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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. It's been too long since I've seen Three's Company and don't know if I ever knew that Jack was pretending to be gay, but now that you mention it, yes, that makes sense. I do remember them being nervous about the landlord. I don't care if the car had rainbows painted on the side, the employee shouldn't have thought what he did was okay.
  2. I can see that being the case in some areas. I think about TV where people make references to items, like a toaster (I think that's what Stanley carried into a wedding in The Office). I know $100 toasters exist, but I generally don't think of them costing that much. Same with gifts like blenders or other small appliances that newly weds might receive. For one of my relative's weddings I got a decorative plate with their family crest(s?). I considered it a nice gift and it was definitely under $100. I didn't actually attend the wedding so I don't know if that should affect the amount spent, but I wouldn't have changed my gift.
  3. My concern with caffeine late at night is more about trips to the bathroom all night (well, really that's my concern other times of day where it'd be disruptive like during a movie at the theater)
  4. I figured what the OP meant, but the mental image I had doesn't match the "limp wrist" mannerisms. What I really pictured was someone holding up wrists as if they were handcuffed and then jiggling them lol. Laughing to myself at everyone's point of reference for why they know these things. I have no idea where/when I first saw this type of thing explained. Just something you might see/hear people do, not necessarily from TV. I shouldn't laugh, but this is pretty much how I felt the last time we went to WM and probably other times! It was a Sunday and we were desperate. No one else was open. In fact, they didn't even answer their phone at WM's auto center, but we were close enough we made it there after dh used the fix a flat. They were pretty irked that he used it. Apparently it's a huge mess. But I don't know how else they expected us to get from point A to them. We got the fix a flat at some small automotive store when he tried to check the tire pressure.
  5. Also, maybe they weren't coffee drinkers so didn't know how to brew it or which brand to buy. Honestly, I would probably need dh to come to my rescue with that.
  6. Most weddings have cake, but I don't know if most couples think to include tea/coffee. It probably was an oversight, though.
  7. I read the same figure as you before it was edited. Maybe that figure was a mistake. I know my eyes popped out when I read that as while I believe things can get expensive, I never think of spending $100 as a requirement or expectation for a wedding gift (in my personal social interactions, at least).
  8. ooh maybe. I don't know, sometimes they are limited. They couldn't make my drink request at my cousin's wedding because they didn't have the ingredients. And when I first read the OP I thought she just meant there was some alcohol present so I wasn't thinking of the expense of people getting several drinks made. I was just thinking of a tray of wine glasses or cold beer. When they're out, they're out.
  9. They really wanted the bar, so they said to h*ll with the rest :lol:
  10. Yeah, I can see this. We did have soda at ours but I think they just threw that in there in place of the punch I requested. I don't think we even asked for soda lol. :glare:
  11. I don't drink tea or coffee. Like I have to be ill to force myself to drink hot tea. And I don't like sweet tea. My mom drinks hot tea. My in-laws drink sweet tea by the gallon. Dh likes coffee and tea. But, I don't think we had either at our wedding reception. I requested punch and it was not there. The catering people messed up. I don't associate chocolate and coffee. I do associate coffee and some desserts (coffee cake lol), but chocolate on its own, I wouldn't make the link. Maybe because I'm not a coffee drinker. Also, I would think about the weather. If it's hot, I wouldn't think to offer hot drinks. If I was a coffee drinker, yes, I would be disappointed. Maybe they wanted the drinks they had and the expense of adding coffee would exceed their budget.
  12. You could just sit in the same room and do a cross-stitch or knit or meal plan or iron or or or... just spending time together might be appreciated? I don't know if I should type, "ouch" but we use it along with other resources for our homeschooling. I don't like it for math, but we did use it for a chunk of language arts (you might be able to view scope & sequence without logging in). For an extra fee they will let you add a Rosetta Stone element now. We're accidental homeschoolers. I started with T4L and branched out.
  13. :ohmy: I had people attend my wedding who left before the reception. That was kind of disappointing.
  14. My thoughts exactly. Maybe pick slow shipping option if it's Amazon. Instead of prime 2 day shipping maybe I'd pick a slower rate just so it would arrive after shower :laugh:
  15. Thank you for sharing. I didn't even know the keyword "DSM-V" to search that stuff til now (google changed it to DSM-5, whatever that means). And I didn't even know about levels and how they were described. I hope this is a positive thing, that you think of it as some type of closure to the nagging questions (unless you need a second opinion or something is amiss). I started reading about the levels when you posted this thread. I can see how level 1 at least somewhat applies to my child and it made me go, "hmm."
  16. I ended up order the Teacher Planner linked up thread and the Small monthly planner (showed up as an add-on item on Amazon). For a year or so I bought the Blue Sky one, too. Before that I had one I really liked, but I think they discontinued it because I could never find it again. I like stuff with lines and adequate space to write down what we did or plan to do in class. For just remember events I can use the monthly one.
  17. There's definitely a range for kids in his grade. Like I said the summer reading list I shared for entering third graders had an assortment of series, which I think were not all the same reading level. I wouldn't worry too much. Do you know the curriculum? My son's school used Abeka.
  18. This thread has reminded me how disorganized our toys and such are. If I could get everything put away properly then it would be easier. Right now we can't find all the blocks, can't find all the crayons or markers, and can't find all the magnatiles. Magnatiles are harder to use than I thought they would be, too.
  19. Yeah, I can't imagine that someone entering first would need to read on Boxcar children level. I don't know if her sig is up-to-date. I clicked around some summer reading lists on the school site where ds went and for rising first graders they had stuff like Dr Seuss.
  20. What grade is he entering where they said they want him reading Boxcar Children? Ds was in third at a private school last year. I looked at their summer reading requirements to see what range of books they were expected to be able to read. Among the list was the I Survived series, Boxcar Children, Magic Tree House, Judy Moody, Horrible Harry and Emma Dilemma. I might have my child try Magic Tree House before Boxcar Children. They seem to be smaller and maybe a bit easier? Another series he read sometimes from the school library was Bad Kitty. I think they might have been shorter than Boxcar. I am not really familiar with the ones you mentioned. My son never read those.
  21. Because we don't feel as sorry for the middle aged man. He can make a run for it in the rain LOL! Fear was not really my concern. I was just thinking a middle aged man would probably decline or think I was weird or flirting with him. I'd think most able bodied men would decline on account of they don't want the woman to have to go in the rain twice. Unless you are heading the same way, you're just spending more time in the rain by escorting someone.
  22. Ohh then no telling where I originally heard it. Could have been either place! lol. Lived in Montreal and California.
  23. I lived on the west coast, too, but I guess our city didn't work with the song LOL
  24. Interesting. That would trip me up. Seems like a mouthful compared to "goose." When we were kids living in Montreal, Canada we learned this for Halloween. "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. Not too big, not too small, just the size of Montreal."
  25. are you sure? I mean, is this because you want to do face-to-face classes or some other reason? I have never done online classes, they don't appeal to me. But dh got his Master's online.
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