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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. It sounds excessive for a 2 year old to me, but it really isn't any of my business (or your relatives' business). It also sounds like very first-time-motherish behavior. I called 911 after my oldest rolled off the bed during a diaper change. When the paramedics arrived, they more or less laughed at me. I also took my oldest to the ped when he had his first cold at 9 months. The ped told me that I needed another kid. He was totally right, but I wanted to strangle him at the time. If you want to chill out a little, your kid will honestly still be just fine. If you are happy with how things are going, then carry on confidently and just let the comments roll off your back.
  2. My almost 7 year old was fine with Episode 4 (at home), but there is no way that he could have watched Episode 7 in the theatre. The difference for him is the intensity of the movie theatre experience -- the huge monsters, the crazy loud sound and vibrations. So, bear that in mind, if your kids are like mine -- videos at home (even with a big screen and good sound system) just isn't the same as going to a theatre.
  3. That's why we are considering Bend. It's cheap and no Cascadian quakes to worry about. We'd still be unwelcome, but did I mention that it is cheap? ;)
  4. That's how the natives clear everyone else out every few years. ;) We are so due...
  5. If you were male and Jewish, you could have gone for a ride on the mitzvah mobile and learned how to put on tefillin. :) http://crownheights.info/assets/media/new%20london%20tank/1.jpg
  6. That's hard. In banking, NYC is definitely going to be the epicenter, but the QOL is going to be better in SF. Personally, I would take QOL. I much prefer So Cal to SF, but, having read your previous post about relocating from DC, I think you will be happier on the west coast. Good luck with the decision!
  7. You need to write a book! Seriously, what is your secret? Congratulations to all! I love this thread every year -- so inspiring!
  8. I have to admit that, after the teacher explained how the WTMA AoPS classes are run, they seem like a much better fit for my kid. He's not there yet, but I can't imagine him getting more out of a fast-moving chat box vs. a live teacher. Plus, the breakneck speed of the AoPS classes intimidates me, especially for kids that are taking these intensive classes 2 or 3+ years before their age peers.
  9. I am not anti-Christmas; I am anti-ignoring that other people have celebrations going on too. I mean, I am not going to take offense to someone wishing me a Merry Christmas, but, as a Jew, it is a meaningless thing to say to me. Happy Holidays, on the other hand, is inclusive, which is the side on which I prefer to err. As for nativity scenes, I have no idea why any city, or other state entity, should be in the business of putting up overtly religious symbols. A business or other private property -- sure, but I am not comfortable with that kind of stuff on government property.
  10. Just to clarify, it's a common misconception that bonuses are taxed at a higher rate. They're not. People think that because, if they don't request a different withholding rate for the bonus, they often get a huge chunk taken withheld in taxes (which they subsequently recoup when they file taxes). I used to get a huge chunk of my salary in bonus. You just change your withholding to avoid the issue. But yes, I would take the new job.
  11. A lot of the board members are in rural areas that have less in the way of ECs available. Compared to the 20-25K it would cost for Sacha to attend our best local private schools, homeschooling is a bargain (especially considering the charter pays for a lot of our stuff).
  12. My DH works FT. He cooks; I clean the dishes. He takes out the trash; I put a new bag in. I change dipes for my DS when my DH is at work; DH does most of the changes when he is home. We have a housekeeper for the rest.
  13. My 1st grader does Latin 2 days/week and Hebrew 2 days/week. Next year, I plan to do Hebrew 4 days, Latin 2 days, and French 2 days. We will see how it goes.
  14. I have an almost 7 year old. We have finished Grammar Island and Sentence Island thus far, and we are both fans. Even my French-speaking husband is learning from it. :)
  15. Sacha: "Hey mama, come look at the dog booty under the microscope!" I'd say the Brock Magiscope and slides were a hit. :)
  16. This was a fun idea. I love seeing how much progress he has made. Thank you for bumping this thread. :)
  17. The online courses also look interesting. I wonder how they compare to something like AoPS?
  18. As an aside, has anyone taken any of the online courses offered by the people who put together the Math Zoom camps? I have never seen this provider mentioned before? http://www.areteem.org/courses/live-course-schedule
  19. I recently picked these up used on Amazon for super cheap. I agree that they are great. I only wish they came in audio versions! One thing that I would add is that, if you plan to use the student and teacher's guides, they are under a different title. Volume One is Intermediate World History A and Volume Two is Intermediate World History B. There are no guides for Volume Three.
  20. We had the TB and HIG from our charter, but honestly never needed them. My DS did the IP and CWP through 3A, then we switched to BA. At this point, BA is our main math, and, other than CWP, we rarely use Singapore at all anymore.
  21. That's why we are considering buying a house in Bend, OR. I can do snowish, but not gray, gray, gray. K, have you thought about the Virgin Islands?
  22. My husband is from Montreal. He wouldn't go back if you paid him. From one sunshiney state girl to another, trust me, you wouldn't survive. You can't grow up in the kind of weather that we have and adjust to a lifetime of Canadian winters. You just can't.
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