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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Can she report this behavior to upper management? They might be very interested to know how their employees are being treated, especially if they are having trouble keeping any.
  2. Let her go. If she wants to look more professional have her do a two weeks notice. But given the situation I wouldn't even worry about the time frame. I would hate for her to endure that crap. My question, does she stand up to them? Does she respond? I mean, when they say, "why are you so lazy?" does she explain what happened? Or just give up communication at that point? This is not her fault, but I would try to get her to speak up for herself if she's not already doing it. I have been taken aback by comments in jobs before, but didn't always know how to respond in the moment. I know it must be jarring. I remember being ridiculed for asking for a break. I overheard the manager gripping about people being lazy or impatient to get their break, but little did I know at the time nor did she, that I must be hypoglycemic. Finally I decided that if I didn't get breaks when I should then I would just eat at the register even though it was prohibited. If I got in trouble I would explain that I _had_ to eat and their rule "breaks as business permits" was not going to work for me health-wise.
  3. Up until recently I only had chocolate from that list. Occasionally soda, but usually caffeine-free. I have never really been a tea/coffee drinker. Once in a blue moon I used to drink one tea from a vending machine but now it's really overpoweringly sweet to me. I have to be sick to try hot tea.
  4. Aside from padding maybe you could get something like a chair rail? Whatever it is that people have in dining rooms that prevents chairs from hitting the wall.
  5. Do inclusive dorms allow male/female in the same room or just the same hall?
  6. You also have to consider how are bathrooms designed in the dorms. One bathroom for the whole floor? Do they shower in a private bathroom or group bathroom? My dorm had a bathroom connecting two rooms. The other side of my bathroom was where my RA lived.
  7. I don't think it's about their comfort level as far as how the school handles it. I think the dorm has a rule to keep opposite sex out of the dorm for overnight stays. If one person has a penis and there's a "no boys allowed" rule, then I think that would cause a problem for the school. P could probably not currently stay in the male dorm if she has a vagina. I mean, if she appears to be a girl, that is what they will assume. I guess it would be best if they get in a dorm that is inclusive from the start. There was one dorm that had guys and girls, but I think maybe the dorm was cut in half or different floors had different genders? I remember sleeping over in my boyfriend's dorm room once. I had to sneak out without being seen. I guess they didn't take my ID that day? I don't remember how that happened.
  8. :hurray: congrats and yes beautiful family :)
  9. Ah she already picked out bedding and stuff. Maybe she will perk up once she sees it all on the new bed. I don't know if you can easily talk about finances with a child that young, but maybe "we don't have enough money for that" or something would get the message across. Or a comment on the construction. "It might break and we don't want that."
  10. How did she know about the other styles? Did she look over your shoulder at a computer or go to a store with you or something? I guess I would have tried to shield her from the other options if they were not on the table. No pun intended with the furniture reference. Oh well, hopefully you can distract her from the bed with other things. Maybe let her pick some new bedding? :)
  11. Some people use it as an acronym for "before anyone else." I still think it's stupid lol.
  12. I don't know if you can buy the keychains all year or just around the holidays, but last Christmas Santa gave ds a Wendy's keychain for a free frosty anytime with a purchase. I've been meaning to get one of the 50 cent frosties for myself! Sam's Club has these $1 frozen treats, but they are huge.
  13. I do not like grocery shopping, but dh rushes me if we go together and doesn't remember to use the coupons. Yesterday he got stuck at walmart because of a car repair and I told him there were coupons in the car on the front seat. He said he didn't see them and didn't use any. I said let me get this straight... you were stranded at walmart... why didn't you go back to the car to search for them? Sigh. He is mostly good at grocery shopping, but I'm the detail-oriented person. He's come home before with peelies (the sticker coupons) hanging off the product. LOL I'm like you should have redeemed that!
  14. I don't have to bring my husband his shoes but because he has back issues sometimes he'll ask me or the kids to fish his shoes out from under the bed if they get kicked under there. I'm like seriously just use the **** shoe rack.
  15. I'm still waiting for this to happen. My son is 9 and will starve himself or eat crackers before ever attempting to make a meal. He seems behind his peers in certain areas to the point where I wonder if he needs an OT eval, but when I brought something up before with professionals they were kind of dismissive. Dh tried to get him involved in cooking and he didn't have much interest. He left the room a lot. He's the type that if he tried to make a peanut butter sandwich (he doesn't like pb & j) he would probably holler at me because he had trouble getting the peanut butter out of the jar or he stabbed a hole in his bread trying to spread it. I don't have the patience for this right now and usually end up doing more than I should for him. We don't have a dishwasher so I can't have him help me unload or load. The other day I told him to microwave a meal for himself and he came to me to ask how long and I said, "read the box!" Ugh. He's a smart kid but sometimes I think he just lacks common sense. He will sometimes ask me to pour him a drink and I tell him he can do it himself but then if the item is hard to hold/very full he prefers me to do it so he doesn't make a mess. I have to harp on him most days to feed/water his cat. I literally have to lay out his clothes most of the time or he acts like he has no idea what to wear or pick out weird mismatching items and says he doesn't care lol.
  16. I went to a potluck the other day. I sold items at the consignment store and used some of the cash to pay for most of the potluck item. I added myself to a Subway text message list and got a free sub when the kids and I had to eat out. I hate it when we spend money eating because we're out but sometimes we just get stuck. I am going to try to pack freezer packs and sandwiches or something next time.
  17. When children are wandering around with runny noses or tugging on their privates and the parent doesn't react. Wipe their nose or see if they need to use the restroom. I'm over here wondering if this child is going to have an accident and it's stressing me out.
  18. Hopefully building friendships. We took a year off from homeschooling and have stayed in touch with a few families. I'm excited to see that we'll be back in the same groups as a few of them and hopefully can set up some hang outs even if they are outside of the group activities. Turns out I'm not the only mom of a child that has had trouble making friends despite trying brick & mortar school and being involved in other things. Also not having to leave the house before 8am every day.
  19. They looked similar to these: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Duncan-Toys-Juggling-Balls-Multicolor/26676735?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227018919536&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=40945671272&wl4=pla-78887485832&wl5=9058374&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=26676735&wl13=&veh=sem But I cannot tell if these have any weight to them. When I said throwing pins across the room I mean two people juggling to each other, sometimes with a person standing between them that they juggled around.
  20. I hung out with the juggling club in college :laugh: They had some soft balls with a slight weight to them. They would have you sit on the floor and begin with two. You never added the third til you got the hang of two. I never got really good, but I could juggle three. Meanwhile they were awesome and throwing fake bowling pins across the room. One of my friends took out his juggling set at work and juggled for tips before LOL
  21. My personal experience... when I was a kid apparently there was a neighbor that would come over that did this with her r's. My parents said I started copying her. So supposedly I started talking like Elmer Fudd ("wabbit"). I had some speech in school to address this. No speech since. Honestly I question if that's what really happened but the way my parents describe it, I didn't initially have issues. Now recently I had concerns with my toddler's speech. The ped said she may or may not have a speech issue, but to investigate it just in case (she was frustrated, having trouble communicating and doing a lot of pointing instead of trying to say words. Not saying as many words as they would like for her age). Okay so I contacted Early Intervention (she's 2). It took forever. First we did an intake form where I had to answer a million questions about developmental milestones. Then I was told to come back when the evaluation team was present. Then one of the people couldn't even make it to the appt but they had already made me reschedule twice. Alright so at least the person present was a speech pathologist. Thing is, she just asked me a bunch of questions from a check off list and had dd demonstrate some skills. Most of which had NOTHING to do with speech. In the end they said she didn't qualify for speech and I should call the school district when she turns 3 to see if she needs speech articulation help. Um ok? The speech pathologist didn't seem very concerned, but she also didn't hear dd talk a lot or look inside her mouth. Spoke to two other moms who live in different counties and they both said they took their kids to speech therapists and were told their kid was fine. At least one was still concerned so I suggested she go through the school system since last time she had gone through somewhere else. All this to say I would pursue it but not have high expectations.
  22. what did I miss? I thought she was just a car seat advocate turned car seat tech. That was my first time visiting that page. Inspections are free so where is the money?
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