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Everything posted by cintinative

  1. https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/lyons-magnus-voluntarily-recalls-53-nutritional-and-beverage-products-due-potential-microbial
  2. wow, that sounds like a huge kidney stone! Praying that the pain medication will help and that it will pass quickly.
  3. We have made a habit of listening to the Harry Potter recordings on long road trips. It is so good!
  4. OP, I think i have mentioned I am in the same boat as the rest of my family doesn't see the point in the precautions. Unfortunately we had our first round of COVID here over the last month. Since my husband and kids don't mask and we had a very contagious variant, it wasn't all that surprising. Interestingly, I got a much, much milder version (in fact, never tested positive on PCR or rapid), most likely because I masked before and after they were identified with COVID. I have been seeing here and there articles that insinuate that the more times you have COVID, the more likely you are to develop long COVID. Long COVID is something I really, really want to avoid, as someone who already has issues with fatigue and pain because of a neuro condition. I wouldn't say I am scared. I would say I want to be prudent. And for me, that means masking. I also feel like there is a solidarity element for me with this. I hate that there is so much peer pressure the other way (to not wear them), especially here where we are, and so I do feel like it is an unspoken word of "I see you" to the health vulnerable. Maybe that is presumptuous of me. It breaks my heart to think people don't care about others. A couple months (?) ago, I was waiting for my son to get done with an appointment and a couple was there with a small child. They were double masked, which is pretty rare nowadays, and their little girl was evidently getting her first COVID shot. I don't know this family, or the reasons why they have to be so careful, but I guess that's exactly it. We don't know other people's stories. As a Christian, I find myself reflecting on the verse, "he who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins" (James 4:17). I think of that especially when I look around and I am in the 1% that are masking and feel weird. I have to do what I know is the good I ought to do. Others might define that good differently, but if I cave to peer pressure, I am going against my conscience and only hurting myself.
  5. yes, there is a lot of information out there about this. It's sad that so many are misled in multiple areas with that.
  6. I voted cephalopods only because trying to get the preschoolers to pronounce it properly would produce comedy gold. So, pretty much disregard my vote. 😃
  7. Were these classes where your ds didn't take a class but just did the CLEP? For example, he didn't take psychology at home but did do the practice and took the CLEP? I am trying to understand the scenario. So if he actually took a class at home, got an A, and then took the CLEP and passed, would they still have given him a 3.0 GPA for that class? Thanks for clarifying!
  8. I'm very curious to hear @ktgrok's findings because I have tested negative on every kit we have tried, and I had symptoms for at least part of that. So far we have used Binax, ihealth, Quickvue, and Flowflex. Of these, my least favorite is the Flowflex in terms of user friendliness, followed by Quickvue (I don't like the strip). My kids both tested positive on iHealth. I believe my husband tested positive on Quickvue and iHealth. If I could pick any, i would pick Binax (affectionately called "Satan's lollipop" on the boards), but beggars can't be choosers and we are beggars at the moment. 😃
  9. The other thing watching LuluRich convinced me of is that there are other structures out there that are very MLM-like, including a certain "homeschool" organization.
  10. I remembered the makeup blog. It's long, but it tells a similar tale to LuLuRich https://ellebeaublog.com/poonique/
  11. I need to ask a potentially stupid question. What am I supposed to glean and use from the public school's profile? Am I supposed to comment on demographics? Am I supposed to compare my kids to their students in terms of test scores? I'm so confused. ETA: looks like both? ETA: Also, I can't find the official school profile online. And their "district profile" exaggerates. LOL. Yes, the elementary school down the street was a blue ribbon winner--in 1998.
  12. From the website: The significance of a positive or negative antigen test late in the course of illness is less clear; while a positive antigen test likely means a person has residual transmissible virus and can potentially infect others, a negative antigen test does not necessarily indicate the absence of transmissible virus. As such, regardless of the test result, wearing a well-fitting mask is still recommended. So to me, this reads that you can't be sure that you should not mask at 10 days if you test positive from a home-based test.
  13. Do you have a source for this? I thought it was a 10 day guideline based on a broad range of expected length of illness--in other words, a median.
  14. FYI--you might have missed my other thread, but if you haven't requested all of your free tests from the USPS you should go ahead and do that. Also, my insurance covers 8 rapid tests a month. I had to order them through CVS. So it's worth it to check on that.
  15. This is me. I thought Lu Lu Rich was fascinating too. I had a friend that sold LuLaRoe and fortunately got out without a huge loss, but so many really lost a lot of money in that. It really is eye opening to watch that series--so much of the curb appeal of "work from home, set your own hours, work only a few hours a week" is just plain untrue. There's a blog somewhere about a woman's experience in one of the makeup MLMs that is quite shocking. I can't remember the name of the company. I have people that I know very little that contact me and say--hey, can we talk on the phone? When I ask if it is about x & y MLM product, they say yes, and I say, no thank you. I finally had to tell someone I am never going to be interested, please stop asking me. A friend did a sale for an MLM that supposedly benefited women somewhere (Africa??)--I can't remember the name of it. Anyway, very, very little of the company's income actually went to the charity. I told her I would rather donate directly to the cause (which I did) than buy something where only 1% of it was actually going to the charity. I honestly am to the point where I have no interest in it at all, even if the products might be good. I just feel like the business model lends itself to exploiting women, and I don't have the time to tease out who is above board versus not.
  16. I couldn't get into Midsomer Murders. I started watching it on Prime and couldn't finish even a season. I need to revisit Father Brown. We don't have a PBS streaming subscription but we do have the local PBS station.
  17. Has anyone seen Inspector Morse? I have been watching Endeavour (not old, but on Prime) and I have never seen the show that it was spun off from. It seems like I need a subscription to watch it. I just wasn't sure if it was worth it.
  18. I am way ahead of myself but would appreciate some help thinking this through, because it might affect just how deeply I go into our text this year. My oldest is a rising junior. We are going to do Pre-Calc at home this year. So his sequence through the end of his junior year (this coming school year) will be: Dolciani Algebra I (complete text) Jurgensen Geometry (complete) Dolciani Algebra II with Trigonometry (complete text except chapter on matrices) plan for this year: Brown's Precalculus with Discrete Mathematics. My plan is to use the accelerated precalc schedule AND add in some of the discrete math sections. He will cover matrices. While there is some repetition from the Alg II/Trig text, it is a deeper dive, and the discrete math includes some new content. If I include the discrete math, we will probably be working right up until the fall 2023 term starts. If I thought we were covering Pre-Calc again after this, I might adjust the plan somewhat. So, what next after this year (junior year)? IF he goes into IT/digital media, it looks like he will need college Pre-Calc. While he could have taken that this year, I thought we needed another year at home before we pursued math at the college pacing. We tend to go slowly. IF he pursues computer science, Calculus is in the line up. I honestly don't know which one he will pursue. He is really interested in the design end of things but he does like coding so far. Next year, we have multiple options. 1. We would take Pre-Calc again, this time at the local university, for credit through the dual enrollment program. This would count toward a degree in IT in state if he decides to go that way. It's a required course for both local colleges I have looked at and should transfer anywhere in state. It could perhaps be good to have an experience of a different teacher and the pacing of a college course using material that would be familiar. If we end up out of state somehow, I guess there is the risk it won't transfer, and then he will have to take it again or CLEP out. 2. We could CLEP out of Pre-Calc and take Calculus at home via Derek Owens or Blue Tent or something like that. I'm not 100% on him taking Calculus yet. I really will have to see how he does with this year of Precalc. If he does this, then I would assume he would take Calculus again at the college level at the university, unless the major doesn't require it. 3. We could CLEP out of PreCalc and take Statistics. 4. Some other option I likely haven't thought of. 😃 Thanks hive!
  19. This is a dangerous question on this board. LOL. I vote for a laser printer, if you don't have one. 😃
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