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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Praying here. My 2nd son is a Marine - I know that feeling. Hoping you hear from him soon. :grouphug:
  2. You're sweet, Nakia! I guess it's obvious I know Nakia and I've met SWB. I've talked to KariC on the phone. I don't have time to be a troll!
  3. :grouphug: I can't imagine trying to live there. I would be busting my but to find somewhere else to go. Could you rent a small, furnished apartment? I could deal with not enough space, but not the drama and chaos.
  4. I voted 0-2 hours. I used to be on a whole lot more, but somehow life has gotten extremely busy lately and I just don't have the time to goof off I used to have.
  5. For me it was canned milk, water, and a little Karo syrup. This was the 60's.
  6. What Nakia said. I tend to refer to myself as a Christ-follower. The word "Christian" is used by many people I would rather not be identified with.
  7. This year makes 16 years. My oldest began homeschooling in the 4th grade, his younger brother was going into the 3rd (they had bumped him up a grade in ps).
  8. I do this too. I also have left littles in the car with teenage siblings.
  9. 2001: A Space Odyssey with my sister and her boyfriend (now her dh). They took me on their dates when my sister had to watch me. I was only 5 and I remember not understanding a thing. The first kid movie I remember seeing - Snow White.
  10. Hi all! I've been AWOL on here for a while due to having to deal with some tough stuff IRL. I finally feel like I can breathe again and even feel like it is all going to work together for good . . . You know, when we decided to have kids we wanted CHILDREN, not adults. We didn't think about the fact that they're going to grow up. :001_smile:
  11. I haven't been on here lately because I've been in my own "mourning mode." But I just had to come on here and tell you it will be okay. Go ahead and let yourself be sad for a while. Everyone will adjust and life goes on. It will all work out.
  12. My dh and I are both righties, but do a lot of things left-handed. Of our natural children, two are right handed and two are lefties.
  13. My first was induced because of pre-eclampsia and 21 hours later, I had a c-section. My OB with my second would not consider a VBAC and so he was a scheduled c-section. With my third, my OB was okay with a VBAC and he was THREE WEEKS OVERDUE before they finally induced - 22 hours later I had my third c-section. Fourth was scheduled. Other two were adopted. So I have never gone into labor on my own and had four c-sections. My son who was three weeks overdue weighed 8.8 and was 23 inches long. He was past ready for sure. My other babies were much smaller. I would see if your dh could go back to work and reschedule his time off. Is that possible?
  14. You could do it that way and it should work, but what about waiting until 11th or 12th grade to do Ancients/Medieval? We cover US/Modern history in 9th and 10th for that reason. There is a huge difference in ability and maturity in a 9th grader and 11th grader (especially boys).
  15. I am the youngest of three, but my sisters are 9 and 12 years older than me, so according to Ms. Ellie's post I am a firstborn.
  16. There is no way I would let my 9yo go away with anyone else for that long - even family. The water safety issues and extended family there that you don't even know makes it an even bigger no for me.
  17. Just wanted to say I am jealous. If it wasn't 4 hours one way from Asheville, I would come.
  18. Chris, I tried to pm you, but your box is full. I am looking for an answer to the same question. I don't want to go into details on here, but you already know some of it. It has gotten worse and is going to be coming to a head tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. my time. I just wanted to offer :grouphug: from someone else who is hiding in the closet to cry today.
  19. My last birth was at the age of 35. We knew he would be our last because of some health problems, but we adopted (again) 9 months later. If health wasn't an issue, I would say 45 would be the oldest I would want to be pregnant.
  20. I would not change a thing about the way we adopted. We adopted through private adoption attorneys both times. We got our girls when they were two days old right out of the hospital. They are a different race than we are (we specified that we did not care what race they were) and anything other than a white newborn in the US is considered "special needs." Go figure.
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