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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Oh my gosh. I don't have any of those! My house must be pretty disgusting 😂
  2. I don't think so. I think the CDC is trying to incentivize people to get vaccinated by demonstrating how it's better to have protection of a vaccine than no protection (or less effective protection of masks/distancing).
  3. Yes. And those cause spread, too. A person with a false negative goes to work, and a person who tested negative today but would test positive tomorrow, goes to work. Spread. Nobody here is saying that the tools available to us are perfect. They are tools in the toolbox. The more you use at once, the more protection there is. Of course one can debate if it's worth using every single tool (like now we know masks aren't needed outdoors most of the time), but nobody's saying that there is just one perfect tool and the rest are garbage.
  4. A person can be concerned with more than one thing at the same time. I'm concerned about the things you stated above, as well as masks, as well as other things. Simultaneously. This thread happened to be about just one thing of concern.
  5. The way I see it, if I'm not vaccinated, I'm eventually going to catch covid. So either way, I'm rolling the dice on side effects - side effects from the virus, or side effects from the vaccine. The worst thing that would happen to me with the vaccine would be what happened to your husband, a week of feeling miserable. The worst thing that would happen to me with actual covid is getting hospitalized or dying. So, I'm going to pick the thing that has the least chance of a serious side effect.
  6. I would go with Wilson. They have an assessment so you can see what the student is missing. You could buy that ($30) and then buy the other materials based on the results. You could do it with the teacher's manual, the student readers at the right level, the student workbooks at the right level, and the sound cards. It will end up being a couple hundred bucks overall. I know what you mean about him just not knowing what sound the letter combinations make. Kids with SLDs in reading don't naturally pick up that "igh" makes the long I sound just from reading many "igh" words. They need to be explicitly taught, over and over (and over) again until it's solid. This seems to surprise a lot of teachers I've worked with, but it's perfectly typical for kids with reading difficulties. Don't skimp on having him spell. Practicing spelling is probably the best way to improve reading.
  7. Even so, that's 70-80% that are symptomatic. I can understand your husband not wanting to get another shot since he reacted badly, but for someone like me who had nothing other than a sore arm, the vaccine was no big deal. I don't know anyone who has reacted as badly as that, and I've probably talked to 20+ people about their experiences. The worst I heard from someone IRL was a 24 hour fever/blah. I wonder if there is any connection between reacting strongly to the shot and the possibility of reacting strongly to the real virus.
  8. That's a lot better than missing weeks to months for getting wiped out by catching the real virus.
  9. We used Old Dominion for moving cross country once, and they were great. Not sure if they're in either of your areas.
  10. I agree with this, if it's within your budget. Cross country moves are already so stressful, lessening the work is worth the $$ if you can swing it.
  11. I think this would have been better, too. And then schools could have the same benchmark, which I think would motivate a lot of people that don't want their kids masking in schools.
  12. Exactly. And in a pandemic... why would we not do something we know is helpful? Particularly something that, for most people, is no big deal.
  13. I'm so sorry. I'm with you, a single mask in a store would feel like freedom. Today I listened to an interview with Rochelle Walensky, the CDC head. Listening to her made me feel more confident about the efficacy of vaccines - like... yes, once vaccinated you actually are safe to do stuff! - so I think I'll feel pretty good about going to stores, masked, or to work. I'm not looking for crowded, indoor, unmasked events, but I never really did that pre-pandemic anyway. When you're all vaccinated, will you feel comfortable hanging out with vaccinated friends? That would make life a lot better.
  14. Well, that's certainly true. The housing market is insane right now. I see it here all the time with out-of-staters buying up even the crappy houses and fixing them up, leaving no houses for people of average means.
  15. Ha! I wish. I guess I should have said, I'd 100% do everything in my power to move.
  16. I'm sorry, this is awful! If I lived where people didn't mask, I'd 100% move.
  17. I'm vaccinated and planning to wear a mask at any indoor place - grocery store, etc - and even outdoors with crowds - like at farmer's markets - for a long, long time. I don't have any plans to stop. However, I'm concerned that people will think I'm an anti-vaxxer. Hopefully they'll just figure I'm extra cautious.
  18. Agreed, you're right, celebrate!! Your daughter will remember this. 🙂 Congratulations!
  19. Yes, this! When I don't sleep well, I feel so down. Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually depressed, and then I remember that I haven't been sleeping well. All is better once I finally sleep. Dealing with poor sleep all the time would be so terrible, and I feel for anyone going through it.
  20. Which has been happening over and over this whole time, so I fully agree with you!
  21. I don't know that I've ever said it out loud, but in my head it's: sawls - burr - ee. Edited: This is b/c my mom is from Massachusetts. I got a chuckle out of this:
  22. This is my question, too. 🙂
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