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Everything posted by Kerileanne99

  1. Yes!When there just exists no real option? Much more terrifying. Maybe we need a WTM databank of like-minded folk to take kiddos:) Sort of a boardies helping boardies (Parrothead is amazing!) split off for those with no viable familial options but have very specific wishes for their children. How outrageous is it when virtual WTM boardies appear more viable that IRL family members:(
  2. Yep, IP aligns with the US Standards books. We have just started 3A. we have found that we like the IP books, but we also use the extra practice books...just not aligned by number! They are definitely more remedial. You almost have to buy the next level and mix/match:(
  3. Having had both over the years, my hubby and I ALWAYS buy NF or Mountain Hardware coats and other items. I think it does depend on where you live and how hard you will be on them to justify the additional cost. If you live primarily in a city and are not outdoors overly much? Well, that probably comes down to NF as a status symbol, meh.. Even the US Army goes with NF, minus the label:) Even my newly 4 yr old has had NF since birth, because we travel a lot, are outdoors a lot, and it keeps her warm so much better. Her little NF snowsuit as a 1 yr old was worth its weight in gold:) I do tend to buy her coats a bit big, layer clothes, and roll sleeves a bit to stretch it over a couple of years:)
  4. I have a math-loving dd and we are constantly looking for new ways to let her play with math. She is very young, but seems to truly crave math...which I believe has mostly come about as a result of the 'games and living-books' approach'. I see many of the things we do listed above: LoF, Penrose books, Murderous Maths, apps, RS games, board games. Just off the top of my head, have you tried the Bedtime Math book? My kiddo loves it, and there is a website (bedtimemath.org) with lots more questions and ideas. This is the book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1250035856/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1388804935&sr=8-1 And a second: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1250040965/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1388804994&sr=8-2 And my kiddo's current favorite game is 60-second sweep. I will try to post the YouTube video that has a printable with it, but basically it focuses on very rapid recollection of multiplication tables in the reverse, making it perfect for learning division facts concurrently. The goal is to get through them all in 60 secs or less. I have even seen challenges where kids do it and post their videos for other :) And of course, about a million math board games! One thing we do that is probably a bit young for a 9 yr old, but I will add it to this post for anyone following. We do math-themed baths. Different concepts for different baths now, but we have done fractions, measuring, decimals, all operations with window markers in the tub, conversions, you name it. It is SO much more fun in the tub! We have a big tub full of math toys for the bath. Measuring cups, plastic ruler, fraction foam circles that stick to the wall, fraction cylinders with decimal correspondents, window markers, foam numbers, measuring spoons, a floppy measuring tape, a plastic balance, 3-D shapes, a clock, plastic coins, almost any manipulative in plastic form! Really cool, and we usually just listen along, maybe asking directing questions, but mostly letting her explore and figure it out:)
  5. This is a huge concern for us, and it has come to a head over the holidays. My husband's brother and new wife were really our only viable options...and when I say viable, I am thinking barely:( They have been visiting us from the UK for the last 18 days. It has been dreadful, but in some ways I am so very glad they came because I now know that I would never knowingly allow my child to go to them. I do not say that lightly. There are so many issues there that we dd not know, even with regular contact. In fact, my mother (medicated schizophrenic with narcissistic personality disorder and other issues) but now has an amazing hubby who is much younger, would probably be a better option. How frightening is that? We are thinking that we will set up oversight...a trust manager who will also be paid to actively monitor the situation and call in services or support as needed. Honestly, at least there I know she will be loved. It is so very frightening. My hubby and I have also taken steps to prevent death, at least for some things. We are both rock climbers. We do not climb anything major together, he either goes with a professional guide or a friend on his level. And so on. I have friends in a similar situation who now refuse to fly together, just in case. ( we are talking small private aircraft rather than commercial) I am not sure there is a perfect answer, but I DEFINITELY recommend putting in writing those you absolutely do NOT want raising your children. This was the first thing out attorney suggested in out situation as the judge simply will not know all the facts...but will listen to a notarized (minimum) written letter stating your wishes.
  6. New crop potatoes, or first earlies, are just varieties of potatoes that are picked before they fully mature, so they will USUALLY be smaller and red. They are different from the later 'main crop' of potatoes. Usually you just hear them called new potatoes:)
  7. We are traveling on vacation at the moment, and yesterday we were driving on the freeway for several hours. DH was exhausted and decided a coffee was in order. He was happy to see a sign for Starbucks at the next exit, but he somehow missed the exit due to traffic... Dd (just turned 4) shouted from her carseat in the back, "Don't worry Dad, Starbucks are UBIQUITOUS! I will keep my eyes peeled!" Out of the mouths of babes:)
  8. My family watched it and loved it, and my little one has been greatly inpacted. My dd is extremely into sea creatures and is insistent that she wants to be a marine biologist and an oceanographer (she just turned 4:) In fact, she got annual passes to SeaWorld for her bday and I can tell you they will be going largely unused. She is just too concerned with all aspects, and we have tried to be honest and upfront with her...and I say largely unused because of the fact that we currently have family visiting from the UK who were very excited to go. We went yesterday (most likely for the very last time!) and I can tell you the movie has already had a large impact on the park. It is on the tip of many, many tongues there. And currently Sea World has large sales online to attract people. We stayed in a hotel that packages deals primarily with SeaWorld and it was pretty quiet too, with low rates. I know it is the off-season, but apparently numbers are way down. I really hope this forces some changes, but we have made the decision that we just won't be a part of it anymore:( I also found it very coincidental that the regularly-scheduled Orca shows have been canceled for now...the PR says this is because of the baby orca calf born on Dec 9th, giving people a chance to meet her. But.... ETA: even after actually being there my dd refused to go see the baby or a that she has been so excited about...and she has been waiting desperately for over a year to be old enough to do a behind the scenes penguin tour with the visiting relatives. She knows SO much about penguins, their habitats, etc. she was actually in tears when she was told they NEVER get live fish, or even krill. She doesn't even want to go back at all...and neither do we:(
  9. So very sorry. I recently went through a 3rd miscarriage in a row and hope you take the time you need to heal. For the 1st (9 weeks) I went to the ER and doctor followup. And was basically told as long as you are not bleeding too much (more than a 'large pad per hour' for any extended time) that it mostly turns into a wait it out situation. If you are fairly certain yours was complete, I think it is fine to wait. I did this with the next 2 (one at 11 weeks, one at 13 weeks) only going to see the doctor as a late followup because I was anemic. I watched for the same signs you have indicated, and took Motrin. The only thing I would add is that the doctor did make sure to tell me that women are often extremely fertile in the months following, and to be sure to be seen before resuming regular marital activity to see if there were any obvious physical or hormonal reasons for the miscarriage/after effects. I remember your original post explaining the situation with your in-laws and another baby...I am glad that you were able to keep such an intensely personal situation from their judgmental scrutiny. Hugs...
  10. Yep! For the first 7 Christmases after being married, my husband and I made the Looong trip from the USA to the UK to have Christmas in England with his family. Or rather, his Dad and brother and his girlfriend. It was always a much-anticipated trip as we always planned a trans-European holiday around it! When my dd was born we still made the journey for the first 2 years...and I saw just how ridiculous it was. The travel/time change was miserable for her, Granddad wanted to spend more time with girlfriend/friends/family than with us, we had to plan presents around what could travel in a suitcase...the list goes on:( The last two years we have insisted upon staying at home as a family, creating our own traditions and are very much the happier for it. AND the brother that swore never to leave the UK or risk his comfort level is now spending Christmas at our house in Texas...and having a blast with his niece, in her world:)
  11. Ah:) Well, I just had a quick look to see if the ACS had similar lesson plans as the book was an international best seller, and found the following link. Looks like quite a few lesson plans and link to every chocolate site you can imagine. Not all chemistry specific, but it might be useful. http://www.mce.k12tn.net/chocolate/index.htm
  12. There is an awesome book called The Science of Chocalate, written by Stephen T Beckett. The experiments are laid out and discussed nicely in the book, but I also believe that the RSC (UK equivalent of the American Chemical Society) has put together lesson plans and demos to coincide. They are recommended for ages 11-16, but most certainly could be adapted! http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/eBook/978-0-85404-970-7#!divbookcontent
  13. Yep, I just got one like that at Hobby Lobby...make sure to use the online coupon good for 40% off an item! Just google Hobby Lobby coupon and the code comes up. You can use it online, print it, or just show the cashier your smartphone:)
  14. My dd loves all manner of puppets, and we have quite a collection...from all kinds of sources. Stuffed animals make appearances as well, as do random household bits and bobs:) Our puppet theater I actually made in a few minutes from fabric scraps and a table cloth over one of those inexpensive portable clothes racks. I glued fabric to a piece of plywood for the base. I just snapped a phot with my phone to post, so it isn't great quality. Her daddy spent about an hour painting a generic scenery backdrop on a canvas we had lying around. It is set up for a Gruffalo puppet show, but we actually use it for all sorts of LA activities! Hhhm, lets see if I can post the photo...
  15. My kiddo asked primarily for new math books. She loves living math books so much that I made a 'math advent-style book tree'. Every day during Dec she unwraps a set of two (same topic) living math books. It has been a huge hit! She also has two new LOF books under the tree along with a new math game and some math puzzle books...also a set of four 'sticker' books for the four basic operations to leave in the van for trips. Definitely a math-y and science-y Christmas!
  16. Isn't it though?! So disgusting, and gives vegetarians everywhere a bad name! I make a lot of traditional dishes with vegetarian ingredients...but a new favorite all around, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike; I use Morningstar mince (grounds) and cook it with minced garlic and mushrooms. Add the mix to a half of baked butternut squash. Top with feta cheese and pine nuts. It is gorgeous, festive, and filling. We also do roasted misc. veg, roasted and garlic mashed potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, rolls, etc.... Interestingly enough, this is the first year I will have to cook for meat-eaters and have no idea how to deal!!! I have ordered a pre-cooked ham as I have NO idea and am not keen on using my pans! Disposeable pans anyone? And can I just say that British Vegetarian Bisto gravy is the greatest invention for veggies everywhere?!!!
  17. Isn't it though?! So disgusting, and gives vegetarians everywhere a bad name! I make a lot of traditional dishes with vegetarian ingredients...but a new favorite all around, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike; I use Morningstar mince (grounds) and cook it with minced garlic and mushrooms. Add the mix to a half of baked butternut squash. Top with feta cheese and pine nuts. It is gorgeous, festive, and filling. We also do roasted misc. veg, roasted and garlic mashed potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, rolls, etc.... Interestingly enough, this is the first year I will have to cook for meat-eaters and have no idea how to deal!!! I have ordered a pre-cooked ham as I have NO idea and am not keen on using my pans! Disposeable pans anyone? And can I just say that British Vegetarian Bisto gravy is the greatest invention for veggies everywhere?!!!
  18. [quote P.S. Tofurkey is the nastiest creation ever.
  19. Are you sure you had just the one stone in there? I have had several bouts with kidney stones due to my medications. Twice now I have had ultrasounds that showed a larger stone and much smaller stones. So sorry you are dealing with this! After giving birth, multiple hip dislocations, and two serious car accidents I think kidney stones are definitely at the top of my 'ten' pain reference.
  20. Oh no! I have a very, very sensitive nose too! I really hope mine are okay. They only arrived yesterday. I didn't smell them initially, but a day later? You can definitely smell them close to the tree:((
  21. After the huge hit of the frog dissection as her bday present recently, My dd (4) asked for more specimens to dissect for Christmas. Can I just say that Home Science Tools rocks? Unfortunately, my Christmas tree and entire living room are not smelling very..um, .festive:) I just bought some cinnamon sticks and dried cranberries to let her string in an attempt to disguise the aroma! What strange and random things are sitting under your tree or hidden in your closet?
  22. It sounds as though he enyoys a bit of British humour:) If so, has he been exposed to any Douglas Adams? I would definitely recommend starting Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy! The Audiobook version or original BBC series. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/s/ref=is_s_ss_i_0_35?k=hitchiker%27s+guide+to+the+galaxy+audiobook&sprefix=Hitchiker%27s+guide+to+the+galaxy+aud Btw- if you have been unfortunate enough to have seen the US movie based upon the book...do not be misled by that horrible travesty:)
  23. Sending you a pm...I have an idea for eldest!
  24. This! It is so creepy. Our computer used to be in our bedroom before we moved into the new house. One night I was sat in bed reading with hubby when suddenly my grandfather's face popped into the room, camera pointing right at our bed!!! Ugh, so creepy. I shudder to think of the possibilities. I disconnected the camera until we moved the computer and now I have a little cloth bag over it even though it is in the library now. 😣Shudder!
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