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Everything posted by JustEm

  1. I am going to your neighbors house and stealing that adorable little creature!
  2. hehe. That picture is from a murder mystery my dh and I hosted. He wrote all the character descriptions and story, all I had to do was provide the food and play in the murder mystery. The setting was zombie apocalypse. I was a soldier. Many of my family members also participated! I've really been blessed with a family I not only love but also like very much!
  3. hehe. I'm 34 weeks pregnant so I don't even think prep h will help me with all my puffiness! Not that I care too much. I've learned that its more about how you act then how you look. No facial in the world will help me not look as tired as I am but coffee and the excitement of Christmas will do that for me! I'll be running on Christmas excitement fumes until the 26th. Then I'll sleep for a day while the kids make a mess of the house playing with all their new toys!
  4. Jean, that sucks. Lucky, feel better My day is going to be chaotic yet productive. I've got a lot I want to get done before our Christmas celebrations start tomorrow at 4 so to time to enlist the help of all kids present, including my nephew. I may even pay them to help! -clean computer room - clean computer room closet - clean entryway -clean dining room - clean living room -make sure all outfits for Christmas eve are located and put in my closet so no one can lose them. - load van with Christmas gifts to go to my parents so I can put them under the tree today - drop stuff off at goodwill - return things to Lowes and target maybe - pet sit - head to parent's house to help dad construct the raviolis for Christmas dinner ( making these with my dad is the best thing about Christmas and easter for me!) - surprise load of laundry that accumulated as I cleaned yesterday! Ready. Set. Go.
  5. Have your kids help wrap them if they're old enough. After midnight mass my dad would have all 7 of us in the living room and send one of us out as the rest wrapped a good chunk of that person's presents. It continued until all gifts were wrapped. He didn't start this till I was 12, I'm the youngest.
  6. Today was quite productive! I cleaned my room and the kitchen instead of the computer room and closet so those will get done tomorrow, which needs to be another productive day. Night all
  7. My kids are 6, 4.5, and 2. They all sleep through midnight Mass and wear pajamas. We all wake up around 6 or 7.
  8. Me!!! It consists of my 2 parents, their 7 kids, their spouses, and 14 grandchildren. although we are all quite different we get along amazingly and have so much love for one another. Family gatherings are a weekly event. We are not guests in each others houses so there is no pressure when family is coming over. We all just pitch in and enjoy each other's company. Holiday meals are always coordinated via a Facebook group and consists of people mentioning what they'll bring and we all just sort of choose according to what we feel needs to be provided. Even my aunt, uncles, and cousins are relatively easy. The ones who aren't just get ignored when they go on rants and they quickly realize to stop. We do not fight or argue at all. Dh's family is generally easy and fun but they have their moments.
  9. boy 6: green girl: 4.5 pink boy: 2 yellow (but I think it is only because he can say yellow)
  10. My parents stopped doing stockings for each kid once they moved out and took their stocking with them. As a teen we were in charge of filling the stockings for everyone so it was just candy and beef jerky. By the time I did that I was married so dh started filling my stocking instead of my parents. So, I say you never outgrow the . who fills them changes though.
  11. The sports section is the only part of the paper I've never read. I enjoy local news the most
  12. No big deal! I'm 34 weeks pregnant now, I think, and sleep on my back more often than not. My arms start hurting too quickly when I sleep on my side. I even sleep on my stomach but that is with lots of pillows surrounding me and supporting me so my stomach isn't actually touching the mattress. Side sleeping is awful for me.
  13. I love when these threads pop up because I often think" yea maybe I should dress a little better at home." Then I remember that dh prefers me in pajamas and yoga pants because they make my butt look especially awesome. Knowing that is the reason i started dressing like that at home in the first place. As for good fitting yoga pants. Dick's and Kohls have been the best places I've found them. Most other places seem to be too loose and end up sagging at the butt too soon after purchasing
  14. I'm jealous you have a midnight mass option! Our church stopped doing them last year and all the other churches that are reasonably close don't do them either from what I've seen. Instead we're doing 10pm. How crowded would the 7pm one be compared to 9 pm? I'd go to whichever one would be less crowded but I'm very pregnant so the thought of standing the whole time highly effects my opinion there.
  15. I don't have much knowledge with ear issues other than what I've personally experienced so I'll just throw it out there since it took me a few months to figure out what my intermittent ear pain in one ear was from. Hopefully it is his issue because its an easy fix. Does you ds get tonsil rocks? Google it, its essentially a build of calcified material that builds up in the crevices of tonsils. Not everyone gets them and if you do they generally don't cause any issues. But for me if I get one stuck in a very specific crevice my right ear starts hurting. It goes away almost immediately after removing the tonsil rock. I clean me tonsils daily so they don't build up because the ear pain can get quite awful. Just thought I'd throw that out there as something to check before going to the dr.
  16. dh is heading to work in half an hour, I declared we're officially on Christmas break, and I have a lot of motivation to get things done right now. Sooo, I'm putting a Christmas movie on for the kids and knocking some things off my list. Once my nephew leaves I'll enlist the help of my children but until then they can watch a movie and run wild downstairs playing with all ds's bday gifts.
  17. We had a weekend filled with Christmas ornament making (I made a tardis,) birthday celebration, and fun with family! Now till Wedsnesday morning I will be doing a major straightening up of the house, not that it needs too much work, in preparation for a lot of new things entering the house that we don't have room for! -get school done -laundry washed, folded, away -help kids clean their room -organize kids close and toy bin -clean computer room -organize computer room closet -make sure all gifts are wrapped and ready to go to their many locations -get dinner in the crockpot by 2
  18. I'm 28, and call all of my aunts and uncles with the title in front of it. I don't feel like I have to or they would be upset if I did not, I just do it because that is the name I know them by.
  19. I don't think it's petty at all. You paid extra for a different kind of shipping and aren't getting it. It doesn't matte how much you spent on the shipping, especially since Prime is not a free service so really your double paying for shipping.
  20. My almost 2 year old got out of a cast recently. There was no fracture on the x-ray but they put it in a cast because he was not putting any weight on it and they said with a sprain and toddler they won't keep ace bandages on and usually re injure it because the ankle does get enough down time. A week later they took the cast off and did another x-ray and could see the fracture healing even though it wasn't visible in the first x-ray(they said this is really common.) So they put another cast on for 2 more weeks. I would call and ask them just to cast it.
  21. If there is a puncture wound with no exit hole it should get looked at. They can get infected very easily even if cleaned thoroughly. Plus going to get it checked out gives proof that something happened when dealing with animal control. Do not hesitate to call animal control when an unprovoked bite is concerned, especially if this is the second attack. Those owners need to learn that their are consequences to not keeping a dog under control and that it is their responsibility to keep other people safe from their dog.
  22. Congrats! Glad to hear all 3 are doing well! Love the names. My oldest is named Simon.
  23. So glad it worked out and that your ds had such a loving support system there cheering him on!
  24. Nope! I love Prime but the cost of it comes out of our entertainment budget since we use it for streaming quite a bit. I have so many other things I'd want to spend that $200 on for myself that I'd use it for those things and hold off with Prime till it was in the budget.
  25. Today is ds's 6th birthday so we're doing only fun stuff!
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