denim, not soft/thin. But they looked like they were really comfortable. Just maybe not the best for really cold days. Perhaps good with a pair of long johns, though. OP, you don't need to go to the Children's Place in person. They frequently have free shipping :D I have gone inside a couple of their locations... regular store and outlet and often find better deals on the website! Yay for promo codes and free shipping.
  13. If there's any of your cake left maybe you can freeze one slice for him. He could still get the Chocolate Extreme but have a slice of lemon waiting as well.
  14. Let's not forget about camelcamelcamel. It seems to just be for Amazon, but I think it's a good tool to help me determine what is a reasonable or typical price for said item even if I buy it on another site.
  15. Really? She didn't give them back? Or no one confronted her? Give me back my mail, lady! lol
  16. two door contraption, that's a new one to me. I hope they can tell you something. What a pain!
  17. oh my gosh lol. Well ours isn't perfect. It's only open minimal hours and one time I asked dh to drop off a letter to my sister in England. They put standard postage on it and it came back. I asked what happened. They thought he meant New England. But it plainly had the address and I'm sure I wrote "air mail" on it like I always do. Recently we bought stamps and I asked dh how much they were, he said he thinks .49 a piece. I googled and it says the rate is back to .47/stamp. So now we have to find the receipt for these forever stamps and see what we actually paid. But after hearing your story, I think I'll live with our problems lol. They did help ds bring packages to my car last time I waited out front with the car running and dd strapped in. What if you called them to inquire??
  18. Could it physically be at the post office? That probably wouldn't make sense in your case, though sometimes that is what happens here.
  19. This is probably a dumb question, but can you order anything 2 day Prime shipping there? Is there even an Amazon site for your country? I'd be tempted to order the puzzle or games or whatever if they could get there relatively fast. But when you say it will be another week before anything changes I don't know if you mean your location will change or other items will arrive or what. Paper/pencils for writing? Have the kids write short stories and illustrate them? If that would interest them. Then everyone shares their stories aloud.
  20. I have mixed feelings. There's a set of wash cloths I got at DG that I really like. I had dh go pick up another batch. But some are not as soft anymore so I don't know if they are starting to fall apart on me or if one batch was better. But they were super soft and nicer than all my others which were bought from various other places (dept. stores or Wal-mart). Not all the DG wash cloths are the same. These ones say "Comfort Bay fast dry." I learned the hard way last time ds had a party that the batch of plasticware at Dollar Tree was suuuuper thin. Like thinner than I think it was in year's past. Next time I need plasticware I will probably get it at WM or something. Things I like to buy at dollar stores... (sometimes depends on which dollar chain) gift wrap stuff (tissue paper at DT. You can get 25 sheets for $1 which I always buy at Christmas time. Also ribbon. Usually buy the roll with 4 colors) greeting cards. Family Dollar and Dollar General often have buy 2/$1 or such. stationery (blank cards) packs dish soap refill liquid sometimes Charmin basic brand tp dish sponges sometimes shower curtain or bath mat for inside tub (it's been hit and miss with the liner) baskets for storage hanger clips to turn a regular hanger into one for skirts or pants workbooks for PreK-1st grade party plates/cups small box of nursing pads when I was in a bind discounted Valentine's chocolate covered pretzels Probably need to double check ingredients for comparison but Children's brand name medicine Motrin and/or Mucinex was cheaper no: I don't know what brand it was but I tried a bottle of water that someone gave me from a dollar chain once. It was horrible. I'm not sure if this was exclusive to the store. Some of the toys are just not worth it as the article said
  21. Our goal this year is no more than $25/person except for our own children. For them I think dh wanted us to do no more than $50. But see, I don't know if he was talking about Santa or not. Dh has a tendency to spend more than I would so it's kind of like that Buzzfeed video ( . Really I think our family has too much stuff so downsizing Christmas would probably be good for us. We have at least 14 people we shop for. This is niece, nephew, sil, bil, one of my sisters (other lives out of country so we agree to not bother), mil, fil, our two kids, my parents, my grandma, two close friends to the family (they spend the day with us at mil's). Sometimes another set of relatives depending on if make it over there. I agree with a pp, I think it's harder to shop for the adults. I've lucked out some years with one good item on sale. I think budgets are all relative. And I know lots of adults opt out of exchanging gifts with each other so that probably affords them more to spend on the children. You just gotta do what works for you and your family.
  22. It's just the principle behind it. I was using a napping baby as an example. They drive me nuts lol. They have each other's numbers but rarely talk. My dh's idea of a heads up is when the person is a few minutes from my door LOL. I have tried to urge him to establish more boundaries and/or understand how anxious I get about unexpected drop bys so he doesn't put me in that position. Meanwhile I'm reading a book on boundaries so I can help establish my own ha.
  23. I probably won't be much help with the older children, but with the 4 year old I would keep an eye on the art supplies section of your local stores. Last year I found some really cheap stuff. $1 for Color Wonder books. I just ordered some Color Wonder markers on Amazon for like $5 for a pack of 10. They have an 8pk of Sharpies on sale as well if your older child(ren) need any. Browse bargain book displays. Clothing is usually pretty easy to find on sale. The Children's Place is one of my go-to stores (usually the website during a free shipping time which they have pretty often). I'm actually thinking about making one shirt for my nephew. There's a pumpkin stencil online I can print and use. I've been looking up cross stitch items as a possible inexpensive gift. I figure if I start soon I may complete something lol. These could be hung from the tree as Christmas ornaments if they are the small, round ones. Some ideas to help (I saw at least one mentioned above) are Swagbucks cards, Shopkick gift cards and/or cash back if applicable with your credit card. Last year I got a bunch of misc stuff at TJMaxx with their website. I got a lot of things at Kohl's as well. For the younger kids if you have a Tuesday Morning I'd look there. I've had good luck with discounted toys/puzzles/etc. Check out Living Social and Groupon. Last year ds and I got a Groupon to a craft place and made ornaments very inexpensively. We had enough time to redeem the coupon so we weren't super rushed, but the place did require a second step to finish the items so I had to go back later to get it. If I had known I would have timed it a bit better, not when she was super busy with orders. I also look at tanga and some other sites. I do mostly online shopping. Constantly check retailmenot and the like for coupon codes.
  24. Sometimes I ignore the door when UPS comes, but then I feel guilty. They end up lugging my packages into our carport or sometimes even leaving a note sorry we missed you. I have hollered before, "can't come to the door right now" so they leave the packages on the stoop when I was tied up with feeding the baby or something. I've sent stuff to the PO box before just to avoid the whole situation at times, but that is a pain because my post office has very limited hours. I try to track my packages closely so I know when to expect someone now and I have an idea of what time each delivery person usually comes. Yes, I guess a phone could wake a baby, but if you don't have a landline and your phone is in a different room than the baby or on vibrate/low volume you might hear it/answer it before it disturbs anyone else. I hadn't even though of putting the tie on the door knob, I didn't have time. He called when the student was only so many feet away from the house and I barely had time to grab the tie. I've also asked dh not to send someone over for payment without more of a heads up. I've had our lawn care guy show up as I'm hunting down the check book. Okay I know these are my issues... I need to get more organized lol. I know where the check book is and I've asked dh to just handle payment himself when he's home or by having the guy come to his work or whatever they can agree on.
  25. Well, it's hard to ignore sometimes. Where I live if you google the private schools it straight up says built as segregation academy. I am under the impression you were talking about public schools, though. This area is predominantly black. Oh and I can't forget this story from 2016 regarding one town in my state. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/18/us/cleveland-mississippi-school-district-desegregate.html. Ridiculous.
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