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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. I also like Frankie better. But... I think you could do better 😄 Get those Chacos!
  2. Dang those are cute and I like Chaco too. Do you find they get dirty quickly being canvas and light? I have two pairs of these Chacos. They are AWESOME!!!!! Super cute, super light, comfy. I have a tan pair and light gray. I don't notice them getting particularly dirty. BUT you can throw them in the washer and dryer. Even if you don't get them for your current outfit, I recommend owning them just because 🙂
  3. That's great it's not cancer. Phew!! Major relief. Still, you're feeling horrible. Why oh why won't they test for autoimmune? That seems crazy. I hope the new antibiotic helps soon...
  4. I haven't read anything here. I can't handle it. Just wanted to say that I'm a teacher, and if this happened at my school, I would never set foot in a school again. Or, maybe, any public place. Armed teachers or security officers wouldn't help in a situation like this because it happened too fast. Seems like every community in every state will have to have a shooting before we can get our $%*# together and get rid of the guns.
  5. Oh man! That sounds miserable. Was it a parotid gland the other times, too, maybe? If so, seems strange that it would be at tumor, since it's come and gone a couple times before. Dr. Google says parotid tumors are usually benign, in case it's actually that.
  6. I hope your job hunt goes well! Are you staying in teaching, or trying to do something different?
  7. Building friendships is on my list to do, also.
  8. My DH is the same! For years I've just gotten frustrated with it, but maybe I need to figure out a system for him. I keep waiting for HIM to create his own system, and it's clear that THAT will never happen. I need a way to make him a system (us a system) and have it not seem like I'm dictating/patronizing. There's a lot of baggage though. Like, I learned how to cook, clean, grocery shop... "on the job" when we moved in together. I do things b/c they need to be done. WHY can't he do the same?
  9. Aww, thanks!! That's such a nice offer. We'll be OK now. Thank you though!! ❤️
  10. I think it's just warm enough outside that it'll be over the temp. Oh well.
  11. It's been.... more than a while since I've cleaned out the fridge. I guess today's the day!
  12. Thanks - me too! Just bought a dozen eggs on Sunday 😒
  13. Thanks! Yes, lost it last night. The wind was so strong and the snow is soo heavy. No stove. Eek! I have a friend that has the teeniest wood stove. I'd like to get something like that, someday. Power set to return at 2, fingers crossed!!
  14. We've been without power for about 14 hours. The CDC website says food in the fridge is only safe for 4 hours. It really warms up that fast? Eek! Do I have to throw away fruits and veggies, cheese... or just meat/eggs? CDC says 48 hours for a full fridge, and 24 for a half-full fridge. I'm not sure how full mine is... Wah! I hate not having power. Small problem, I know...
  15. No advice, just sending support. You're so kind and helpful to people on here. I hope you can get what you need, too! You deserve better. ❤️
  16. Oh no. Sending hugs. Is your mom the artist?
  17. I was fired from a job once. Like you, I was totally shocked. I knew there were things I had to improve on, but I had no idea that they were considering letting me go. My boss was surprised that I was surprised at the news. He said, "I should have made it more clear that your job was in jeopardy unless you got better at X, Y, and Z." And I was like... Yes, you should have! Thanks for having this realization now 🙄 Aren't hospitals having lots of staff shortages? You'd think that mentoring and supporting new staff to retain them would be a priority. Maybe they're just too busy to do that.
  18. I agree with others that your workplace failed you, not the other way around. I had no idea that sonography was such a crazy busy and stressful occupation. Is it like that everywhere, or just urban hospitals? Ugh. So sorry. It sounds like you were put into a situation where you didn't get the training, supervision, and feedback that you should have received.
  19. Yes, sometimes... but I just deal with it.
  20. The Schmidt charcoal magnesium works well for me. I don't think I smell. It does wear off after 24 hours though, and it's not an anti-perspirant. https://shop.schmidts.com/products/charcoal-magnesium-deodorant-stick The other varieties don't work as well for me.
  21. Do you attempt to give her baths? 😅
  22. I feel fine this morning, so at least I'm not sick. I read a bit about food dyes and allergies, and it seems like only a really small percent of the population is allergic to them, so not sure if it's that or not. The reaction did happen right after eating the candy, though, and it was definitely stronger than anything that's happened in the past, which scared me. I'm going to steer fully clear of anything with dyes for now. I have a doctor's appointment in a few weeks, so I'll bring it up then. @Spryte No, no inhaler... I'm going to buy the dye-free Benadryl today.
  23. Thanks. I really appreciate that. I have a doctor's appointment in a few weeks, so maybe I can get some allergy testing. If it happens again, I'll look back on this thread. Thanks!!
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