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Everything posted by JVA

  1. A friend of mine from MOPS owns Wise Decor online and I LOVE all the examples and stock quotes. You can also have something custom made. http://www.wisedecor.com/
  2. So sorry you're having to go through this..... it's not fun. :grouphug: The issue with your mom aopears to be more than food choices. She's undermining your parental authority and being disrespectful. She also sounds rather childish by putting your dd in danger. No matter what or how you explain your needs/desires regarding your daughter, your mother WILL get offended because it doesn't line up with her agenda/mindset. There is no way around it, sorry....... You are not to blame if she becomes hurt or angry- she's CHOOSING to have that response and it's not your fault. I would have a very frank talk with her to remind her of your dd's needs/allergies and that if your mom can't abide by her medical needs, then you all will have to cancel or cut the visit short. You can re-assure her of your love and that denying your dd these treats does not change how you feel about your mom, you're just putting her health in its proper place- FIRST ! I would bet that your mom has acted this way with other things and has been allowed to have her way?? Behaviour patterns are very hard to change. She may need a reminder about how and why these foods affect your dd and for everyone's mental health, you all need to be on the same page so the visit can be pleasant. Enlist your dh to be aware and step in so you two are on the same page. He may be able to distract grma or gently reinforce your standards. We have a family member with these tendancies. I've learned a lot from the Boundaries books by McCloud and Townsend. Your library probably has them. Setting a boundary (like prohibiting excessive sugar) may offend, cause someone to get angry/hurt and lead to disagreement, but the boundary is important enough to hold to because of your daughter's health.
  3. One of ours dabbled in these ideas..... it's draining and heartbreaking, I know. He needs to see a counselor asap- one that specializes in rebelious teen boys. Focus on the Family can give you a recommendation for your area. He needs to spend a LOT of time with his dad. This is a crucial time for him and my advice is that dad must re-arrange his priorities to pour himself into his son. Not that he doesn't love him- but TIME spells love to a teenager. My dh gave up traveling, his music writing hobby and directing the orchestra at church during this time for our son. Most importantly, I would ask your pastor, elders and people whom you respect to PRAY for the protection of your son and wisdom for you and your dh. We had a baby during this time with our son- one who needed lots of ortho surgery and weekly trips to the doc and pt. It was tiring to meet all the needs. We didn't do everything right but cutting back and focusing was one thing we did right. The most important thing I learned during that time was that it was most important to try to maintain the relationship with our son and not always be 'right'. Hard lesson for me. He is now in his 20s and even though he isn't living in a way that makes me cheer all the time, he is assured of our love and support (for the good things!) and we pray that his knowledge of that and the safety of his family will one day bring him to a place where he sees (again) his need for the Lord. God will work in whatever manner He chooses. He is welcomed here anytime (just came for a week visit for his brother's graduation from across the country :>) ); he is loved and respected. God cares and loves him much more than we ever will and is not finished with him. Nor with me! Find friends that can support you and relate to this challenge. There is nothing worse that feeling like people are talking about you and/or criticizing you. I'm sorry you're facing this. It's no fun but, God can use it in many ways and never lets anything go to waste- even hard stuff. :grouphug:
  4. Changing your environment now won't give you the ideal result.....but it can be better. YOU can do it! The only reason I didn't parent like MY parents is that I saw good examples and my dh and I talked it to death and made intentional changes to what we knew. We still made mistakes. We've used this book and DVD in our MOPS bible study. It has been enthusiastically received and I recommend it HIGHLY. Solid, methodical and optomistic are words I'd use to describe their ideas. Parenting is Heart Work http://www.biblicalparenting.org/heartwork/book.asp
  5. I 2nd most of the ones already listed. I absolutely love the newer Jane Eyre with Toby Stephens. The Tenent on Windfall Hall, The Inheritance, Under the Greenwood Tree are obscure ones my dd and I watched last Christmas break. Persuasion with Cyarin Hinds is our favorite and the original Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth gets watched once or twice a year! Love those british-period dramas!
  6. Have you tried Oriental Trading co? http://www.orientaltrading.com/
  7. Have you had your iron and Vit D levels checked recently?
  8. We have three acres- most of it is flat but there are a few rises with trees spread out on the 'hill'. Our 13 yr old ds has just started to use our zero-turn tractor on the flat, square parts. He can't handle the ditch or rises yet..... either one of the older boys will do those or dh or I will. One of us stays outside nearby while he's mowing the flat field. Just in case. So far, so good. I predict by the end of summer, he'll be able to handle most of the property.
  9. A must-see! :001_smile: :lol: :001_smile:
  10. We love VA ! BUT, we don't live in Fairfax County. For more space, try looking in Prince William, Loudoun or Fauquier counties........ some places have cheaper housing and more land. We're in northern PW and have 3 acres in a 'somewhat' neighborhood (ie- you can be neighborly or NOT) because we're spread out. We like where we are because of the space and privacy. After reading Marianne's crazy-wazy neighbor , it makes me glad to have what we do even more. I know a great realtor, if you're interested. Let me know.
  11. Glad to hear of your miracle.....yes, i experience those, too, occaisionally and they really boost me up. Praising the Lord with you!
  12. I agree with the previous posters- I wouldn't go. We skipped a Christmas event with family this past year for several reasons- but one was that the metally disturbed individual was running the reunion/event and my dh and I knew it would be fraught with all the typical enabling and denial, thus making it a very uncomfortable time. No need to ruin a long trip/holiday for that. Your brother definitely needs to know. If you're uncomfortable telling him and since he is still legally a minor, you shouldn't be the one to tell him the truth. BUT, in your shoes, I would contact his mother and tell her that either she needs to inform her son or that I would when he comes to visit . They may think they're through THIS, but we all know that pedophiles don't change much and he's likely to offend again. That baby needs protection- even if he is only there periodically. What if the baby's mother/grandmother found out about your father? They would have perfect cause to renig on their custody/visitation arrangements to protect that little guy. I would wholeheartedly support them in that. Hidden past abuse is a smoldering fire just waiting to combust. I'm not optomistic about their ability to reform without God's intervention and maybe your father has - I just wouldn't want any part of a little one's tragic abuse. Blessings on you. You have such an opportunity to bless this young brother of yours, give him your support and love and he will be the better for it. So, will his child. I'm glad they have you in their lives.
  13. I have a small 2-drawer file cabinet next to my school desk so I've got enough room to save them.....dating back to 1989 when my twins turned 7- compulsory age for that state at that time.... I've also kept all 5 kids' test scores. Not a big deal- they don't take up much room. I guess there is no legal reason to keep them all......maybe I'll show them to the kids one day..... :001_smile:
  14. Anita Renfroe IS a genius! This has circulated for awhile- I used it during a talk at MOPS once. Such fun. My kids said I sound just like some of those things. Oh well. Here is Anita's version- I think it's the original.
  15. Wendi..........so sorry you have to put up with this. You sound so well adjusted and normal for the kind of childhood you must have had. Good for you! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Have you read the Boundaries books? You've already put some up it sounds like..... this might help you not feel so guilty. You've done nothing wrong and it sounds like your parents are toxic. We have one in our family, too.....and enabling her abounds in waves. Sickening. Keep focusing on loving your hubby and taking care of your kiddos. But, you can come here and vent anytime you want. The rest of us do when we need it.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  16. "Please show your work" All. day. long. Gee- no wonder mom is looking forward to summer break. :glare:
  17. Oh goodness! So sorry for you and your daughter....we have a little experience with a weird boyfriend..... I saw Gavin de Becker interviewed on Oprah (rarely watch her) yesterday and think it would be helpful for you. His book is The Gift of Fear. Read here:http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/The-Gift-of-Fear-by-Gavin-de-Becker Start here with watching it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9Y8sWn7Ekw I'll be praying for your daughter. She should really watch/read this, too. I'd find therapy/counseling ASAP....maybe through a women's shelter/ domestic violence organization. She really needs to know HOW dangerous this could be.
  18. Our three oldest sons are Eagles and our youngest (13) is one badge away from Star....heading towards Eagle, too. My dh has been to Sea Base twice with the boys- first time with just the oldest and the 2nd time with all three older boys. Just Loved It!! Can't wait to go back with our youngest.
  19. I'm sorry for your friend- how awful..... and hope that she can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your example will convince her of that, I'm sure.....I had one miscarriage 24 years ago and had 3 more children since then.....there's not a week goes by that I'm not reminded of our missing little one. No matter how far along one is, there is loss. And it's. SAD. Six years old is YOUNG to even attempt MM! Wow. If I knew her, I'd give her a HUGE hug for even trying. What a smart, brave little girl! My son was a MM a few times and I know how much work it is. Our Challenge program ends Th- we're working hard towards the finish line- I can imagine how much work you've put in. I tutored in F for 3 years- hard work, but gratifying.
  20. I second AWANA....it covers the age span you want and is a comprehensive , well-thought out curriculum. Many churches offer it in our area, so I'd go visit the different clubs and get a feel for the culture of each group. A chat with the director/commander is a must to see how they view their group, their role, the goals, how they work with the church staff and the community. You could even contact the AWANA organization itself to locate your regional AWANA missionary and ask them about the different clubs in your area. We've done AWANA for 9 years with 2 kids and it has added to their foundation of bible knowledge for apologetics, history and most importantly, to know the Lord and His provision for them.
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