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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I have secretly always wanted to run around in high heels with a dainty apron, rock hard hair and perfect makeup, dusting with a collection of feathers. If you find it, I will come. I think dh would absolutely love that. He likes the new pin-up girl look, except iho it's too trashy and not feminine enough. I have a feeling I might even get the occasional foot rub out of that.
  2. I read the vaccine wouldn't be available till October, and even then there wouldn't be nearly enough to go around. So mandatory vaccinations wouldn't work, I mean, if you don't have it then how can you 'make' people take it. I wish I had links to those articles, pretty sure they were AP. They were on my google news this morning. Is it all misinformation Perry? Or does that jive with what you know?
  3. I might agree... if she had eventually been killed. IOW, if her body was found, then I could see saying better off dead as a child. That's why I disagree :)
  4. I was a little surprised that so many people printed things out (not that there's anything wrong with that ;) ). I just thought of it as teaching by example and showing the fallibility of the wise and wonderful Mommy. I'm glad I could help :)
  5. I am a firm believer in everything for a reason. God's reasoning was quite clear to me, where that was concerned. Granted it was a huge loss to the comedy community. Somewhere, someone is going without 'I'm gonna poop on your head' followed without by a burst of noxious gas, and their life is not as rich because of that. :(
  6. You know, you guys really make my days. My dcs are always doing these things at home or at relatives' homes during holidays and special occassions. It's just heart warming to know I am not alone. Older ds once tried to poop on Daddy's head, having misunderstood Daddy's long running joke about farting on people (I'm gonna poop on your head! Yeah, I know, he is the funniest man on Earth). A jet of diarrhea missed Daddy's head by a few inches and that little gem (I'm gonna poop on your head!) was retired. Thanks for the giggles all :)
  7. Yeah, well, too bad ;) (lol Rentheadmom, that actually is the way I am :rofl:) Really, I would just ignore all that mess. Don't let it get to you... A similar situation will pop up for her one of these days and she'll squirm thinking of how many times she was rude. I haven't btdt, but I'm surprised that accidents like that don't happen more often. It's tough being little and having fun, then needing to stop it all to go to some smelly cold white room to tinkle. :grouphug: it's all good :)
  8. When did this happen? My cousin is moving in TODAY?!? :(
  9. Could you just try to make it go faster? Do more than one letter a day, especially if they already know them... or maybe, look through the weeks worth of lessons and do the review Monday, before you teach and if they get it all right, move on. I really don't like skipping either, even when it seems merited. For ds I just speed things up until we hit a plateau.
  10. I ran away at 5. I went a few blocks and couldn't find a circus, no matter how carefully I looked. So, I moved under a pine tree in someone's yard about a block from home. The person living there brought me out some snacks and drinks and then asked me where my mail would be coming from. I was totally confused, and then they offered to go to my house and check and see if I had any letters, so they could bring them to me. I described my home and off they went... No letters, but I did have one seething mother, lol. I still think back on that and love how they handled the situation. We didn't know them at all, but they couldn't have done it better, imo. I've never lost/lost any of my kids. Dd has 'disappeared,' but she was in the house all along (the small spaces mentioned by pps). Older ds did run from me once, augh. I had surgery on my foot and was on crutches, he was two. We'd gone to my mom's because I could not handle him and the pain. As soon as he got out of the car he took off running. I was crying and hopping on crutches as fast as I could, but I had no hope of catching him :( A neighbor, one my parents did not get along with, saw my predicament and caught up with him as I was dragging myself up a hill on my belly. I was a mess, dirty muddy tears, the whole nine yards. And here comes the up-to-that-point-unliked neighbor with my giggling two-year-old. He even helped me to my mom's door. We've been friends ever since :) Luke is a work in progress. I can see the shenanigans and hijinks glittering behind his brown eyes. I'm sure I'll have plenty of things that will both make me cry and make me laugh so hard I'll cry later.
  11. :grouphug:



    lol, skittles


    Thanks for the return to sanity.

  12. We are in Westmoreland, thank you (harrumph). The beaches here, depend on where you go. Northern VA has a tendency to dump their sewage into the Potomac and King George, lucky us, tends to get the brut of it. We're further down river (KG filters our water). I would not recommend our beaches if all you wanted was beaches, though. They tend to be small and quiet (not the woohoo of VA Beach if you know what I mean). One bonus, you can fossil hunt on the State Park's beach, and there are a lot of really cool finds there, and they let you keep them. But no, the beaches we go to are not akin to KG. We use the private neighborhood beach by my mom's (one of the few with white sand and mainly brackish water from the lakes draining into it, meaning less Potomac pollution).
  13. THAT was a knee slapper (ala Wedding Singer) lol

  14. I hand write it in my best handwriting. That way he gets to see how I write it (I try to use the proper posture and everything), he can see how it looks written and even if he doesn't know it, he's learning how to write (from body position up) just by watching me. I would not recommend printing it, if only because the computer is going to print it out perfectly and, imo, that sets unreal goals. Sometimes, I might make my letters not perfect (it happens), and then he sees that mistakes happen, even to Mom.
  15. After Labor Day Weekend. I do have to say, though, for anyone in the area. George Washington's Birthplace is doing family nights and weekends, letting families in for freeee! Granted it's only a few dollars any other time, but hey free is even cheaper ;)
  16. Impish, I am so sorry.


    I do think you did the right thing.


    I am going to stop pottying on your thread.


    I'm sorry :(

  17. I worried about that, until he got an erector set and had no problem reading the direction :glare: I think it's more, for my ds, psychological, than anything else. Unfortuneatly, he is able to see an infinite number of reasons why nothing will ever work out and it's difficult to get him started. The tiny words just look like a wall he can never hope to pass. I'm slowly getting him past that, closer to seeing that he CAN do this. Next year, I see decent sized books.
  18. You know, I've never been so scared of my notices lighting up, before...


    thanks for the support and imaginary rep :)

  19. Ds was like that. It took until this summer, when I finally found books that interested him. Unfortuneatly, I don't have him reading at his actual level, but I DO have him reading. Books for him have to have friendlier print (they cannot appear daunting) and a picture every few pages (up from every single page). I think, for him, it was getting him used to relying on the words for the story, without seeing it as work.
  20. At our school the principal was the one that drove the kids. It was good and bad, the kids had to ride with the principal (scary and stressful), but he also got to know them pretty well and by the end of the first semester they weren't scared of him anymore. Also, our principal grew up local, so everyone knew him or his family, iykwIm, so it wasn't as uncomfortable as having a complete stranger.
  21. From the article I read this morning, they made it sound like you could wander around the back yard and not know... That seems bizarre to me, I mean there's three people living in a series of sheds, tents, and tarps, but you couldn't tell? I think I'm going to wait until the whole thing is out, though. I wondered at her appearance at 29 yesterday, only to find she was held captive until then... I feel bad for having even sort of kind of started to judge her, so now, I'm mum till the whole shebang comes out.
  22. Oh, I laughed out loud.... "apparently you fit into the iputmycartawayiamsowonderful(whatever)... oh man, shew, make my day why don't you :)

  23. What "SHE" said was, I don't pretend it's moving money between friends, that is how I see it. SHE considers, buying off this site, to be buying from either friends or equatable with buying at a community yard sale. IOW, SHE sees it as a personal transaction, NOT a business transaction. SHE has also paid fees whenever asked, because SHE understands that SHE is getting a good deal here and is grateful for all the help SHE has found here. SHE does not think that you were treated respectfully, so why oh why should you respond respectfully. Frankly, SHE doesn't really care about the "I'msogreatIputmycartbackmychildrenareneverunsupervisedmyhouseisspotlessandidon'tjustfollowtherulesIgetoffendedbyanythatinterpretthemdifferently crowd, so SHE is moving on. Good day. and for the record the SHE thing is a joke, as is good day and if someone doesn't get it eh oh well.
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