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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Yes, but my mom is Mexican and we used to say it at home growing up (or maybe we just said "vamos"). I think most people should know it, regardless. But I also wouldn't bet on it lol. Just like I never took French but I know "bonjour."
  2. For an adult or child? I just got ds a thermos from Target.com (12 oz). Some of them are on sale right now. I bought the plain one with no images and it will keep items cold. I've been using it with plain water to make cleaning easier. I hate it when stuff like orange juice pulp or milk gets in there :ack2: I like the style for kids, but I think it may be a little awkward for an adult. When you open the lid there's not a lot of clearance/the straw part is sort of short. I don't know how to explain lol.
  3. Our bus stop moved from last year's location but people were not happy about it. Now it's back to the original location. We actually opted out of the service for other reasons. Anyway, see if you and/or other neighbors can pull together to switch the bus stop back. You never know.
  4. Yeah, don't eat the pods lol. I try to buy the pre-shelled if I buy frozen. I was disappointed when I ordered in a restaurant and they arrived at the table with the pods. Dh looked at me like duh, they're gonna serve them in the pods. But I was put out because all the salt was on the pod and it was more work. Call me lazy, I don't care lol
  5. lol Many/most? of my shirts have something on them. But not homeschooling related. I like novelty shirts.
  6. half a slice of cobbler and half the bar. Right? :)
  7. Well, I'm surprised they did an eval as young as they did. And six, may or may not be supported by the ped. or whoever. I inquired about things with mine at age 6 and was dismissed due to age and the practitioner's limited exposure/impression of ds. Then we had our eval done recently at age 8 and it didn't tell me much. So I guess what I'm saying is, yes, ask. But don't be surprised if you aren't given some elaborate, helpful eval. Yes about needing people for input. We didn't have that. I had no coach or teachers to fill out forms and didn't know that was a big deal til I was already in the office. I am glad others have had great extensive evals but I thought I went to the "right" place (referred there) and yet only one person met with him and the person was not an MD. So I guess I've learned the hard way that not all evals are created equal. I wonder what a "very extensive/good" eval should cost.
  8. This sounds like my son. We hardly ever went to story hour. I would probably consider pulling him from soccer and finding something else to do, but I don't know how much money is invested. In the end, is it worth it, though? We kept our kid in a year of martial arts because we had committed to a year (paid) when ds was 4/5. He didn't have to pass a ball to people but he did seem lost and was probably a distraction to others in the class. If there were two teachers present then one was often having to help him. He would whine in the car because sometimes he just didn't want to go or he'd fall asleep and be cranky when we arrived. For me it was not worth the hassle, I had to have dh finish taking him to the remainder of the lessons. Does your ds enjoy it? Will he complain if you don't go or be relieved? I would probably rely partly on his reaction to determine if this is something he can work on. And I would practice soccer drills and such at home. We would practice martial arts at home between class. In the end it might be best to develop a skill at home before joining a group sport. Like ideally I will have ds practice basketball before he joins a basketball camp. And then see how camp goes before committing to a season. Had your ds practiced soccer/showed interested at home prior to joining the team? The other kids may have more experience which adds to the imbalance on the field. We just had our son evaluated and was told he fit criteria for ADD/ADHD but I think I need to investigate further. But either way, I understand it is frustrating when your child has trouble focusing or behaving as the others in a group setting.
  9. Dh got me a shirt with an apple on the back and it says blessed to be a teacher. Now I feel like I can't wear it because ds is in private school :( lol (only half serious) ETA: I don't know how I feel about some of the unsocialized homeschool/socialized homeschooler shirts. I guess it depends on who is wearing them. I still remember someone telling their child that my son didn't have friends because he was homeschooled (after we invited them to a birthday party. I think they came out of pity). One of the kids that attended was someone we randomly met at the park and it had nothing to do with ds attending school or homeschool. There are lots of ways to make friends :)
  10. I don't know what size your dd wears but thechildrensplace.com shows up to size 16 and always runs sales.
  11. hmm. I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering it seemed to cause commotion when I ate it when dd was younger during our breastfeeding journey. I quit it for a while. I don't eat it daily, but I do eat it. I prefer milk chocolate to dark. I guess dark has more caffeine. I know it's overall supposed to be better for you but it makes me feel better about the caffeine content I guess lol.
  12. I hardly ever consume caffeine. I do eat chocolate. But I don't drink coffee, tea and very seldom soda with caffeine.
  13. For that example... what does a zero mean? lol Straight up I'd probably holler, "ds, get down!" and then talk to him face to face. Yeah, yelling isn't how you solve problems, but I don't know if I could hold back in that example. It's not just yelling out of anger. It's yelling out of urgency. They could fall. Not really sure how one would get down without falling, but I'm thinking there may be some tall structure nearby in this example.
  14. What can you do? I mean, I don't know if I could say anything myself because it's so common place. Schools here still offer corporal punishment. I saw a girl get spanked in my church parking lot a few weeks ago. I don't know if her parents knew I saw. We were one of the last to leave the parking lot and I knew the girl from VBS. I felt icky seeing that but spanking has happened here before, too, in the house. Let's just say I've been guilty of it myself, but try to find other ways to deal with things. In fact, one of the books I recently got is about disciplining without any form of punishment. Unfortunately I cannot get dh on the same page. It has a lot to do with upbringing. Chances are the person you see spanking is going to say they were spanked and "turned out fine" or are around people who will chide them for not spanking their kids. I just watched a video today about how we do a lot of things to people please. We're correcting our kids in public making note that so and so is watching. We don't want so and so to think we let our kids walk all over us or blah blah blah.
  15. Certain things we'll discuss in private, other things may need to be addressed sooner. I have no problem calling my kid out for stuff like waving around a big stick. I've done as much with kids outside that he tried to join (their parents were no where around and I wasn't mean about it. I think I said, "hey let's put down the big stick and use something else..." lol). Finally I just pulled ds away from the group because I didn't want to deal with their idea of play. What gets me is that I am way more "uptight" than other parents about how to use public spaces sometimes and it's hard to correct behavior when the other parents see no problem. Like, a drinking fountain is for drinking. But then everyone is playing in the drinking fountain. Super awkward to tell my kid not to join in when no one else sees a problem. Maybe it's not a "problem" but I'm just not as comfortable with things like that. This is not a homeschool specific issue to me. It's just society. I've pretty much accepted myself as an odd duck or helicopter parent because I run into these differences all the time. What, your kid is 5 years older than all the other kids in the bounce house and you don't see a problem with that? Ugh.
  16. I saw a myofacial release/PT that showed me a place to push on in my mouth to help it but honestly I haven't been doing it or know if it is a real solution. She did briefly help me when I my jaw was "off" and I was experiencing constant pain. Those mouth guards... eh I just don't know. I think they are different from different dentists and some may be better than others. The last one I got made hurts my teeth, feels too snug! So I maybe didn't grind, but my teeth hurt in the morning. I haven't been wearing it. Also, prevents me from closing my mouth fully. Ugh I hate that design. They already wore it down as low as it could go for that style to allow me to close my mouth more, but it's still not ideal to me. So no, I didn't solve my problems. Just sharing with you all lol. I totally agree that when I reduce stress in my life my problems clear up a lot.
  17. exactly! I told dh we never set up the slip n slide or the kiddie pool this summer. He said it was too hot lol.
  18. Similar to Xtramath.org is MobyMax. But Mobymax has more stuff on it. I think the drilling portion is basically the same, though. So we are registered at both websites. I keep forgetting I need to go through the rest of Two Plus Two is Not Five with ds. He doesn't struggle when asked but I don't know quite how quick he is with some of the facts, either. So definitely, yes, I think I should finish the book. I honesty find it helpful for me. I was never good at mental math. We also bought another book in the series.
  19. I figured the part time comment didn't mean anything to do with state standards/rules but rather just doing homeschooling after traditional school hours if your child is enrolled in some type of B&M school. I suppose it could be interpreted more than one way, though.
  20. It's so hot/humid I debate taking the baby on a stroll because when I come back to the house I'm sweating and desperately want a shower (which is not always possible).
  21. homeschooled ds up til 2nd. Now he's trying private and I'm going to give it a little time before adding more to his plate. But I would like to do some part time afterschooling stuff. We also do religion at home as it's complicated to get him to Sunday school classes where we live. If we are still living here when dd is older I anticipate homeschooling her at least in the beginning.
  22. I usually only seen coupons like "$15 off a $50" purchase or such. Where you have to spend more than the coupon is worth. You lucked out :)
  23. haha posted at same time as Ethel about the fan
  24. I don't know, that's tough. Maybe for the walk, this may sound silly, but, have you considered one of those fans with the water mist? And if your job requires you to be outside I'd consider bringing the fan along as well. Not sure it applies, but also careful consideration of what kind of haircut you have. If it's thick, ask the stylist to thin it out. If it's long, have it cut.
  25. Lots of women I know do the two shirt method. It's kind of hot to wear two tops, though, depending on season. So when you lift up the outer shirt no one can see your belly. That is what I did. And given the size/shape of my boobs I don't think I could have ever done the pull neckline down route lol.
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