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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I'll be interested to see the responses as I'm right there with you. There is a funny book called Living Somewhere Between Estrogen and Death by Barbara Johnson. Like I said - not informative, just funny.
  2. Good for you! I know you are relieved to finally have him at his destination.
  3. Goodnight Moon (find the mouse!), Runaway Bunny, anything Dr. Suess, and anything with their name in it! (Where the Wild Things are for my Max, Olivia books for my Olivia, etc.)
  4. Still trying to figure out what that means exactly.
  5. Don't know how to do it (my son set it up), but telling you it is wonderful to be able to sit anywhere in the house with my laptop and print! I love this.
  6. Have the same problem with my son in the Marine Corp (but he loves books). How about a used hand-held gaming system? You can usually get them from gaming stores for what you want to spend. I know my son's request ALWAYS is razor blades. Gilette Mach 3 to be exact. They issue them all this razor and they can never get the blades (but they're required to shave of course). I think I sent razor blades every two weeks when he was in Iraq. Even now, he's in Japan and still asks me to send them. Good luck - and I'll be thinking of you as you send your son off - I know how that feels.
  7. This link is more Bible "study" than devotional, but you might take a look: http://www.biblestudyplanet.com/studies/kids.aspx
  8. I'm sorry - I would be stir crazy too. I have the opposite problem. Yesterday was the first day in over a month I didn't have to go anywhere. It was heaven! I would reconsider the big van. We drove one like that for a while (an old one), and since we have gotten rid of it my little ones have actually missed it! Most people don't really notice or care what kind of car you drive.
  9. Drop something else, but keep the grammar.
  10. I think it's part of being female. Personally, I have to remind myself that I simply CAN"T be and DO everything. Our youngest daughter needed speech therapy and I knew that was one thing I simply could not do, but our insurance did cover it.
  11. I try to read my Bible while the dc are doing their Bible study in the mornings. I want them to see me reading it, and know it is important to me. My prayer times have changed throughout the years with the ages of the children. Lately, I seem to wake up about 1:00 or 1:30 wide awake (premenopause my Dr. says) and I take that time to pray. I don't know if it's premenopause or a habit I got into when my second son was in Iraq - I would wake terrified for him and knew the only thing I could do was pray. I pray as I go during the day also and make sure that when the dc have a problem, we ask for wisdom and pray about it.
  12. This link has movies (some reviewed) for every time period: http://www.vernonjohns.org/snuffy1186/movies.html
  13. I assign the children historical fiction in whatever time period we are studying and try to line up when they will finish their books (they have a set amount to read every day) with when we plan to move along. Our read alouds usually do not have anything to do with our history.
  14. I try to read at night or before the kiddos get up in the morning. When we are schooling, I have to be present for that. I can't really do anything else. I am terrible at doing more than one thing at a time - can't do it.
  15. 18 years and based on my youngest daughter's grade, 9 to go.
  16. My three youngest children are currently reading through these, but I do not use the teacher guides. We just read/discuss.
  17. I have used the above links, as well as this one: http://www.spelling.hemscott.net/#cons
  18. We haven't read A Place in the Sun, but all four of my boys loved, loved The Golden Goblet.
  19. Both my parents worked when I was growing up, my sisters were already grown, so I was kind of "on my own" after about age 12 or so. I knew I wanted my children to have a different experience than I did, and actually have their mom around.
  20. Because the Excedrin contains caffeine, and while it may relieve the symptoms at first, it could possibly cause the migraine to come back more intensely. I'm not sure about the Imitrex, but I know that Imitrex was not approved for children while Avert was.
  21. My 10yo son has migraines. He goes to a pediatric neurologist for them. He told us to never use Excedrin Migraine - plain ibuprofen instead. There is also a new prescription drug called Avert that we have found works well. He also told us to never let him have caffiene or artificial sweeteners. Are you watching what you eat before you get a migraine? They can be triggered by nuts, chocolate, bananas, cheese, and smoked meats.
  22. One of my daughters is a competitive gymnast and trains 12-15 hours a week. My other daughter is in the city ballet and jazz companies and is at dance for about 12 hours a week (more if there is a performance coming up). There is no way they could go to ps with their schedules. That is not the reason we began homeschooling (16-17 years ago), but they would not have been able to follow their passions if we had not.
  23. This makes me very uncomfortable and my kiddos would not be participating if they were in ps. Things like this make me sad for parents who have no choice but to send their dc to public school.
  24. I didn't read the original post from Jane in NC, but I do have a son in college pursuing his PhD in History. He is never going to be rich, but the way his face lights up when he is talking about history lets me know he will love what he does. That is more important to him - and me.
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