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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. When did Peek get banned?!?


    Can she come back, or is this for good?

  2. There are tons of different batteries you can use, you just have to APPLY them correctly. There are COUNTLESS cake recipes, as long as you follow the instructions you're good. There's plenty of ways to introduce sperm and egg, as long as they meet up eventually. IOW, even with your examples, there are infinite ways to come to the same conclusion (a working flashlight, a cake, a baby, a relationships with God(s)).
  3. You people and your funds... That's why I'm teaching my kids, so they can afford their OWN funds :lol:
  4. It's like double dutch, take a deep breath, close your eyes and spring. Sometimes you'll trip, sometimes you'll become mummified in the jump rope, sometimes you'll look like an expert; the secret is try to have fun all the time :)

  5. Me, no, but I don't like change. I grew up here, dh grew up here, our families are here and if we were fiscally well off, those two factors would make moving a moot point.
  6. Before I read your post, I thought it was another one of those. It's not, you're fresh :) Sometimes, though, and you'll understand this in about two weeks, tops, the same things keep getting brought up over and over and over and over and over and over and over....... and if it happens to be a topic people are passionate about (do you need a degree, do you spank) then people feel compelled to answer and sometimes it just gets tiring to put the same comments up and argue the same arguments over and over and over and over and over..... and yes, you don't have to comment, but sometimes you feel like you do, iykwIm. I am SURE it was not meant as a bash to you :)
  7. Thank you, it seems like very little can be taken at face value, especially if it's something as... day-to-day as bookshelves or tea. In that case, I will throw in my vote. I cut, then add syrup, for my kids. For me, I slather and then use the side of my fork to cut off individual bites :)
  8. The parables were used to scale things down to a level that people could understand. I'm not sure that people, when the Bible was first created, could have understood time in such a way.
  9. I would LOVE to see one of them spank another.:lol: Having thought about it, I don't teach my kids that hitting is wrong. I tell my kids that they should only use violence as a last resort, but I do leave it as a last resort. I guess we disagree even more than previous thought ;)
  10. My thought on this is that the order of creation is true, but that the 'days' are more representative of periods of time. First there was darkness, then there was light, so on and so forth. As far as dinosaurs are concerned, I believe they roamed Earth, while Adam and Eve were nestled in the garden of Eden. If they never could experience death, then they could have lived for hundreds/thousands/millions/etc of years in the garden. The day of rest is symbolic of the day that God stopped creating to enjoy his creation. He had a productive week and took a day to enjoy it, which is what we are supposed to do. The reason I don't believe that time would match up on a literal level is because God is inifinite. While we have spirits that last forever, we are inside bodies that only last so long. Time, for us, as finite beings, holds a different signifigance. What is a day if you are forever? I take MUCH of the Bible literally, but, again, Jesus spoke in parables, it makes sense that God would as well (being one and the same imo).
  11. Not neglect, or even reckless endangerment. I would call it very sad. Reptile owners can be just as silly as cat and dog owners. Something like this, well, I would say you could not have seen it coming and I would bet that the owner would've told you it was the sweetest snake ever, etc etc. How terrible, how horribly terrible.
  12. Depends on who wrote it and how. IOW, I'm inclined to take a story literally, if it's written by the person who experienced it, whereas stories based on hearsay, or the words of God to a particular person, I take as parables. Jesus spoke in parables, so it makes sense, to me, that God would too. IOW, I think the creation story was given to us, by God, in a format we could understand. I do not believe it took seven literal days, after all, what is a day to God? *Please note, I do not intend for the word "story" to imply that I believe the Bible is fiction. I just couldn't think of a better way to put it.
  13. DD was born when I was 16. Dh and I married when I was 19, older ds born when I was 20, younger ds when I was 26. The kids are all five years apart (they straddle my birthday). I've been taking various classes off and on since I graduated from high school. I don't know if I have a complete year, but I've taken a handful of classes. If anything, it made it more difficult for me to decide to start. I'd finally started my first full semester of classes and was doing very well. Then, it occurred to me that I could keep my ds from going through the issues with school that dh and I had faced and that was more important than me getting that elusive slip of paper. Not really. I know high school drop outs that have more information stored away in their brains that the college grads I know. It depends on your love of learning and information, more than how long you lasted/could afford in school. If the library gave out diplomas, I'd have one by now ;) The great school of life, all kinds of lessons to be found there :)
  14. It's gotten to be a lengthy thread, I would guess they aren't reading everything, lol. :iagree: I struggle to maintain a calm demeaner when dealing with the kids and their hijinks. That was one of those things my parents did, and for me, it goes with punishing in public, things that cross MY line.
  15. regarding s/o confessions post


    Elm, you obviously care, quite a bit, about your family. You struggling means you are trying to be "better," that also means you strive, which is something I stink at, and you hope, which is always a good thing.

  16. I wasn't sure you would go back to the s/o confessions thread, so...

    It could've been really easy to cause a family rift after some of the things that happened with your mom, your sister (sil?) and you regarding the joy of pregnancies and grand kids, iykwIm. You didn't rise to the occasion, you did not allow the hurtful nature of it to make you do something regrettable for yourself and your family. Obviously, family means a great deal to you. You love your mom, regardless of her faults and you were joyful for your sister (sil?), even if your mom's reaction made it a little painful. You are a good mom.


    There's lots good about yourself, now go edit your post!

  17. Beating a dead horse tea - because I never know what they're going for (tea or tea) bookshelves - see above pancakes - see above, again But the worst, are the ones that keep me on my computer, because I just can't stop.........
  18. Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you were asking, because you wanted to know and/or understand. Never mind.
  19. Thanks. It bothered me that some people I've read so much about wouldn't be able to think of good things, when I could come up with some off the top of my head. You, btw, have a great sense of humor and tend to be not inflammatory, iykwIm ;)
  20. Different things work for different people. Because if most parents did, then they would be fine with throwing a fist around every once in awhile to make an impact. Spanking is, normally, done on the bottom, sometimes, on the back of the hand. It's done with an open, flat hand. There is a difference. I would not say someone hit me, if they slapped me, because I see a difference there. It may be the same thing for you, but it's very offensive for people who see the difference to be told they're the same thing. Since it's not something you do, maybe using someone else's terminology would make more sense, if only because it would be clear to them that you understand, or try to, their point of view.
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