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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. http://lionhomeschooling.blogspot.com/ What a week.
  2. Lol, that's why I added Tybee Island. Although, as far as cities go I think Savannah is top knotch.
  3. Either Savannah/Tybee Island, GA. It's beautiful, clean, friendly and we love every moment we get to spend there.
  4. Foot doctor, podiatrist, orthepedic (sorry for my spelling) specialist. The interserts would keep your arches supported, regardless of shoes, but they will make your feet come up higher, so you have you get tall backs on your shoes (iykwIm). You can get orthotics at some chiropractors' offices, but I wouldn't reccomend it. Go to the foot people and they will get you exactly what you need. At first, I thought the expense was insane, but then I considered how I wore out my shoes (walking on the insides of my feet messes my shoes shapes up) and how often I had to replace them. With the orthotics I can even get cheaper shoes, without having to worry about my knees, hips, feet or back getting out of whack.
  5. I named every other doll and half my barbies Susan. It's such a nice, polished name. Also, Susan, I think it's good that someone's mourning Darth Tator. He will be missed.
  6. Whether or not Virginia is south is debatable. People below us call us Northerners, but we're still technically south, so... Some southern people are super friendly. For the most part, everyone uses good manners (please, thank you, sir, ma'am, excuse me) and you only hear horns once the tourists start swarming. Those people that stab you in the back are the busy bodies. They don't mean no harm (insert eye roll), they're just a bunch a old hens peckin' at whatever dirt they can find. While they are few and far between, every town has at least three and they're loud enough to seem like an entire herd of hens. As for racism... It depends on the age group. Teens (ime) are more prone to racism, toning it down until it's pretty well gone by their late 20s. You have a few of the good ol' boys that try to keep it going, but enough hemming and hawing from their friends shuts em' up by their 30s. We do try to be nice to Northerners. However, there is a matter of personal space and tone that just doesn't mesh well down here. I've had to explain to a few friends from Mass that down here we have 'personal space.' If you are close enough that your spit hits my face, you're standing too close, back up. When I'm within a few feet of you, there's no need to hollar, I can hear you fine. Dh and my dad, say it's the temperature difference. Northerners huddle together and yell over the wind, whereas southerners space themselves apart and don't want to raise their body temp. by yelling. All said, I'm sure there are really nice people up north and the only difference is climate. Down here, it's warmer longer and dog hot in the summer. You don't want to rush, that just makes it worse. Up there, with all the cold... you want to get where you're going (I assume) and maybe it's just noisier (explaining the yelling).
  7. I didn't even know we had a time requirement. How do they check that? IOW, we're done in around three hours, but how would they know that? So strange, I read everything they gave me at the school board office and it didn't mention a time requirement at all.
  8. Science, yes... Social studies, no I never really understood the point of social studies, it just seemed like soft history to me.
  9. Or part of outlaw gangs that ride the outback attempting to control the country's gas.
  10. How long do you spend on school per day? I'd like to know overall and per child. I'm only hsing one. We start at 9 and finish (normally) by 12:30. Do you have them work on each subject for a certain amount of time or a certain number of lessons/activities? I've tried to time subjects, but found that we were spending more time worrying about timing, lol, than actually learning. I've gone back to going subject by subject, moving on when he's got it (or become frustrated) and lingering if it is really enjoyable, or complicated. --Melinda (*still* trying to figure out how to fit everything in) (me too, lol :) )
  11. Lol... uh, I'm in a fog at around 3pm... I make more coffee and survive until bed time... at about the same time as you. Sometimes I am so tempted to take energy pills..... or a week off to sleep, lol ;)
  12. Depends, some of our extras are only every other week, others, like Scouts can have weeks that are chock full and others that are empty. On average, three or four extras a week.
  13. When I wake up that early, I consider not getting a good night's sleep. Holy cow, how do you function that early/late?
  14. :lol: If he required me to do that, I would rearrange the household's circadian rythms until dcs and I were waking up at 7 pm. and going to bed at around 9 am. I try to get up with him, just because it makes my day nicer if I get a hug and kiss before he leaves for work. I can't stay up as late as he does, though. I like sleep too much.
  15. We actually start at nine. We were starting at 8 to half past, but I drew the line at nine. We watch Roseanne from 8-9, so now, when the show's off, school's on.
  16. I would (I don't have a cell phone). Stinks that you have a clunker, but if that's all you got, then that's all you got (totally know how that is). If you want to go, go. If, however, you're looking for any reason to stay home, I think this would cover you for a valid excuse ;) I skipped dc's karate tonight, because I couldn't find my pot holders and nearly burned dinner :001_smile:
  17. What really ticks me off is when there is a good doctor, they get run out of town (at least here). Some people, possibly most people that go to the doctor's, do not want to hear, what you have is a virus, the best thing you can do is let it run its course, and let your body learn to fight it. They don't want the doctor's perscription to be, get off your fat butt and move around. I LOVED the doctor we had a few years ago, for all these reasons. He would not recommend something unless it was necessary and refused to just hand out perscriptions. IOW, when it comes time to renew anti-depressants or diabetes drugs or other drugs of that type, he required an appointment. So many people got their panties in a wad, because he ordered new tests! It was a real loss when he was forced to leave. We followed while we could, but a two hour commute to the doc was too much for me, esp. with a sick child. IOW, it's as much the lazy patients' faults as it is the establishment.
  18. It seems odd that the info was not available with the drug. IOW, whenever I've had to get medicine for myself or the kids, it always comes with a booklet, drug specific, that lists possible side effects, possible reactions to other drugs, things you should or should not eat/drink while taking it, and everything else you might want to know. Maybe one letter, cced, to the pharmacy, the doc's office, and the manufacturer. The ball was dropped a couple of times on that one. Kudos to you for finding out on your own!
  19. They tried to make it mandatory for girls in sixth grade in Virginia. I was ready to move. This vaccine sounds too good to be true, because it is. My dd is not getting it.
  20. Where can you buy it? I used to have a link, but now that I want to order, I lost the link :glare:
  21. I agree with most of the posters. They were probably roughhousing, mom got hurt and left to blow off some steam. Case in point. Roughhousing with dh. He smacked my butt much. harder. than. intended. I had his hand print on my butt for the rest of the day. Rather than smack him over the head with a cast iron skillet, which was my first thought, I took a walk. Roughhousing is always fun, until someone gets hurt :glare:
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