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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Congratulations!!! You definitely deserve a celebration. 🎉 Sorry your husband isn't being supportive.
  2. I like both of these better than the real thing! 😄
  3. Or that there's a tiny piece of fuzz floating in it. Not acceptable!
  4. My 16 year old cat is the same. As soon as she wakes up, she yowls until someone comes to find her. She used to come looking for us, now she stays and meows till we come to her! It's not fun during Zoom meetings and really not fun at night!!!!! She's been to the vet and there's nothing that's significantly wrong, other than generally old age arthritis and stuff. I do think she's not seeing or hearing well anymore.
  5. That's great and all, but he should have promoted the vaccines every. single. day. Not just mentioned it here and there. And not simultaneously showed callous disregard for spreading the virus by having huge rallies where people crammed together unmasked, and constantly made fun of masks... he promoted the vaccines when he thought it would benefit his image, not because he cared about how the vaccines would benefit other people. That's probably too political but I don't care.
  6. Yes. Sure. I am grateful to EVERYONE who had a part in making this vaccine happen. I don't have to like everything about certain politicians, but I don't care who gets credit for this, just that it happened is enough for me.
  7. People in India and Brazil and Africa and all over the world are desperate to get the vaccine, and here in the USA there are all sorts of suspicions about how it's being used to "control" people, making them magnetic, secretly inserting microchips, etc. So many people have suffered and died. Why are more people not jumping for joy that brilliant scientists have finally gotten us out of this mess? Wondering if these sorts of things are happening in other countries, or if it's a phenomenon unique to the US.
  8. That's great! Elementary is awesome 😎 My 3rd graders crack me up on a daily basis, and they still do things like write notes that say "I love my teacher." 😍
  9. Yuuuuuck! Also, if someone with celiac does react to it, that's a MAJOR bummer.
  10. Hooray! Doing a happy dance for all of you!
  11. Does it need to be labeled? Could it just be called "enzymes"? I see that on labels...
  12. Well, that's thoroughly disgusting! What about things like GF salami, deli meat, etc? I eat that stuff all the time.
  13. In the comments of a big newspaper here in Maine, everyone is asking, "But how many people that got hospitalized/died were VACCINATED?" I think it's a valid question. Everyone wants to know if the vaccines are working. I think it would go a long way to make it very clear somehow that X% of the new cases were from unvaccinated people, and X% were from vaccinated people. I'm sure the difference would be very stark. It seems like people don't know just how effective the vaccines are.
  14. I met an interesting older gentleman at a farmer's market yesterday. He had a booth sharpening knives and other tools. He told me about his younger years when he had his own window washing business working for customers on the coast of Maine. He didn't say so, but I assume he made big bucks because of the wealthy summer people here. Anyway, he said he had so many customers, he made it a point to "fire" two of them every year. Now, there are only a handful of people who do window washing in this area, and they're in high demand. I thought it was interesting to consider professions that are always needed, but that not so many people want to do these days.
  15. I wonder what percentage of those tested were positive, since not all 3.3 million were tested. Still, very encouraging!!
  16. Well, Maine's Gov just said she's dropping the mask mandate for all. I don't get it. So a week ago people unvaccinated should still mask, and now they don't have to? Wondering what this means for schools and businesses.
  17. I think you could manage LiPS with just the manual, as long as you have some reading intervention experience. You have to thoroughly understand the manual. It's a dense read, but it's doable.
  18. The more people who choose not to get vaccinated, the more chances the virus has to mutate, creating variants. That's what I'm really worried about. Eventually, one of these variants may make even the best vaccines less effective, or even completely useless. So it's not really true that people choosing not to vaccinate has no effect on vaccinated people.
  19. Well, that's what I was thinking.... that vaccine side-effects are likely to be less bad than most illnesses, including Covid. And at least the worst side-effects of the vaccine are less bad than the worst side-effects of Covid.
  20. So you think that Covid for a kid would be what, exactly? Asymptomatic, or a mild fever, mild cold-type thing for a few days? And the vaccine side effects are worse than that, or last longer than that?
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