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Everything posted by littlebug42

  1. If my dh had really wanted testing, then I would have done it. I did not give grades at that age but dh knew what they were working on and could see that they were learning. He was good with that. I did administer the CAT test one year (can't remember which) and it was painless. Sweet-Pea will begin testing this year, finishing 7th grade. I do feel it is important now for her to get used to taking these sorts of tests before ACT/SAT time comes around.
  2. I agree. For me, there is nothing that the public schools could do to make them a viable alternative for our family. We are committed for the long haul.
  3. Sweet-pea, who loves the Little House Books, also loves the Sarah, Plain and Tall series of books. She has read both series several times.
  4. I went to public school all the way through and I do feel that I got an excellent education. My Engish/language arts instruction in high school was so good that I was completely disappointed in my college classes. My 12th grade English teacher was the best teacher I have ever had and likely will ever encounter again. My only complaint is that because I was in an accelerated college prep track, I ended up in math classes that I wasn't prepared for and I struggled with them. I worked hard to get the B's and C's that I got in those classes but think I would have been better served and would have learned more if I had not been advanced as quickly in those classes. I lived in Ohio from K-middle of 7th grade year and in Kentucky from 7th-12th grades and then went on to a private college.
  5. Bake pumpkin bread make lunch to take to friend's house for get together this afternoon Dinner in crock pot Math/reading Boo-Boo's art and gymnastics classes tonight
  6. No school today. DH off work for holiday. Sweet-Pea has some sort of 24 hour stomach thing and Boo-Boo is at a sleepover at her best friend's house. For me: Grocery store School planning do some organization in school room get some books ready to paperback swap or sell may go to book club tonight although I haven't actually read the book
  7. This used to happen to my daughter in the winter time. She was obsessive about hand washing and those antibacterial gels. I don't let her use those anymore and we do not buy antibacterial soap. She also keeps a good hand lotion with her and uses that throughout the day. So far this winter, we have not had a problem. When the hands would get their worst, I would load them up with olive oil and have her sleep with gloves or wrap her hands in gauze. That seemed to help more than anything and it didn't sting.
  8. There is a free Earth Science text from Amazon for Kindle (or Kindle reading App) called CK-12 Earth Science for Middle School. At their website, there is accompanying videos, quizzes, etc and it is all free. Their website is http://www.ck12.org/student. I have not used this yet but am planning to use it with my girls next year.
  9. Monica, I pray that all goes well for you and this is nothing more than a little blip. I hope your mind can be set at ease soon.
  10. School work cleaning laundry planning Take Boo-Boo to art class and gymnastics
  11. Thanks, Ann. I realize that it is not all genetic counselors that are that way but unfortunately, one bad experience can sometimes color your opinions for a lifetime. I am not planning any more babies so shouldn't need to go there again. I hope no one else ever has those experiences.
  12. I had this happen when I was pregnant with Boo-Boo. I also refused any invasive scanning due to my miscarriage history. I allowed them to do a level 3 ultrasound where they looked for physical markers that could be indicative of Down's. The only thing they found was a clubfoot which she did indeed have. No other markers. She was born perfectly healthy, except for her foot. ETA: Also, just as an aside, if I were to ever get pregnant again, there is no way I would go see a genetic counselor again. The one I saw had little respect for my decision to not have an amnio and basically terrorized me for a while trying to get me to agree to one. My OB supported me and I was finally able to get them to leave me alone. My pregnancy was already miserable and scary and she did her absolute best to make it worse.
  13. We just had our cat put to sleep at our local emergency vet office. They sent us a condolence card along with an insert with her paw prints on it and a copy of that Rainbow Bridge poem. I thought it was sleep. I have always gotten condolence cards from the vets we have seen but not quite as personal as this one.
  14. Respiratory therapy, ultrasound technician, surgical instrument technician. I work in a hospital and if I were looking to get more training to move to something different, that is what I would do. I would definitely stay away from medical transcription. It is a dying field and those I know still working in it, are working for peanuts.
  15. My 12 year old just read it for her book club. She liked it.
  16. My Dd with focus issues starts her day with a cup of caffeinated tea. It definitely helps.
  17. 12 hour shift at work Collapse when I get home There will likely be some lesson planning and kindle time during my shift thankfully. All depends on how crazy the ER gets today.
  18. littlebug42


    I would be pleasant when I saw her and then just not engage any further. There is someone in my group that made a crack about my husband not long after I met her and it completely turned me off of her. I am always nice to her but have no burn I Nguyen desire to be great friends either.
  19. I am going back to Abeka math for Boo-Boo. Honestly, I don't know why I shifted away from it a few years ago. She liked it, it was clicking and nothing has worked right for her since. Going back to what works. Need to add in something for science that has been sorely neglected so far this year. Not sure what I want to do though. It will likely have a largely video component though. Need to decide this weekend though so it can be added to the program next week.
  20. I am heavily involved in community theatre and this does often happen. I direct a lot and I have a list of actors that I will never cast again because they did something like this to me or to others in our organization. I don't have the problem of having to double up people in more than one cast but I believe there will always be people that quit when they don't get what they want.
  21. Amazon announced tonight that until Saturday, they are offering $30 all Kindle Fire purchases. Sorry for your loss.
  22. I found another one. It is http://www.ck12.org/earth-science/. The textbook to accompany this is available free for Kindle as well.
  23. I hate reading aloud. All of the years I did it for my children were torture. Don't much care for audio books either. Wonder if that is connected?
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