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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. You can make a whole English show into a Spanish show, but I don't know if you can do that and make it have Spanish subtitles. I might prefer that than forcing myself to watch soap operas lol. Not sure how well they do their conversion, either. We have accidentally put an American show in French, for example.
  2. I hadn't really thought of this particular combination. I've only seen Spanish subtitles where the show was in English. So yeah, that does make sense. But I don't know if I could keep up with people speaking at a normal pace lol. I will try this. I'm afraid I will lack too many of the words being used, though. I feel like I have a lot of gaps in my knowledge.
  3. I still don't know it!! I've taken a few levels in high school, 3 levels in college, done up to level 11 in Duolingo, passed on Michel Thomas, did 14 lessons on Pimsleur. Oh and I'm pretty sure my frenum is physically preventing me from rolling my Rs. So I can't make "pero" and "perro" sound differently. :glare: My dad, on the other hand, is the only one in the family that's not part Mexican and he can speak it pretty well... he's got an ear for languages. Can hold a conversation in a few, has lived in countries where he got to use some of them. I am a visual learner. Most of the things I have dealt with rely too much on auditory. I feel the same way, though. I really want to learn it. I feel like I could help the church communities connect. I think I'm going to sit down with ds and do Getting Started with Spanish with him. He did some before, but it was stuff I already knew.
  4. No hook in a bathroom stall. I don't really want to put my purse or diaper bag on the floor. I guess that's sorta rational. And no, I don't want to try to wear it around my neck Lol.
  5. Of course but around here the cops pretty much always win so it's a waste of time. And if you go to court then you might be going to traffic school or something. At that point it's way more involved than at the point of the initial stop.
  6. I saw this discussed on facebook under an article. I guess it's more efficient to merge later, but in reality people aren't going to operate like the article. So I say merge sooner. I hate driving in general where lanes keep ending (not because of construction but because part of my drive there are like 4-5 lines, then 4, then 3. Ugh it's a navigating nightmare when I need to take an exit and can't remember what lane to be in. Should I get in the far right or will that lane end before my exit?) (edited: construction not traffic)
  7. But that's before you receive the fine. She already received it.
  8. I would want to know if it affected her for flying in the future. To me it's not just about the cost, but the hassle. I would probably just pay it and be done. Why did she have ninja stars? lol I know she forgot they were there, but is this a martial arts thing?
  9. I finally got in touch with my local 4H. They do intend to have archery!! This is not too far from my home. I would love this to be ds' extracurricular. He has a bow and target at home that dh bought (they haven't used yet). He might need another style bow later (according to the AIMS site they need a particular one). Also trying to touch base with Boys & Girls Club to see if they are functioning and what they have going on. But with co-op and other stuff I think we will have enough to keep us busy.
  10. If I'm understanding correctly, this is your dh's family? I would ask his opinion and have him broach the subject. 4 year old playing basketball doesn't really work. Sure he can try to dribble, but play horse or something? Not really. Not at regulation height.
  11. At Walmart the other day they tried to convince us to try store pick up for grocery. I had thought about it and think I even saw a coupon code online, but I wasn't sure how it worked exactly. She told me that you'd get a pick up time? Or maybe we call, heck, I already forgot. And that you don't have to get out the car. Anyway, she gave me a postcard with a discount code on it for $10 off. I told dh we should try it and use the code. Easy way to save $10. Ebates mailed me a $10 gift card for WM that will arrive within 30 days. I'm working on a $25 gift card from swagbucks for Sam's Club. The $25 one is discounted 12% so instead of redeeming now for $10 I'm waiting.
  12. I can't imagine looking through 30 books to settle on one. That is going to be tough to do online, too, so I guess searching the Amazon reviews, common sense media, and/or other sites like book depository reviews. We have never brought home a book specifically for dd from the public library yet (she's kind of destructive). She just looks at the ones we have. We have accumulated a good many (some from when ds was young, many second hand passed to us or new ones given as gifts. I'm not particularly worried about it twaddle I guess, though). We have a series of books with each letter of the alphabet. Yes, they are a bit ridiculous. But I like them. This is what they look like: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Complete-Set-MY-FIRST-STEPS-TO-READING-JANE-BELK-MONCURE-25-books-2-extra-/253062047601?hash=item3aebac6771:g:s7QAAOSw0hRZdoXl You see the white book that says "a" ... well they use a bunch of characters that start with a. Hence, the astronaut. Each book is about a child putting items into a box and things that happen during their day. Little "d" is about a girl that has a bunch of dolls. She makes clothing for her dolls, takes them on a ride, has a tea party. Honestly, I don't expect children to remember every book we read them so it's not super important to me if it's silly or not. I mean to me the point is to develop a love of reading right now, somewhat to begin learning phonics. But YMMV.
  13. :grouphug: I haven't BTDT but I don't think the crying thing sounds unusual.
  14. The other day I read on a Target ad that Cat & Jack clothing have a one year guarantee. I asked Target to explain how to handle it if you need to return an item. Do you take it back to Target? They answered me and said I can bring it back to Target and the guarantee is on all their clothes (I am guessing they mean their brands. I think Circo is one of theirs, too). Well this really excites me because ds ripped a pair of brand new Cat & Jack khakis the first time he wore them to school. He was wearing a uniform and I didn't want to send him back in those pants so I thought what a waste!! I found the pants and if I can find the receipt I'll get back what I paid in store credit or exchange. But if I can't find the receipt they said they will give me the value of whatever the lowest price was in the past 90 days. I bought these pants when I think they were $12? And now they are $9.98? Either way I'm just glad I found the pants! Lol. I bought the pants near the end of the year because his others were high water. So there's a chance I might have the receipt.
  15. I think the keychain was only $1! It was really cheap. It might be a seasonal thing. I'm not sure. I heard about it online I think and then just asked our store. I don't know if they even advertised it.
  16. I had to go through this recently with my 2.5 year old. I brought a stash of Color Wonder markers and books, but since he isn't into coloring (he might like those?? You just scribble and then the colors appear) maybe some blocks or something? I took her Magnatiles to the Apple store during ds' apple camp haha. That didn't seem to hold her attention long that day, but at home she has been using them a good bit. I like the Magnadoodle idea. I really want to get one. We have an etch a sketch but I think it's too difficult. You can hardly see what you're doing or control much.
  17. I think people will drive for entertainment. I know a few towns I've lived in did not have a bowling alley. Like where I live now. I think it's ridiculous I have to drive an hour to get to a bowling alley!! I used to be on a bowling league. My son has only bowled a handful of times (being petty here... I didn't enjoy taking him to the homeschool bowling group much as none of the adults bowled. I felt left out hahaha! and he couldn't really hold the ball so it was basically me lugging the ball to the line or propping it up on this device that looks like a slide for him to push it down). Movie theaters would attract me to a town, too. We currently drive 45 min. to go to a great theater. It's a nice theater and close to other shopping we do at least. When I lived in another small town I had to drive about 30 min? to a theater. It was in another somewhat small town and we'd really just see the movie and leave. It was an older style theater, no stadium seating. It was good enough, but nowadays I don't think dh could handle that style seating very well. He likes to sit in the row that has a big gap for legs and then a rail. I have made it a point to drive to a particular baby shop. I bought both my baby carriers there. They have stuff you could try on and a very knowledgeable owner. Competitive pricing. I was on vacation visiting family and then drove like 30 min to it? From here I wouldn't drive because it's too many hours away. I finished paying for my carrier online. They had a layaway program and then shipped it to me when I finished paying it off. I can definitely see how a maternity shop would appeal to people, too. There were a couple times I drove to one. And not all locations of Old Navy sell their maternity stuff in store. I lucked out that I found one that did so I could try on. Other things would interest me... kid-friendly places for example. Children's museum, some activity place (I don't know, indoor rock climbing, mini golf, etc.). Businesses that offer extracurriculars (martial arts, dance, art classes, archery, etc.). For an adult maybe an indoor shooting range, place with live music/good food (maybe even a Dave & Buster's type place. I've never been but they interest me). Currently I'm looking at all the types of things that interest my family and they are such a pain to get to. I think dh will work with ds on archery in the backyard.
  18. I'm guessing because a lot of stores inside the mall had shut down. The real issue I believe was the rent went up and businesses were leaving. The mall became more and more dead. I'm trying to remember if the movie theater in the mall was still open or not. The plan was to tear it down and put a Wal-Mart there. There were mixed reactions to that. Wal-Mart was in other neighboring towns, but for some people it would still be appreciated because less driving and keeping tax dollars in town. But for whatever reason the WM thing fell through. One dept. store if I recall correctly remained open (one of the stores on the end of the mall). So either they didn't fully tear it down and it's an empty shell with the one dept. store open or they tore down everything but that one store. I cannot remember. I visited the town a few months ago. Some stores probably become more obsolete over time as well. Like when I was a teen I spent a great deal of time in the record store. They also sold concert tickets there. There was a small book store. We didn't have a "true" food court in my opinion. There were a couple food places, but not even all side by side. One was a restaurant with its own entrance. When my sister worked at the cookie shop they baked them fresh daily. Another mall employee told me when I was visiting that things changed and the cookie shop saved leftovers and stored in tupperware. I don't know how long they kept them. I'm sure people's shopping habits play a role, but I do think if they had a Walmart or Target or something like that, people would definitely frequent it.
  19. to me the main thing in my rural town is the community college. I do not describe this as a college town, though. I have lived in what I describe as a college town, though. When I went to university I was surrounded by college age people. More businesses that catered to young people and such (bars, music scene, house parties, late hours at fast food chains, a 24 hour Walgreen's, text book store that wasn't affiliated with the campus, café that was constantly filled with college students, Sun. evening Mass followed by meal for the youth, etc.). I don't know what came first with that college town... like I don't know what the town was like prior to the college. I used to live in a small town that had a mall. We had that going for us. And now the mall has been torn down. A few new places have opened since then, but I feel like losing the mall really hurt the town.
  20. I can appreciate the sentiment that Tap has a lot going on, she's doing her best, doesn't want more to deal with. I was just trying to offer possible POVs since she asked questions. Everyone keeps saying, "she shouldn't have to do x, y, z. She has enough to deal with" but are we privy to whatever the boy is dealing with? Similarly he might be really depressed right now, worrying about his girlfriend and for all we know he's viewing Tap as future MIL whom he doesn't want to ruffle the feathers of by pointing out each indiscretion he sees. They do need to communicate better. It would be ideal if each could work on this. Honestly it sounds like one of those things where his girlfriend might have to relay the information but at the same time no one wants to make her middle man probably. Dh will not directly tell people, "hey I think you sound rude when you refer to me as 'big'" but he'll tell me if someone said something like that. To be honest, if he were to call people out on it, they might just mentally categorize him as, "too sensitive." Who wants that?
  21. I thought her comment about chicken implied that chicken has less iron. So, having her say, "yes, it does" when the nurse stated that chicken had iron didn't really change the fact that maybe she was implying it is inferior to beef as a source of iron. Lol So maybe the boyfriend heard, "well she was getting adequate iron but now she's eating less beef and more chicken, due to spending time at his parents' place." This is what I think happened internally. And I have not googled to see what contains more iron. Just a thought. Sometimes stating facts makes people defensive. "He's gay." *awkward pause* "Not that there's anything wrong with that." I mean I don't know if people still do that but I'm thinking back to Seinfeld again.
  22. how do you pick?! :wub: I ended up choosing the sleeping one.
  23. I thought Tap wanted a glimpse into his possible view of things. Not just a choir of "don't give into this manipulative guy" type posts. So he's putting motives where there aren't any on Tap's side and people say that's wrong. But lots of people are not offering him the same grace. How about we just say they are both having a big misunderstanding and need to clear the air. If Tap wants to be the bigger person she should maybe just say, "hey, I'm very direct. I don't have hidden meaning behind the things I say. If something bothers you, please let me know. I'm not always aware of how things may be perceived" or something to the effect. If saying that means she's walking on eggshells then I guess she can silently feel confused and frustrated. That's not really any healthier for them, really.
  24. A couple of us have stated that she could have supplied the nurse the info. without bringing the bf or his family into the conversation. I don't think what she said was wrong, but clearly there are ways to make it sound less about him and more about the girl's diet. examplet Dr: Have you been eating much protein Mom: My child has been eating at McDonald's a lot. Ordering cheeseburgers. Child: *embarrassed* Gee, Mom. Did you have to tell him I'm getting fast food? Nothing is WRONG with the conversation. It's just maybe not ideal to one of the people in it. Consider it walking on eggshells if you want. She asked what she can do. We answered. So do nothing. Don't be surprised if you get the same reactions.
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