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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Yes, x-rays a while back... nothing. No allergies either, and no recent infections I know about. Maybe the test result was a fluke.
  2. I had an annual physical and lab work this week. I talked to my doctor again about my usual issue, which is joint pains in my wrist (mild to moderate) and sometimes index fingers (usually mild). It doesn't affect me too much in my daily life, but sometimes it does bother me at times. It started when I was 28 and now I'm 40, and no lab work has ever shown anything. The pain comes and goes, sometimes constant for a while, sometimes disappearing for weeks or a month. This most recent round of lab work was perfect mostly - rheumatoid factor, sed rate, thyroid, B12, iron, etc - and the only thing that was high was something I've never heard of, monocytes percent. A quick google search says they're a type of white blood cell that is associate with an infection or autoimmune disease. The range is 5-12% and my was 16%. Is this something to be concerned about, or is 16% really nothing? I'm actually kind of hoping it's something because I got the feeling that the doctor thought I was exaggerating or being kind of a hypochondriac (12 years of perfect labs probably make it seem so), and I also want some kind of explanation for the joint stuff.
  3. I also have a close friend with sarcoidosis. She had a heck of a time getting diagnosed, too. She was feeling pretty miserable at diagnosis, but after a few months of treatment the symptoms went away, and she's not had any trouble since. It's been 2-3 years now.
  4. Maybe she just needs to have a change. I would definitely not say I anything negative about it. I can remember two offhand comments that friends made about my appearance in high school. I still think of them to this day, and I wish they'd never said anything.
  5. Wow, finally an answer! I've been reading this thread and feeling just so miserable for you. A quick google search said that swelling and pain in the ankles is a symptom... wasn't that one of the first things that happened to you, that the doctor didn't check? Phew. Fingers crossed that treatment starts making you feel more energetic really soon.
  6. Never rage cleaned, but I'm constantly procrastinating-cleaning. Not sure of a term for that. Procrasti-cleaning?
  7. I love Time Timers! This is the kind I have: https://www.amazon.com/Time-Timer-Home-MOD-Homeschool/dp/B08K9GFDMP/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=Time+Timer&qid=1691804927&sr=8-6 But I'm eyeing this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BD2HNYTY/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_5?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
  8. Aw, pretty kitty. Hope all is well soon.
  9. I think we have the same toy! Our new cat chewed off the feathers completely, so now it's just a string 🙂
  10. I would buy the land. Even if there will never be a house built on that land because it's not allowed, as a buyer I'd be wary, like... what could happen on that land if someone else buys it? Junk pile? Place to store cars and equipment? Just a general eyesore? Plus I'd like the additional buffer between neighbors.
  11. True, but you never know what will fit in a space. He might end up with a dining room and wanting a big table.
  12. I'm not sure a hissy fit correlates with how responsible or not a kid would be with a smartphone. I'd want to evaluate how responsible she is in other contexts before letting her a phone, and definitely before deciding what apps to give her. Is she mature enough to handle texting friends? Sending photos? Accessing Instagram, YouTube or TikTok? Seems to me the hissy fit is more about resentment about having a special needs sibling (in addition to loving her sibling, obviously)... or maybe it's just a case of not yet having the skills to navigate strong emotions (because teens). In any case, immaturity in one context doesn't mean that a kid is automatically immature in all areas.
  13. Same for me! I loved taking Latin and I thought it was really fun. Plus, the Latin kids were a tribe of their own because they were the ones taking a dead language 🙂 I also had terrible pronunciation for other languages (French, Spanish), but it didn't matter for Latin!
  14. Is ADHD a possibility? My friend with ADHD describes extreme difficulty starting things. She says she never sits down at home, because she knows if she sits, she'll never get up again to do anything she needs to do. She wants to, but she can't make herself get up.
  15. Instead of either doing it 100% or doing it 0%, what about a different percent? When you feel like checking the boards, could you wait 30 minutes? An hour? These kinds of message boards give our brains something they like. Maybe it's dopamine. Anyway, we're seeking novelty and excitement, and the possibility of seeing a new post is that. Same with why people get stuck on FB, TikTok, etc. My DH is a very 100% or 0% person. He either wants to run 3 miles, or zero because "3 miles is the best so what's the point of doing anything less than the best?" It's hard for him to navigate the in-between possibilities. So, I think trying something in-between, like delaying board-ing for a hour or something, is a place to start. You could think of it as practicing tolerating it. Just like other practicing, it'll be hard at first and eventually become easier.
  16. He does sound like a race horse! Is his school understanding about fidgets? In my experience, fidgets can only do so much. For some kids, unfortunately school is not set up to give them the physical movement that they need. That said... Something that uses a bit more muscle would be certain kinds of theraputty, like maybe this one. This is a neat take on a stress ball. Here's a neat one! You can snap the pieces together to make sculptures, or just enjoy the snapping sensation. I'm digging all of the things made by Speks! Theraband hand trainer: https://www.performancehealth.com/theraband-hand-xtrainers This site has a lot of good ones. https://kaikofidgets.com/collections/harm-minimisation/products/set-of-6-contoured-silicone-hand-grips-6-different-strengths
  17. I wouldn't think to chase, either. It's scary how people seem to have such a hair trigger these days.
  18. I vote move on. It sounds like you won't forget it... so you can stop berating yourself but retain the lesson the experience taught you. Maybe there's a way to keep your new goal in mind, but not constantly beat yourself up. Like, a sticky note on the kitchen cabinet with a word or two that keeps your new way of thinking at the forefront. It sounds like you're worried that you'll make a similar mistake in the future, but frequently being thrown into a serious funk doesn't seem like the way to avoid the mistake.
  19. Those are soooo adorable! You gotta buy them 🙂
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