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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. What if it wasn't sleeping in the same room. What if it was smoking weed or walking around the house nude? "But we always walk around nude in our home!" would be irrelevant to me. Put some clothes on. :laugh: I think it would be best to have the conversation before the guests made travel plans, though. Letting them know after they arrive with suitcases would probably be worse. I went to a party once where some people were inside and some were outside. I chose to stay outside because it was hosted by Japanese students and I didn't want to take off my shoes, but felt that if I went inside I should (I believe someone specifically told me that I'd need to or I witnessed others doing it). I was wearing the boots in my avatar and it was just too much trouble. Of course, I'm familiar with shoe and sleeping arrangement rules varying so none of this stuff would really faze me.
  2. I personally couldn't imagine trying to juggle a teaching job and getting up extra early to do a paper route. Unless the rest of the household was quiet I couldn't see how someone would fall asleep at 7pm. I suppose this largely depends on if the person is a morning person or not :laugh: mamashark, don't know if I missed a post or not, but maybe we could help you come up with more ideas for yourself.
  3. Ds has allergic reactions around some dogs. I definitely like to know in advance to expect a pet and I don't always think to ask if a pet will be coming along. I want to know in advance so I can give him some Claritin. One time my SIL invited ds to the beach with her family and their dogs and she wanted to pick him up immediately (we knew he had issues with one of her dogs) and I had to remind her and/or dh that Clartin doesn't work that fast. lol
  4. That's going to vary from location to location. I have worked at two newspapers. One newspaper location actually had their own press and printed papers for other papers. Well, for the Monday-Friday editions we plated the pages in the morning. I didn't come into work til 8 am and they were coming off the press around 10-11am I think. So there's no way anyone was delivering them at 6 am. Another paper I worked for only had a weekly edition.
  5. The dog rule bothered my in-laws. They would instead drive to see us and head back right away as to not leave the dog alone long. And technically there was someone that could check on the dog (their daughter or a friend). It was a bit of an issue. I said maybe the dog could stay in the mostly enclosed carport (there were holes in the brick design on one side but otherwise it had been closed off like a garage) but dh said that the dog always came indoors and that wouldn't work. They do not have a pet now (dog passed away) and I think it's ironic that dh got a cat for our home and expected his parents to let us bring our cat. I said that was not fair. His mom was very accommodating about it in the end (initially acting like what? you want to bring the cat?), but since then we've got a food and water dispenser and hope to never bring her with us again. It's a real hassle and the cat gets super agitated and refuses to cooperate to get in the carrier. Personally I think that pet owners should not expect others to welcome their animals. Dh didn't understand that my parents wouldn't want the cat inside their home, even in the carrier. That's why I said I didn't like to make stops with the cat. I didn't' want to have to leave the car running long and I couldn't take her inside. We have a no smoking rule here and guests smoke outside. Ideally further from the door so it doesn't waft in. This has been a prickly topic as well because the smoke clings to everything. Family doesn't visit often though. We recently ran into an issue where we wanted to visit family for the 4th but the only family member's home with room is a home where the whole house smells like smoke. I don't think they realize how strong the smoke smell is. They try to smoke outdoors, but the smoke has taken over the home. We didn't say anything, but I can barely breathe in there and have two young children, one with asthma so that was a deal breaker. Your home, your rules.
  6. I'm sorry creekland. Maybe you can share some stories with her to give her hope. My grandma had cancer a few times. One time she had surgery (breast cancer). The other time(s) it was too dangerous to do surgery because of her age. I know for the skin cancer she applied different things (maybe made dietary adjustments as well) including frankincense. After a while the dr could see no signs of it. They said she had cancer in her jaw which was probably contributing to her having difficulty eating and swallowing for a while. But then they couldn't detect it anymore so I don't know if that means they were wrong initially or if it cleared up. I'm venting because dh refuses to take dd to her early intervention appointment. I got them to shift the appt. later so I don't have to move my dental appointment and I can still take her that day when the evaluation team will be available. I guess I'll be making 2-3 trips to that town that day since the kids also have a follow up appt. with their optometrist. I'd send dh with the kids to the optometrist, but I kinda feel like I should be there.
  7. I have a toddler, but I don't think I'd pay for music lessons at this age, personally. Does he build things? Maybe he could do orders on the side. Not necessarily an etsy shop, though you could go that way. For example, custom book shelf. I was just posting about these cool book troughs I saw online and how they are too much money. Some people are making their own. I saw the same thing with other book storage. Some people were making the kind that hang on the wall out of repurposed pallets.
  8. Dh did. But I don't know what is the most common. I actually quit a job so we could move for his practicum (unpaid) years ago and we were scraping by on student loan money and savings before our rent went up and I had no choice but to get a job (which was too little too late and we were floundering). There was another purchase made long before that with student loan money that I was very upset about and caused a huge fight. It would be my guess that it's more common with housing costs than other items... but that's just a guess.
  9. I've never tithed enough... dh and I disagree on that. We're not the same religion. I do feel kinda badly about it, but I try to give in other ways. Your time at the church, your handmedowns, donations for church bake sale or such. I still fall short, but these are just ideas.
  10. I have not personally used ebates. I usually use swagbucks. It alternates the percentage back for Walmart and other sites I use. I think they have similar restrictions. I thought if I used a coupon I wouldn't get any percentage back, but one time I used a coupon and I think it just rewarded me for part of the order (which was fine with me). I'm not really sure how they are supposed to work, though. Usually around Christmas they include toys or something like that I buy in the Amazon category on swagbucks but most of the time I have no use for it with Amazon.
  11. do you already print coupons or clip digital ones? I'm not consistent with it, but some people are very good at it. Kroger has their own digital ones. Dollar General, Family Dollar, CVS and Walgreen's all have digital, but definitely look around to compare prices. Do you have a big box store membership and/or would you use it? For some people this is worthwhile. We renew our membership with a coupon (like get a $25 gift card when you renew) and at the end of the earning period we've earned enough to get savings toward a grocery trip. Summer months are tight for us, but that happened to be when our cash out happened so we got $90 off one of our recent shopping trips which was a huge relief. But this only works with some of the plans. We signed up for Plus membership at Sam's. I don't know how other stores work.
  12. Ignore if not applicable Use apps for some money back. You can scan Walmart receipts into Savings Catcher. You can shop through affiliate links online for money back (your credit card company or other sites like ebates). You can see if the Plenti card would be worthwhile. You can consider pick up options at grocery stores and see if it helps by limiting impulse buying and/or saving by paying online. I think some grocery stores charge a fee for the service while others may not. Maybe use the pick up only for non food items if the grocery option isn't free. Some non food items qualify for pick up discount at Walmart now. So, if I know I'm going to WM and want an item, I might look at the item online first to see if I'll get a discount by ordering through their ship to store option. If I buy through an affiliate link in the process I could earn a small amount back.
  13. That's funny because that looks like the cart I got from Target. I was just thinking today about how maybe if I stand the books upright I can fit more on the cart, but that might only work with certain items.
  14. I'm so used to wearing them that now I think I look kinda weird without them :laugh:
  15. I have to drive 45 min. to get to most places I go (doctor's offices, shopping centers, movie theater) and there have been times I regretted driving tired (maybe I didn't feel that tired til I was nearing home). Dh had to return to work and I had to take dd to the pediatrician or something shortly after her birth. His sister was horrified because I had just given birth but dh said it wasn't a big deal because I didn't have any meds in my system. I honestly never thought about the fact that a lot of women are told not to drive for a couple weeks after birth. But I wish I hadn't driven because I was sleep deprived. When I complained to the receptionist at the ob/gyn about it being really hard for me to get to the appointment (different occasion) she was imo rude and showed no sympathy stating that other patients came from as far. So in my experience, society expects you to be places nevermind if you are a mombie (mom zombie). Or whatever. When I haven't had children with me, yes, I have parked and napped in shopping center parking lots before. With kids it gets more complicated. I try to listen to my body. I try to account for being alert enough to drive and take that into consideration. Like I am in no shape to drive with a migraine. I will cancel. I try to make afternoon appointments when possible because waking up early (depending on how early) and driving 45 min. is hard on me.
  16. Ah. They could be other family members. Maybe as mentioned above Mom didn't agree with behavior but another adult(s) were okay with it.
  17. Yes. My dad doesn't wear his glasses anymore, or rarely. He claims he doesn't need them. He read this book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0517886049/ref=sxbs_sxwds-stvp_3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=2972357942&pd_rd_wg=6HbdI&pf_rd_r=HQYAKJN2KC5M085ZKSYK&pf_rd_s=desktop-sx-bottom-slot&pf_rd_t=301&pd_rd_i=0517886049&pd_rd_w=Djul2&pf_rd_i=null&pd_rd_r=A60V9XV6FQFKGMTS9FJ0&ie=UTF8&qid=1498498806&sr=3 I want to help dd see in 3D. We just found out she lacks depth perception. In the past couple weeks I have met with two optometrists and an ophthalmologist for the kids (they both just got glasses. One is very near sighted and one is very far sighted). I got the info for one on the COVD.org site. She does vision therapy (mainly with kids). My kids might need it. She gave me a facebook group to join on the topic and I want to get this book: https://www.amazon.com/Fixing-My-Gaze-Scientists-Dimensions/dp/0465020739/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1499277291&sr=1-1&keywords=fixing+my+gaze The author has a TedTalk, but I haven't had a chance to watch the whole thing so I don't know if it's just about seeing in 3D. You might want to check it out. Don't know about supplements, but I always hear about eating carrots. So I guess Vitamin A.
  18. At different times while attending university my sisters and I brought home guests. The guests got their own sleeping space. I remember one guy (sister's bf) sleeping on a futon in our office area. I brought a bf home before but my oldest sister had moved out by then so he slept in her room. I also brought home guests I wasn't dating (I think a girlfriend and guy friend came home for Thanksgiving with me. Their families didn't live in America) and I guess we had enough rooms or someone used the futon or pull out couch. I don't remember. I haven't read all the comments.
  19. That's kind of odd to me. I think it's time to add more information to the post. My dad is trying to sell some items and specified what buyer must do and that buyer must bring exact amount of money, no bills larger than X. All sales final or something to that effect.
  20. I'm guessing she told her kid not to do it, but the kids are getting on the roof without her seeing and then refusing to come inside or something like that? I think it might be best if she got some type of locks on the windows (I don't know if there's a kind that only she could open with a key or something) if she can't get her kid to cooperate.
  21. Yes. I actually thought the numbers were higher than these, though. http://www.ecs.org/kindergarten-policies/
  22. Sept. and K is not mandatory in my state. Most people don't know that, I don't think. I didn't at first.
  23. This isn't an answer to your specific question, but if you have an Apple store near you, see what classes they offer. Even if their Apple coding camp is full you may be able to attend one of their workshops. Ds went to one the other day. He got to program Sphero, a rolling robot ball. They just had the kids try to make the ball weave through a few rows of a maze. It was free. It was neat.
  24. Because you said funny, maybe Amelia Bedelia books. What confuses me is that when I was in a book store the other day the ones on display seemed to star Amelia as a child. I remember them being about an employee that mixed up commands. So, I don't know what's up with that... I may have to do some research lol. But in any case, they might both be geared toward that age group. Edited: oh, guess they are about the childhood Amelia. Haven't read any of those versions.
  25. I found this on Amazon. I don't know if this interests you. I'm wondering how it would work as a book trough. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015X65SRK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A126XMQLDNQXBJ&psc=1
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