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Everything posted by cintinative

  1. An ocean current flows due south at 10 km/h. If a ship is going to travel through this current on a course with bearing 120 degrees at a speed of 20 km/h, find its heading. We are not coming up with the appropriate heading, and I suspect we are drawing it incorrectly. There is no solution key for this problem, unfortunately. Just an answer.
  2. Yes, and he supposedly tested as having completed precalculus. It's a long story but, in other bad advising news, my nephew took a full year of trig and then a full year of precalculus in high school because the high school messed up. There is no way he needs College Algebra and Trig (again). I am sure you are right--it was more of a "strongly advise."
  3. My relatives told me that my nephew's advisor for his major was present when they were scheduling. I guess everyone from that major was in a big room and he floated between computers. But he is also the one telling everyone to taking College Algebra, regardless of if they had previously tested past pre-calc. I will ask them how it panned out. I believe they were going to schedule him for precalculus instead, and then investigate calculus. I am not sure what happened with the APs but I will ask them soon. (As an aside, I wonder if they are pushing everyone to take College Algebra because they are finding incoming students are not prepared for the higher math?) This thread has been eye opening. I had no idea how common these sort of issues were.
  4. My understanding is that statistically, most abusers do not change. Also that couples counseling in the case of abuse never works. And, statistically, he is likely to become violent again. This wife needs a lot of prayer even if they beat the odds. I would NOT want my kid to end a relationship with a friend because his dad was violent, but I would want to offer some caution as to the circumstances for meet ups. Personally, I would not be comfortable being where the husband was present but that is because I have had the misfortune of hearing stories about abusive spouses from friends. They are unpredictable. Most are unlikely to do something in public, but YMMV. However, I am a woman, not an 18 year old boy. So, YMMV. ETA: I agree. Do not ask the wife.
  5. Praying. Echoing others voices saying you have done all you can at home. I'm so sorry for all you have been through.
  6. Ugh that is awful @TheAttachedMama. We have only taken English but have had all good experiences.
  7. Praying. I am so sorry you feel alone, but glad you were willing to ask us to pray for you. I hope this can be a safe space for you.
  8. Problems with the parathyroid can cause your blood calcium to be high (parathyroid messed up and pulls the calcium from your bones). It is something to keep an eye on if you already have thyroid issues. YMMV of course.
  9. maybe Jensen's Punctuation?? But honestly I agree with Rosie, learning in process usually sticks better than learning by fixing random sentences. That does create more work for the teacher sometimes though. =
  10. I would probably want another set of eyes on the scoliosis. My mom's progressed very quickly. Mind you, I am older than you and she was in her late 70s. But I still would want to know that it was being addressed properly and that there were no nutritional absorption issues, thyroid issues, etc. contributing. Someone told me that most people have some amount of arthritis. But that's different from RA. Do you have a doctor for the potential RA (rheumatologist) that you could send the x-rays to and ask?
  11. @Ann.without.an.e I don't know how old you are, but when you say scoliosis I am reminded of my mom's situation with undiagnosed osteoporosis. So I am wondering if you have ever had a bone density scan (dexascan). I was told they don't start screening for osteoporosis until menopause and I'm not there yet, but I am concerned about it. I will ask--you sound hesitant in his advice (I could be wrong?). Would you like to see an orthopedic for a second opinion? They can reuse your x-rays. Did he do any manipulation and did that provide any relief from the pain? It's hard to read your original post and not think of my struggles with frozen shoulder. It sounds like he has ruled that out? I am glad for you if so. It's a hard, long road.
  12. There is a full celiac blood panel that they can run (assuming she is not already off gluten). https://celiac.org/about-celiac-disease/screening-and-diagnosis/screening/ Also they could run the basic blood panel (CBC, iron, etc.) to see if any vitamin deficiencies show up. While they are at it, they can run the blood panel to look for some of the tick based diseases upthread. (There is a symptoms assessment tool on that site I quoted and I put in just the things you mentioned and it flagged it as potential Celiac. I really would make sure she gets the blood test.) Then if the celiac blood panel shows an issue, the gold standard is diagnosis by endoscopy. In her case, with the IBS, I am wondering if they have ever done one for her. The thing is, if they aren't looking for Celiac specifically, they can miss it.
  13. Are you able to briefly elaborate on your process? I am finding some schools provide a four year "curriculum map" (etc.) and it will say that they need so many gen eds in these categories, etc. and other schools only provide a listing of the courses pertaining to the major and don't lay out those other ones. How did you go about tracking that information down if it wasn't obvious from the website? Did you have luck emailing the contact for the major(s)? I think if I could get that information that would help me be better prepared as you were. I noticed you just posted twice while I typed and I don't know what yet, so maybe you already answered this. 😃
  14. I guess they found out late in the game that UCF is mocked by students as "U Can't Finish" and they are starting to understand why. Other than just googling, what sites are good for student reviews?
  15. My nephew recently had a really, really bad experience trying to schedule his first year at a college in FL. The first phase was some sort of general meeting of a bunch of students with more general course counselors (which they said was not helpful), followed by what was supposed to be a meeting with the counselor for their major, but ended up being the actual scheduling on the computer of many students at once with the major's counselor in the room, floating between people. The first year math is supposed to be precalculus but the counselor kept telling them (the whole room) to sign up for college algebra, and when they asked about skipping precalculus (he placed above it) and taking calculus, he said that no one takes calculus their freshman year because it is too hard. The counselor also had no idea about how they could schedule for courses for which he had already taken a prerequisite. Or any idea of how the AP or DE credits were going to be accounted for. In general it sounds like a horrible hot mess. So my question is, how common is this experience? Can we avoid this at all by calling ahead and scheduling special appointments to ask questions, or is that dependent on the university? Thanks hive.
  16. it could be a rotator cuff injury that has become frozen shoulder. Do you have limited range of movement without pain on that shoulder? An ortho should be able to diagnose it if that is what it is.
  17. Agreeing with the others. That doctor you saw sounds scary. I would have been so angry. I am so sorry. I hope your PCP can help more than you think. Our pediatrician has always been the one prescribing our methylphenidate. We don't have OCD but I don't really understand why it would be different. Maybe there is a psych that is willing to do virtual visits and coordinate with your PCP about filling scripts?
  18. Some unsolicited advice--if you DO decide to try an anti-anxiety med, make sure you give it a trial run prior to any trips. My dog had a paradoxical reaction to one of his anti-anxiety meds--it actually made him more antsy. It happens. It would be better not to find out while you are driving. 😃 I hope you can figure it out!
  19. No way! That's your mom?! @Elizabeth86? She's like an internet legend!
  20. We just went on a 17 hour/2 day trip with our dog (total of four days in car if you count trip out and return trip). Her never panted unless he was hot. He did drink but not as much as perhaps was normal. We had one of those carryalong thermos things for dogs that we had water in, and when we stopped (every two or three hours for gas or food), we would offer him something to drink. When he was really hot (long story)--I fed him ice. He was able to come up between us and lay down in between the seats. Usually at mealtimes we would pick up food and eat at a park so he could get a bit of a sniff and walk. The other stops were much briefer. I would make sure he is getting air conditioning in the back seats. He didn't eat normally on any day we traveled, but he did eat some. Our dog has never wanted to put his head out the window. He prefers to sniff the air coming through the air conditioning vent. LOL.
  21. I second this, although I have not used it for poison ivy. it really helped for chiggers
  22. @Lanny I think (?) one of your dc's had experience with one of these? OP, have you looked at FLVS? I don't know really anything about it, other than it is mentioned every now and then on here. https://www.flvs.net/full-time?source=hslanding Never mind. To enroll full time you have to be a FL resident.
  23. Hmm. No one has ever mentioned tolerance to me yet. My son has been on methyphenidate for at least four years. We have played with dosage--finally settled on 30 mg with an afternoon boost if needed which he hasn't taken in a long time. I have heard that sometimes drugs that work pre-puberty aren't as effective after and you need to switch, but no one has mentioned tolerance and needing to switch for that reason. I found this: https://www.additudemag.com/developing-a-tolerance-for-adderall/
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