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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Well my 1 yr old has been ripping her diaper off for months. The ped. said she wouldn't rush/worry about potty training but working on it in a "light and fun" way is okay (she's now almost 2 though). Just said she's still on the young side. Ours has gone in the kiddie potty a handful of times, but mostly just rips diaper off. Driving.me.nuts. It's too hot to keep her in clothing that she can't get out of. I have put her in the backwards sleeper at night out of desperation before (when it wasn't too hot). I have cleaned poop off the floor (thankfully wooden floor) a few times in the past week or so. She cosleeps usually and I woke up one morning to a urine soaked bed. I think she may have tried to tell me, but I was so groggy I didn't react in time. That article I read in another thread scared me about how early potty trainers tend to be the ones with issues later (I guess like UTIs or something from holding too long? I don't remember). I guess my ques. is how many months old? Just turned one? Closer to two? That may make a difference.
  2. Well about a month ago my toddler hid my keys in the toy cash register! Check inside any toys that open. We also found a pair of missing shoes a couple months after they were purchased inside her doctor's kit! Good luck! I highly suggest one of the phone finder things... we have one but it's not working right now. I changed the batteries in the remote but it didn't help. I suspect there is a tiny battery in the other component that needs replaced. They were very helpful prior to the battery dying!
  3. I enjoy helping plan parties. But I don't enjoy being the center of attention. So no, I don't think throwing a surprise party = enjoy being thrown a surprise party! That's like saying wedding planners want to get married lol. Who knows, two different things. You just attended them, you didn't throw them. Please don't take it to heart so much.
  4. What if you created a budget and said that they should keep the budget in mind when they make their wish list? And also remind them to be practical. I don't think it's unfair to tell a 14yr old that there's no room for said item and if he is serious about getting [insert large item] that he should make room for it by donating/reorganizing/selling other items before putting it on his wishlist. We are downsizing for Christmas this year and I don't know if ds will even notice. I feel like we've wasted money on big ticket items in the past. Dh and ds are both guilty of asking for expensive video games that they hardly touched. I'm also a fan of the experiences thing. Dh and ds got a joint gift card to the movie theater from a relative last year (with some movie candy) and were both thrilled. They haven't even used it all up yet and I think will be seeing a film this weekend.
  5. I don't really understand how anxiety meds work. I mean, if I'm anxious about something, does the medicine just make they physical aspects of anxiety subside? Wouldn't I still be anxious about it if I have my reasons? I was recommended to take them but haven't. I totally get being anxious about it.
  6. If I had a full weekend I might compromise on the housework and do some but not make any promises. Like, I may decide that one day I'm not doing any chores or I'll run a load of laundry. After lounging around I might feel up to doing things I can't usually do with the toddler running around like organize clothes or make Goodwill piles. And then if I didn't get around to any of it, I would have to be okay with it so long as I let myself do things I wanted/needed. Catch up on sleep, tv shows I don't normally get to watch, reading/audio books, etc. Maybe go to the theater or mall/shopping center. I'm not much of a hotel person, but the concept sounds nice in theory. I personally couldn't bring myself to use room service LOL. But I would make sure there were places to eat nearby and bring food to my room (snacks, anyway). If the hotel had a bar I might even get a drink. I don't think I'd want to go swimming alone but if a girlfriend came along that might be fun.
  7. I imagine my chef as someone thinking that I'm so boring to work for because I don't like enough ingredients. Does the chef handle clean up as well? I could maybe get past their impression of me :laugh:
  8. Not sure if it's relevant or not but I can see a baby shower possibly being easier for some to accept because it's about the baby, takes a little focus off the adult honoree. And you probably need stuff for the baby. I'm not sure if we're talking about a party with gift giving in the case of the adult surprise party, but that aspect of parties is sometimes super awkward. At Christmas sometimes I get super nervous to open gifts in front of a room full of people awaiting a reaction.
  9. I think there's too much room for things to be awkward :lol: On TV sometimes they look very cool... everyone hiding and yelling "surprise!" but in reality I don't know how many go that way. When I was a kid one was thrown for me. I felt really awkward. Someone in our family threw one for a family member after they had played tennis. Not really cool to show up at your house covered in sweat and have guests waiting to greet you. For the right individual I think they could be great. Someone that enjoys surprises and doesn't mind being the center of attention.
  10. I'd go with auburn from those choices.
  11. forward helix ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch (just based on the images I saw)
  12. I don't know, I have wondered before. Especially if the cook/taste tester is sick. Just not something I would wanna roll the dice on.
  13. I inwardly cringe every single time I see a show on tv where someone takes a spoon of marinara, soup, etc. and says, "here try this" and puts the spoon in someone's mouth, then back into the giant pot. NO. JUST STOP. Get another spoon. lol
  14. I want to learn more, too. Apparently ds covered his ears and found music too loud at a recent event (I was not there).
  15. Aw how awful. I really hate the "give someone ear plugs" responses to all noise issues. I once had a noisy neighbor and earplugs didn't help me and I couldn't comfortably wear them. I also know someone who had earplugs break in their ear! So yeah... not a fan of ear plugs as solutions lol. I do think the angry passenger should have sought help from a flight attendant (like a new seat). What is the point? I think the point is to get the message back to the complaining woman so she sees how her actions affected the little girl and what kind of night that family had... to think twice about her actions next time she decides to be rude. Also, with the support of enough "likes" or whatever/strength in numbers, maybe the woman could see that many people agreed with the mom that the remarks were not socially acceptable/appreciated or whatever.
  16. If someone got a dab of bbq sauce or ketchup on their finger, I don't think I'd be so appalled at them licking it off. But sitting there licking each finger covered in Doritos cheese? Don't do that around me lol I'm talking about in the home or not so nice place. Nice restaurant, probably best to use a napkin for all of the above. Eating ribs? I'd keep a pile of napkins and those little wet wipes nearby if possible.
  17. I didn't even know that pets in the cabin was a popular thing. Are they rarely seen/heard? Because I have flown many times and never ever noticed an animal on board. I thought they all went to cargo I guess.
  18. :confused1: What difference does it make if he starts high school in 9th or 10th in regards to tests like this? I took an ACT but that was like, senior year? I took driver's ed my senior year as well, though you can take it sooner. I didn't have a car in high school and wasn't in a big rush. Even if you took the tests earlier than senior year, I don't think they'd need to be taken in 9th or 10th.
  19. ugh, me too!! The first case was when I was a college student living in a dorm. Someone down the hall brought an animal in and that may have been the cause. My roommate was fine and I was waking up with bites all over my legs, even if I wore pants to bed. I was so freaked out that I went to the campus clinic. They told me they thought it was fleas. Someone else in my hall was experiencing the same thing. Meanwhile my roommate probably thought I was nuts complaining about something biting me every night when nothing was bothering her lol. Our hall was bombed and I spent one or two nights at a friend's off campus apt.
  20. I went to a brick & mortar school my whole life. Why would being 17 make him ineligible? Is that a thing? I was 17 when I graduated high school. I was younger than most and had skipped K due to a weird cut off date thing. But I know sometimes it happens where a graduate is 17. I liked being younger, it made me feel less stressed about taking longer than 4 years to finish college. I think I did it in 4.5? I stuck around at my community college an extra sem. to get my AA before I transferred. I didn't know my major immediately. I skipped pre Alg. so I was always a grade behind the majority in my math classes in high school. A couple others were in my grade in the room, but not many. I liked it. I wouldn't worry so much :)
  21. Well I think what we ended up doing was dh dusted the house with the food grade DE and then we went out of town (we already had plans to leave town). The cat had already been treated with a pill from the vet and combed/bathed before we left town. I always read to wash things in hot but I was scared to ruin certain things so I think I used warm. Heat is supposed to kill them. The fleas had no hosts and a bunch of DE around the house while we were gone. The thing is, I heard they can live a long time without hosts. Also put DE inside the vacuum. It doesn't treat eggs!! So if the eggs hatch in the vacuum you want the DE there. They have to hop on it a number of times. I don't know how long we put the DE out on the area rugs. I tried salt and baking soda on the carpets before we bought the DE but I don't know if it worked. I was pregnant so I was absolutely against using a bomb or such. Dh bought one of those pistons and some dust masks before he spread it around. Also put it around the house. He might have released a bomb or something under the house before we left. But inside did not use any chemicals. We used Comfortis as mentioned upthread. But the vet office sent it home with us and it was not easy to give her. One time we didn't even know if she swallowed it (we've used it off/on). Yeah, I'd bring the cat indoors while this was going on if she's been treated. They will bite her and die I believe. ETA: we took the cat with us when we left town. We always do. Since you are leaving town soon maybe you can treat the house with DE rather than Orkin. Just learn about how to apply it. Not thick piles, but like a thin dusting.
  22. Maybe a calendar with photos like the above Also a fan of consumables or taking him out if he's into that. My grandma would probably enjoy being taken to a casino lol.
  23. When you google it you may see two different results. One with an a in the middle and one with an o in the middle. Spanish didn't get passed down in my family (some of us learned some but mostly from outside resources) but a Spanish speaking friend told me the one with the o in the middle is correct.
  24. I went to elementary school in CA and we never learned Spanish in my school. I left CA at the end of sixth grade. I wish we had, though.
  25. Pretty much all water bottles are frustrating for me whether it's cleaning the parts or removing the parts. But actual cleaning the Funtainer seems okay. It's a bit tricky to get out the piece but I love that the lid closes when you're done. The particular one I got ds also has a carrying handle built into the lid. His old model did not have that. I got the one without designs because they wear off. I'm planning on buying dd the same thing in another color. They are out of stock in the purple but I saw a teal and pink that look pretty. Ds got the blue.
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