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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. 2002. If anything grazes the top of my foot the pain is incredible. The tendon surgery my grandmother had, according to her, was fantastic. Her foot was shaped normally and, according to her, there was very little pain. Her other foot, the one done with sawing, pins and fusing, however, gives her as much trouble as mine does. I use her as a better example than me, because they also "fixed" my arch while sawing, pinning and fusing my toe bones. That is the source of a great deal of ongoing pain, loss of feeling, and heightened sensitivity as well. So it's hard for me to say that all such surgeries would be as bad in the long run, except to point to my grandmother (who's experience is so much like my own).
  2. I'm not sure how much Minimus Latin costs, but it LOOKS like fun (we use Latina Christiana, but I've been tempted to buy some of their books to supplement).
  3. There are different kinds. Are you getting bones sawed, pinned and fused? Are they moving tendons? My grandmother had both kinds done. The first was excruciating and did not turn out well. She still has problems. The other foot, done with just the tendon being moved, was quick and (according to her) easy. The recovery didn't take too long either (I'm thinking it was about four weeks before she was completely comfortable). I've had the first (tendon movement was not an option). It was unbelievably painful and I haven't gotten my other foot done for that reason. I lost movement and sensitivity to the inside and top of my foot. It is still really sensitive to temperature and touch.
  4. That could be it. Like I said, from what I'd read it was more annoyance (and a possible symptom of other problems) than anything else. The one woman had been orphaned as a toddler. She chose to keep her 'inner music,' because it was the only way she could hear her mother's voice. It's pretty interesting, the way our brains keep things :)
  5. "The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat" In there he talks about frontal lobe seizures. People, apparently, store little bits of music there, he calls this their theme song. When they have a mild seizure of the frontal lobe, the music can be as if it's in another room or coming out of a radio nearby (to differentiate between them hearing it in their head, it is clearly not coming from inside their head, to them anyway). From what I remember it was not dangerous, one woman chose to keep the condition, because she heard her mother singing to her, but could be horribly annoying ;) The medications he gave out were all anti-seizure drugs and the result was immediate. Granted this book was written in the 80s, but it could give you a starting point. Besides, it's a really interesting read :)
  6. I will ask dh when he gets home from work tonight :)
  7. Having read your posts for awhile now, I'd have to say trust your gut (I do ;) ). You don't seem like one to fly off the handle or make jumps in logic or be unduly suspicious. If you'd rather let it drop and pay the fine, then let it drop and pay the fine. However, you could call and say you're missing some library books and wonder if maybe the kids had picked them? You could make it sound as though it's just as likely your kids sent them away with the books, if you were really concerned about hurt feelings. :grouphug: I trust your judgement, you should too :)
  8. I had electivish surgery on one foot. It was considered plastic surgery, but it was to repair shifting in the bones throughout my foot. It was ex.cru.cia.ting. Now, I have one "good" foot that is incredibly sensitive to everything and one "bad foot" that kills me in bad weather, but at least when I stub those toes it doesn't feel like I've shattered every bone. I might. One day. Consider. Getting my "bad" foot "fixed," but that's it for me. Surgery hurts, period, and scars are not pretty, and these things, imo/ime, never turn out the way the people hoped they would. So, probably not.
  9. We can do it at home, but not at the state park (lesson learned). Ds does get distracted, especially with little brother playing away. It can be done, but, for us, it has to be short spurts, one subject at a time.
  10. "The president said “no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.†But the House bill would permit a “public option†to cover all abortions, and would also permit federal subsidies to be used to purchase private insurance that covers all abortions, a point that raises objections from anti-abortion groups. That’s true despite a technical ban on use of taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion coverage." From factcheck.org (http://factcheck.org/2009/09/obamas-health-care-speech/) this is where they critiqued his speech (you lie).
  11. We sleep in a double, so there's not enough room for a family bed, although we both deeply considered it. Dh lost a cousin to SIDS and when our babies were born he was MORE paranoid about them than I was (can you imagine?!?). I wanted the babies in bed with us, because it was easier (I bfed, so I wouldn't have to get up at night). He wanted them with us so he could moniter every breath. Once older ds reached about three he became a bed hog and I decided he needed to learn to sleep alone. Our youngest, though, chose to sleep alone from the moment he could make his intentions clear. Both still crawl into bed with us every once in awhile. For the most part, we don't mind, but there are some nights when it really ruins our sleep. I don't see that it has any long lasting effect. I crawled into my parents' bed whenever I had nightmares and I'm totally normal ;) :lol:
  12. I say, honey we're starting in a few minutes. Honey, we're starting in five minutes. Drew you've got two minutes. Andrew, get in the kitchen. Salve amicus Latina!
  13. Not everyone was carrying those signs. Sure, there's racists in America, but it's not as though the KKK was running the rally. I'm so sick and tired of people assuming that because I (or others like me) disagree with his politics and what he's doing we're racist. It is possible to LISTEN to President Obama without considering his race. It is possible to HEAR what he has to say and DISAGREE without race being an issue. It seems, imo, that race is more an issue for his supporters than his dissenters. If he was white would you disagree with him?
  14. :iagree: They're leaning (right or left) depends more on their audience than anything else (Fox right, MSN left, CSpan none, because no one watches ;) ). Maybe, if we could start marketing super cute protest shorts or some protesting super heros on Disney the protests would get more thorough coverage. Of course, we'd all have to learn the same songs and there would be a lot more of that old media magic involved...
  15. It sounds to me like it was a positive comment, meant only to say, you never know, she has all this to overcome, but hey, she could be the smartest of the bunch. I don't know if that came across the way I meant it, but imo, this sounds like a really KIND thing to say, a HOPEFUL thing to say, a SILVER LINING thing to say, iykwIm.
  16. No kidding. If it's not for her, then it's a huge conspiracy of the very few right wing radicals that are against her! They probably used some trick of mirrors to make it appear to be a larger gathering than it was! sacrcasm
  17. Youngest (3) wants to be Spiderman. We should get the boys together, they could be a crime fighting team :p
  18. My boys are 8 & 3. They are arguing or playing, it's hard to tell the difference :p I am on here :)
  19. Ds insisted from Pre-K through to 1st grade that he was going to be a school teacher. One bad teacher later and he's considering being an Astronaut/cartoonist/video game designer... :) I really thought after a three year commitment he was going to be a teacher :) I wanted to be vet from K through about 10th grade (then I found out how many years of school I'd have to get through). I have pets and volunteer for our local wildlife rescue, but I'm no where near a vet :)
  20. They'll report on it once Pelosi can figure out how to attribute it to an astro turf movement :glare:
  21. You could try stretching. Like Laura said, if his bones are growing faster than his tendons that would explain the pain where you're describing it. Stretching before bed and when he gets up may help. Ds gets pain in the middle of his longer bones :( It stinks, because there's just not much to do about it. Sometimes he'll take a hot bath (something else you might try), but really... it's just one of those things that will pass.
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