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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. I wasn't meaning it didn't exist, or that people on here were exaggerating, or that it wasn't talked about elsewhere. I worded that badly, I'm sorry. I meant, personally, I knew nothing about BJU's moral stance on anything before reading about it here. I picked up the writing curriculum at a store and thought it would work well for my family. And like I said upthread, I was not accusing anyone here, in this thread, of doing that. I simply wanted to put it out there, that the tone often used when BJU is mentioned, makes those of us that HAVE used it feel like we've done something wrong by using it. I did not want OP to feel that way if it is working for her family. Also, I've been arguing with my daughter all morning over math, so I'm feeling extra touchy this morning I suppose.
  2. I just have to put this out there, and I'm not saying anyone here is accusing anyone else of this... Just because one uses their product, does not mean they agree with them philosophically. If I boycotted every company I morally disagreed with, I would have to become a hermit that lived in a cave wearing animal skins and growing my own food. Just like my car, my clothes, and my computer, it is simply a tool I have used to accomplish a goal. I had never heard of any of the moral issues with BJU until I read them here, and after that I felt like I should hide the fact that we used their grammar lest I be labeled a racist. I'm all for letting people know when there are such issues with companies, but sometimes the tone feels accusatory and condemning to someone that was simply asking a question or happy they finally found something that worked for their family.
  3. We used it for several grades in middle and high school. It worked well for us, for the most part. We needed to focus more on writing so we shifted to other things.
  4. I know that there are some marriages that HAVE survived an affair. I know that mine could not. We've worked through some pretty serious trouble and we were even separated and one court date from a divorce at one point. We recovered, and have been married for 22 years, 7 since the separation. I love him dearly. But if there was an affair, it would wreck me and would destroy my ability to stay married to him.
  5. When we built, we went to a local cabinet store. Our cabinets were not locally made, but they had a much better selection and quality than the big box store. We ended up going with these in Maple Ivory: http://www.homecrestcabinetry.com/products/heritage I have loved the finish on them. We've had them for 18 months and are pretty hard on our kitchen. They don't have a scratch on them, and messes clean right up with the finish they have. We got soft close drawers, and tall cabinets that go all the way up to the ceiling.
  6. Our CC wants ACT scores so that is what we went with. No preferences here other than that.
  7. This happens to me a LOT if I'm about to get a migraine. So much that the kids will actually point out to me "Mom, I think you are about to get a migraine, your words aren't working" If it is new and you aren't more tired or stressed than usual, I would at least mention it to the doctor.
  8. I love them all, but I do soy milk in mine when I do get one out. At home I just do plain coffee and coconut milk. Yum! (And I'm ashamed to admit that I LOVE pumpkin spice latte)
  9. We've bought and sold houses in TN, MN, and TX and have never closed in the same room as the Buyer or Seller. That seems like it could be uncomfortable?
  10. No I haven't. I have had a very small number of people voice their disagreement with homeschooling, but I have a fairly thick skin so it didn't feel anything like harassment. Most people I've come across in the past 7 years (and two states) have been very accepting and encouraging. Maybe it helps that my kids are older and it is obvious I haven't ruined them?
  11. I cook dinner. My kids (who are old enough to fend for themselves) make their own breakfast and lunch. They have since they were 9 or so?
  12. My nephew LOVES cucumbers and lettuce. The workers at his school were actually concerned that his family didn't have enough to eat at home because he kept bringing lettuce sandwiches to school. (Bread and lettuce) That was just what he begged to be packed for lunch!
  13. Yes, in October of my Junior year :laugh: My mother's only condition for signing for me was that I finish high school. Not only did I get married, but we also moved 4 hours away from home and I started a new school. I was lucky enough to have more credits than I actually needed in some areas, so I was able to graduate a semester early.
  14. Here, I don't think it would be tacky. But then again, I've never seen the logic in forking over a ton of cash for a wedding. ETA: My perfectly lovely wedding was catered by my aunts and cousins who brought covered dishes and made our cake. Our DJ was a radio plugged into the wall. Our wedding was right around $500 total, including my dress. What got people's feathers ruffled? We didn't open our wedding gifts (all 100+ of them) at the reception o.O )
  15. For fun, some of the girls' favorites are: The Fault in Our Stars Life as We Knew It The Divergent Series Harry Potter The Maze Runner Maximum Ride For school this year they are reading a lot of Shakespeare, The Lord of the Flies, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, and whatever else I can throw in there if they get through that list. *I don't know what you are comfortable with your 14 year old reading, so some of those books may be more mature than you'd like. For free reading I don't really censor much.
  16. I'm sorry you are having to go through this. Having had two parents go through chemo and terminal cancer, I completely see your mother's side to this. I would likely make the same decision if I were in her shoes. At this point, be her advocate for quality pain management and hospice care. Start throwing the harassment word around to that doctor, he is very much out of line. Find a new doctor if you can, and definitely call the hospice program.
  17. Every time I have tried for a more free flowing plan, it has blown up in our faces. For my twins, they just work better with a list to check off. They do get done quickly most days, but they are getting their work finished, and they do it well. They threaten mutiny when I mention going back to letting them plan out how much to do in a day. I'm currently crossing my fingers with my oldest. With her classes at college and her other activities, we have both been forced to let her work on her subjects at home at her own pace. I've given her a loose syllabus for English with the knowledge that she has to been finished by year end. Her government, I told her to be done by December. So far she is handling it well, which is good since she is a senior!
  18. :laugh: Mine don't like it, at all. But usually if they have work to do on the weekend it is a result of their own goofing off, so I consider it just punishment. It rarely happens just because they hate it so much.
  19. What we have done since middle school is to set out a list of lessons to be completed each day. The order they do them in is left up to them. They work until all the assigned work for that day is finished. I will adjust lessons if it seems like it is taking way too long. If they need a little extra time, I will give them the weekend to catch up. (In other words, they have to have all of that weeks work finished by Monday.).
  20. Mine live within walking distance. We see them anywhere from once every couple of weeks, to 2-3 times a week. We are a drop in kind of family, so they often just drop by if they've been out, and we often do the same. When my mom and step dad were still Living, we would see them a coulple of times a year. They lived three hours away.
  21. I live in the south. Sweet tea is consumed like water around here. My kids all had tea as soon as they could drink out of a cup. I don't make it regularly, usually only when we are having guests, and we drink water MOST of the time. But, I've never even thought about not letting them have tea. I guess it is such a part of the culture here it just didn't cross my mind. Coffee with milk is pretty common at a young age here too. Well, at least it was when I was growing up.
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