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Everything posted by cintinative

  1. I don't think we should look to others to define how we personally should respond to severe illness, but we can look to them to inspire us to find our place and voice among the many. Even if your "audience" is only your friends and family, your time teaching them what it means to walk alongside someone experiencing loss upon loss has great value. Don't diminish the ministry you have. Hugs. (Did you get my PM? This topic is strangely aligned with that.)
  2. We're still working on driving. 😃 Hopefully soon. Although, then we need another vehicle also. So it's complicated. 😃
  3. Someone posted a twitter thread about a doctor ETA: had it twice in eight weeks. See link. I don't know that she knew which variant it was though. Typically that information is not available.
  4. The Merchant of Venice was recommended by WTM but I keep hearing that is problematic, so I have been concerned about covering it. That was my original intention though--so maybe I should circle back to look at that.
  5. Thank you for this! Unfortunately there were no live but virtual classes at all. Our choices were in person or asynchronous. Our choice was mostly based on logistics. The live classes met three times a week for an hour and it's a half hour drive each way. So for Comp we decided to do the asynchronous. I am frankly glad because my dad is having a hip replacement next week and I will be caring for him and my mom. I have no idea how we would have managed the 3x/week in person class. I am not sure why they don't have live but virtual classes. Hopefully when this next semester opens up there will be some, and/or our schedule will be less hectic.
  6. No offense to hardworking teachers!!!
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-humber-61757555 I love this.
  8. We left an apple festival because we couldn't find parking. LOL.
  9. I think you could use Avancemos for this. There is even a separate track for heritage speakers (which focuses more on reading and writing). I bought the texts used. This teacher posted copies of some of the chapters here: https://savvysenoritainthecity.wordpress.com/avancemos-textbook-access/ We bought access to the online portal through Houghton-Mifflin, which includes all the videos, tests, test keys, audio files, etc. https://www.hmhco.com/programs/avancemos#overview This is the workbook for Spanish heritage speakers, for example: https://www.amazon.com/¡avancemos-Cuaderno-Hispanohablantes-Workbook-Bookmarks/dp/0618782680 Or, she could order books from Fluency Matters (or similar group) and just work on reading skills. Writing skills should flow naturally from that. https://www.waysidepublishing.com/languages/spanish
  10. I know this was asked on a recent thread because I tagged someone thinking she knew Russian and she didn't. I think that iTalki tutors were mentioned. I will see if I can find it. ETA: see next post. A specific tutor was recommended.
  11. This is his plan currently. If for some reason that doesn't work, we can try to find her university email address. But he will start with Canvas.
  12. wow. TexasProud, prayers for you. It's just awful what you have been through and I'm so very sorry. I pray that somehow better memories will replace this one one day. Know that your hurt is seen by us here.
  13. Do you think this is more common with asynchronous classes? I am rethinking doing more of those in the spring. He wants to take some IT courses and it could go so very wrong without any input from the instructor.
  14. The essay was uploaded in this past Sunday. The other assignments (some submitted two weeks ago) were posted in Canvas as directed. I don't expect the essay to have been graded by now, but it is odd that there is no other obvious activity of the prof on the Canvas page. We are looking for the grades the same place we normally look in Canvas when we have had classes there before from other providers. I assume it is right?
  15. From the syllabus: "Your overall grade will be based on your participation in the discussions (30%), your performance on the assigned textbook activities (30%), and your work on the written assignments (40%)." So far he has had all three. The assignments have points associated with them, so I assume there is at least a completion grade. There were textbook activities turned in the first week and second week, and an essay turned in for this past Monday. None have been graded. I just looked at the questions portion of the discussion forum and it doesn't really say if she will check it or not, now that you mention it. So, when would you be concerned in a comp class if there were no grades? I feel like I am not sure when he should ask the prof about her grading timeline.
  16. So far all he has done is ask a question about an assignment in the "questions?" portion of the discussion forum which was set aside to ask the prof questions. It's only been a day since he asked. Then he figured out the answer himself and noted it. I don't know that we know how to contact her other than via email through Canvas. Her contact info isn't on the syllabus. Her name isn't even on the syllabus.
  17. My son just figured out the assignments are actually in two places. In one place are the assignments that have to be turned in, and the other is assignments to be completed and not turned in. This is not mentioned on the syllabus, but oh well. Also the prof's name is not on the syllabus, which I find amusing. I am grateful we only decided to do one dual enrollment class this semester. This has been an education in itself.
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