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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. She was totally fine with it (at least, she seemed so), which was nice.
  2. So I'm feeling like a major curmudgeon tonight. I have a really small house and I don't like it when people come to stay with me because it's 1,000 sq feet with one bathroom. I get all squirrely and claustrophobic. The other day a friend called and said she was planning to be in my area. I asked if she was spending the night, and she was like... yeeesssss? And I told her that I'm not doing guests anymore because of the aforementioned small house and curmudgeonly nature. But now I feel like a total jerk! I don't feel bad enough to offer an invitation though... but still. I did offer to get her a nice hotel room. Sigh. I wish I was more jovial and welcoming to guests. I felt like we were good enough friends to be honest, so I was, but it felt weird.
  3. I know lots of kids who take this with good results. It does mess with appetite, like mostly all ADHD meds. I think most of my students on meds eat a big breakfast, take the med, skip lunch or only eat a bit, then eat a big dinner.
  4. That's what I'm wondering about myself, too. I work in a school. I mask, but only a handful of people are. I go into stores, masked, but again, most people aren't masking.
  5. I'm sure this is true. Databases for most big organizations are a mess! It's a ton of work to fix, so people just keep patching issues when they come up. But you're right, it needs to be done.
  6. No, I don't, sorry! For some reason I assumed home test, because she tested negative on both of the two days prior.
  7. I'm sorry you're feeling crummy. A neighbor of mine told me that she didn't test positive until day 3 or 4 of feeling slightly ill.
  8. You can get reusable pods that you fill yourself. Works great!
  9. Thanks everyone! I'm super busy finishing the year but I can't wait to come back here, read your suggestions, and digest everything!
  10. I'd really like some materials to specifically target comprehension.... I remember at one of my old schools they had a book series that had different categories... inferencing, predicting, etc... I seem to remember they were smaller and thinner than regular books. (Good clue, I know! Sorry...) Writing is always difficult. Most of the paragraph or multi-paragraph writing materials are either way too wordy and busy, or too "cute," or too.... extra. Something super slimmed down and basic would be amazing.
  11. Hooray, my SpEd budget got a one-time boost of $2,000! I need to spend it on "instructional supplies" by the end of June. My students range from K-8, with mostly very typical needs in reading, writing, and math. I'd like to get some "general" things that could be used with many students. I can use my regular budget for things specific to individual kids. Any wish list items you'd recommend or love to buy?
  12. And just remember... there's nothing wrong with being a cat lady!! 😄
  13. Aww, so cute! I know what you mean about the napping being contagious. My cat usually sleeps on top of me in bed... and now when I'm just watching TV on the couch, I start to fall asleep if she sits on my lap! It's getting ridiculous! Your kitties are so sweet.
  14. Oh, that sounds so awful. I didn’t have the fainting, but I did have awful cramps and would almost throw up. I was useless for about 8 hours on the first day of my period. The nurse practitioner had me take ibuprofen 3 days before my period. That helped a lot. It’s tricky if the periods are irregular though... you don’t want to be taking ibuprofen for 8 days each month or something. I recommend using something to keep track of when she has her periods.
  15. We were going to have a neighborhood party, first annual, but it's supposed to rain today so we're postponing till next weekend.
  16. Sore throats are so tough. I frequently get sore throats that come and go, lasting for a few hours here and there. I haven't been testing each time because that would be a LOT of testing. Ugh. I wear my mask at work and in stores. I wonder if one of those times it could have been covid? I'm so OVER analyzing every little symptom. Bleargh!
  17. Ugh. Seems like everyone is getting Covid. My small school has so many staff out that it's getting hard to cover all the classrooms. 😢
  18. Aww, that's so upsetting. I noticed that the dry food you've been giving her is not grain free, but the wet food is. I suggest switching to fully grain-free. Corn and rice can be really hard on cats' guts. Although... plenty of cats obviously do fine with it, so who knows, but it's something to try! How old is she?
  19. Very, and soooooooo overloaded that they probably don't have time to dig as much as they might want.
  20. This. Kids can struggle and still not struggle "enough" to qualify for special education. Like anything else (swim team, science olympiad, etc), there are criteria to qualify. A tough part of being in special education is seeing kids who struggle, but who do not qualify for special ed. In those cases, the classroom teachers and the school are supposed to provide interventions - like RTI (response to intervention) - which are still good interventions but aren't regulated in the same way as special education. Unfortunately, if every kid who struggled qualified for special ed, there would be like 40% of kids in SpEd. The goal is more like 10% in SpEd, and in most places, it's creeping up to 13, 14, 15%. Long story short, schools are supposed to intervene in other ways for kids that are in the other 25% that struggle but don't qualify for SpEd.
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