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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I may have shared the wrong video link earlier. I don't think the last one included this part. Fast forward to around 5 min. and they talk about how all the schools are equal. To paraphrase... the rich families go to the local schools and so their parents will want to make sure the school is great. And by having the rich and poor going to school together they are friends.
  2. I thought they told us ds' blood type as a baby? I don't know, it's a bit foggy now. I'm 99% sure I'm B positive. My dad has that book. I think I was pretty disappointed in the list of foods that were okay for me ha. What is the point in telling them? Well maybe they have a shortage of one vs another. Maybe they have two options for some people... universal donor O negative and whatever your actual type is? I think it would make sense for them to check again unless it was already on file.
  3. Maybe something came up where they were gifted money and wanted to pass some along.
  4. Maybe the ques. to be asking is what would happen if we got rid of all the private schools?
  5. I'm a landmarks person, but I like an address, too. I like current landmarks vs "used to be" stuff. I told dh I wanted the GPS with landmarks. I'm pretty sure that's a thing. But the one I have doesn't tell me anything like that. I really want to know in advance which lane to be in, too. We don't even have a street sign. I have told people to look for the street name on some of the mail boxes that have it.
  6. I cannot imagine how it would affect our area. Currently the public schools are getting ready to consolidate. I don't even know how that's going to work.
  7. Sight unseen? No, that would drive me bonkers. Actually, we didn't buy this home, but it was sight unseen for us both!! Talk about crazy. It's faculty housing and it came open at the last minute. I didn't even know what appliances it had. They told us 2 or 3 bedrooms but there's actually a mudroom so it was bigger than we expected which was a relief.
  8. I get cold easily. Dh linked me to an article about cold rooms being good. Ugh, not that cold. I wake up shivering most mornings. https://www.simplemost.com/science-says-sleeping-cold-room-better-health-because-body-heat/
  9. I don't think any of the females in my family used it (didn't grown up in the South, though) but I had a boss that I believe used it because I saw remnants of baby powder like by the cuff of her pants or something. My family was very particular about products, though. Dad made us bathe with a Shaklee soap (Basic H) sometime after sister had a bad reaction to bubble bath. These days I use stuff like the white Dove. I don't use those products, but I can see why people do. It's so hot and humid here. I feel like I need to shower if I just go outside for a short while. Last week I insisted on showering after taking out the trash lol
  10. I do not like it, either. I recently had to fax info for ds' upcoming doctor appointment. They asked for SS on the form. It was not on the front page and I knew they'd need it eventually so I finally gave it and put it on there. I followed up with the individual that needed it to make sure they received it. I just didn't like the idea of it sitting on top of their fax machine out in the open. Job applications, I cannot remember if the last ones I did required it. They may have. They were with schools and I felt more secure with those than say, a random place I have no knowledge about.
  11. Maybe easy to find but sounds like a pain to say LOL People get lost finding our house all the time. GPS doesn't find it. Half the time I order online it says "are you sure that's the address you want to use?" or "this doesn't exist" LOL. Luckily I can usually ship to the PO box or vice versa. Dh has put numbers on the house before. They flew off in a storm. He recently put up a new sign with outdoor tape. It fell on the first day! Ugh!! So much for not putting holes in the house. I'd just put numbers on a mail box but we're not allowed to put a mail box in front of our house??
  12. Lol I hate directions like that. My church put up a memorial for two nuns and said it was at ___ park. Well, the only park I knew with that name was in another town. I googled and looked on facebook. I could NOT find this park, except where it was mentioned in an article. But all I know is the town, not the address. So finally I just admitted to another parishioner... I don't know where that park is. So now I know. Recently a homeschool group said they are meeting for archery at some location I never heard of. It took several internet searches to find a street address. The guy hosting the group told people it was across from blah blah blah. Finally someone asked for an exact address and he said he didn't know lol. I posted the link to the thing I found.
  13. Those jerks, when you paste the code in it changes the prices. Otherwise it was $10 for the $25 gc (sale price). Then they slap you with a minimum you have to spend to redeem it. :glare: It doesn't expire so we can use it whenever though.
  14. Oh I see. Yes, I hope you can sell the other 9 or find something to do with them. I just cashed in my Pampers rewards for a $10 restaurant.com egift card. Maybe that will help us eat out soon. I did find at least one place on the list that sounded good (rib place). Somewhere I have a list of which places have kids eat free nights. We really need to plan out our trips to eat at those places on those nights lol. Typically those require you to eat out on a weekday and that's not easy for us with distance and dh's schedule and bedtimes. Like tonight might screw up their bedtime if they get home late, but at least it's a Friday night. Ugh it's so hard to find a good stylist and one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg! The last one I found was closer but I wasn't super happy with the cut. She didn't seem to believe me when I said one side was a bit longer.
  15. I got a text message saying a local store is collecting school supplies for TX. I admit I scratched my head a little. Are they going to package it up and mail it? Are the schools ready to accept stuff like that?
  16. It would never occur to me to use powder to remove sand. Is this your sandbox in your own yard? I would just use a hose if possible or a spray bottle and wipe feet in grass or a towel??
  17. How scary. I don't use it but dh uses that Gold Bond stuff. I don't know if that can cause issues. When ds was born the hospital confiscated the baby powder and said that we could not use it there because it is bad for baby's lungs. I never used it on my babies after that. I have used it in my hair on occasion (when I was leaving the house in a hurry and roots looked a little greasy). Yikes.
  18. Dh got a full refund for the tire fiasco last month. Still thinks one tire says it's low but we'll probably just take it somewhere else. It was a nightmare. I recently learned that you can pay 3 months at a time for time4learning.com to save money. I will ask dh when we can do that option because even though you pay more upfront, you are paying less in the long-term. Currently we pay approx $20/mo. for the site. The discount means about $45/3 months. Our next billing cycle won't come up til the end of Sept. so maybe we can do it then? Ds started doing tutoring with a college student. We pay her in food. I try to find stuff on sale. She is gluten-free for medical reasons, but apparently okay with someone else cooking it in their kitchen? Last night we gave her gluten-free pasta to eat (made sure the sauce was GF). I have a few boxes of different pasta here, all purchased on sale. Need to see what else I can buy. The school cafeteria has really nothing she can eat besides like salad. The main reason he's doing the tutoring is because I can barely accomplish one-on-one work with him. Also, sending him to the library to meet with someone means he's more likely to stay on task. The toddler is the Energizer Bunny and has not been napping. Or you know, wants to nap around dinner time. I've been shopping for baby showers lately, but cost isn't bad. The latest one I got invited to I found items on the 75% off rack in ToysRus/BabiesRUs. Five onesies for $2.50. I clipped some digital coupons and have some paper coupons I would like to use this weekend, but not sure if that will happen. Apparently Family Dollar has a spend $25 save $5 deal right now, but I have to locate the coupon or I'm not going to spend the $25. Dh thinks that this huge jug of laundry detergent he bought during a fundraiser will last six months. That seems optimistic to me and it's not even my preferred detergent. The one I want to get at FD will be $6 for a large bottle (without requiring the $5/25 coupon) and is the brand I normally buy. Pampers are on sale at both FD and DG so I plan to buy some of those. They will come out to $6/bag after digital coupons. I haven't done the math to see if it's better at Sam's Club where they don't take coupons, but I know $6 is a good price for them. Dd is not wanting to cooperate with potty training. It's like she's regressed. I started using TopCashBack. There's a bigger payout than ebates on a lot of stores. No minimum before you cash out. Still using swagbucks. I'm 137 points shy of my $25 Sam's Club gift card. Dh is like a nickle away from his next ibotta gift card. Went to GameStop recently. Got a shirt for myself on clearance and the guy said it was buy one get one half off. I picked out one for my BIL as a Christmas gift. When I got to the register he said that instead of half off it gave me the second shirt free. I keep an eye on brickseek for deals, too. That's how I found a SW lego figure on sale. At this rate I will be done Christmas shopping quite early. Dh is stressing about money but he's the one that wanted to eat out tonight. I hope I talked him out of it, at least paying for a sit down place. He took the kids grocery shopping with him and they will inevitably need to eat something. When I do that I am cheap and give them a lunchable or something else cheap lol. Dh's pay and hours fluctuate different times of the year so we really shouldn't be spending much now. Hopefully no major expenses. Our flex spending plan restarts in Sept. so we've moved a few dr appoints to Sept. (we already got all the money back we could from last year's cycle). Last time we collected receipts and got reimbursed. This time we opted for the cards so I think I'll just hand the card over and not have to pay out of pocket? I need to double check. Ds has an appt. (no insurance taken there) next week. hjffkj, I hope you can find someone to buy the old cabinets. Dh and his coworkers just did a process to spruce up old furniture in their library. It came out pretty well. They did this technique to make the counter top look like marble and the sides look like wood. They also added some of that tile with the sticky back to a portion of what is their new circ. desk
  19. I posted about food grade DE in a couple threads. I cannot find the thread with the links to the amazon product listings but I will dig them up out of my Amazon history if you need them. Here's one former thread on the topic. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/621587-de-for-fleas-really-works-or-orkin/?hl=%2Bfleas&do=findComment&comment=7163080
  20. I think that's awesome. I'm just not sure how one charges a car that normally plugs in when there is nothing to plug it into. Like how does that work with the solar panels. Do you have to charge A with solar panels and then plug car into A? Or what? I don't get it. If you didn't have the generator or any gas.
  21. I have very mixed feelings on this because I think the one piece shower things are made of a bad for you plastic (probably PVC). But I LOVE the ones that don't have ANY caulking. I hate caulk! More than I think I hate grout. I hear you on the tile/grout thing. No thank you! We have had this tub recaulked a few times and it never seals properly. There is probably mold underneath now. It's the only bathroom in the house and it has no ventilation. We doubt they will install a fan for the room. We cannot open the windows, they are painted shut. It's a mold nightmare. I waited as many hours as I was instructed before using the tub after caulking but that clearly wasn't long enough or they didn't use the right type of caulk or whatever. Ugh. So anything that means less caulking is idea from a cleaning perspective.
  22. Good idea. Maybe he could offer to work shifts people don't want or stay late or whatever to compensate. Especially if other staff members worked extra hours. Even if they didn't work extra hours, they may have had to do more work if they were short staffed.
  23. Sorry, I quoted the wrong one and had to fix it so the time stamp is off on the quote. I just meant what do you do if the whole town is dealing with a power outage. Then the local charging stations aren't useful. But I guess some people might have a way to create power as mentioned up thread. I don't know if everyone has that just because they have an electric car. I'm not saying they are better or worse off than someone with a car that requires gas. I am just wondering what people do if the whole town runs out of power. I guess they try to hitch rides or create energy. I have no idea how any of that works, how to harness the energy, etc. I don't know enough about the area to say if those that have short commutes are lucky or not. I mean I'm sure luck has something to do with it, but also being particular about where you move when you get a job. Like, if at all possible I would like to live near my job. Mainly why I homeschool right now LOL. To work I'd have to commute and at the end of the day I'd be spending a lot on gas, child care, etc. Dh, on the other hand, can walk to work.
  24. If you have a Family Dollar or Dollar General look at their new Pampers coupon. $3 off digital coupon at each store. Makes the diaper bag cost approx $6 at each store. Diaper count varies from size to size, but I know this is less than I've paid for that size bag in Walmart even with a man. coupon. I noticed they had some Arm & Hammer detergent on sale and some other items. Just look at your local online ad. Most digital coupons are man. coupons so you won't be able to stack with prinables. Dollar General has a $5 off when you spend $25 on Saturday you can clip. I don't think I need $25 worth of items, though.
  25. But what if you run out of power? How do you charge the electric car?
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