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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Well, I've packed boxes, cleaned, packed some more, trashed a bunch of stuff, packed some more...lol.
  2. Been there, done that...wish I never had. I regret it because my life has changed, and I'd love to have more kids. It did cause my cramping to get a little worse for about a year...but not too bad. The recovery was a pain...I had a great deal of shoulder pain (from the gas)
  3. :001_huh: You know? I think I'm a heeler too. I never really noticed a big difference. I do have a southern drawl though.
  4. My mother always stressed the importance of education...she dropped out in 10th grade and regretted it her entire life. My dad (they were divorced) LOVES to read, and always provided me with books, and where ever he lived was always book rich. (although often inappropriate :glare:)
  5. Lol....you are a good mom. When one of my dd's was 3 she wore leopard print velour pants, a green striped shirt, and hot pink snow boots every day that she could get away with it....in the summer....everywhere we went. She still has a, um....unique sense of fashion.
  6. It seems like I FREEZE at church..so I'm probably not one to ask. I was wearing 3/4 sleeves, a long skirt, and boots today and nearly froze. :glare: But I'd rather be cold than see the pastor up there sweating buckets.
  7. I feel like it's $0, but couldn't put that without lying...lol. We have a card. We use it for various things, but it's paid off almost immediately. I think I have a couple $100 on it at the moment from our trip to VA last week. But it will be paid off next payday. We've never had more than a few $1000 at a time on it though. And we have no other debt.
  8. Can't smell fevers, but strep definitely! And later stages of cancer have a smell too. Several of my relatives have passed away from it, including my mom and step-dad...and they all had that 'smell' :(
  9. We felt VERY run down. Out of the five of us, one had only some stomach issues (diarreah, nausea) the rest had what amounted to a bad cold with some diarreah. Mine started out feeling like a histamine bomb went off in my sinuses, and went from sinuses to chest in about 24 hours. It took my dh about 2 weeks to feel 'right' afterwards...he was very tired. My 12yr old dd with asthma ended up with pnuemonia. None of us were tested though, and we only ran low fevers. I'm fairly sure it was H1N1, it was confirmed in one of our schools (rather small town) and the same symptoms/illness spread like wildfire through the community at the same time with multiple confirmations of H1N1.
  10. We had what I'm fairly sure was the swine flu hit our family about a month ago. My asthmatic dd ended up with pnuemonia. She got over it with a round of antibiotics, but it definitely hit her harder than the rest of us.
  11. Well, considering that the swine flu has been in our area for well over a month, and I'm about 70% sure that a mild-ish case of it ran through our family....we won't. Probably wouldn't have any way...I don't usually do flu vacs.
  12. Well, we discussed perfect numbers this morning.....while folding laundry. Otherwise, no math today. We are taking a lazy day ;)
  13. Well, I'm in TN (love it) and we are moving to Texas. (Dh is going to seminary) I'm reading this thread with MUCH interest!! And um....if you'd like to buy a lovely house in a very convienient location in TN......;)
  14. Stressed...not any more so than the rest of the week ;) Food triggers? Not likely. I'm one of those people that have cold cereal for breakfast every. single. day. However, after my whining about my headache, I went to small group this evening, and someone in the class apparently BATHED in perfume before coming...and I had a full fledged migraine by the time I got home. :glare:
  15. Oh, something just occured to me....maybe it's all the perfume/hairproduct smells flying around. I don't wear perfume because it gives me a headache. I don't notice any one in particular with a strong scent...but perhaps??
  16. Nope. I don't drink coffee or cokes. Or tea that often. And I go to bed around the same time each night.
  17. Tell me why? Every Sunday I end up with a headache. I get up at the same time as always, eat the same breakfast, then go to church. I come home, make a meal, maybe read a little, nothing out of the ordinary. But EVERY Sunday I get a headache. (And it doesn't matter really which church I go to?) :confused:
  18. Well, I have a dd that the only sign when she has strep is a tiny sore on her mouth. (She just gives it to the rest of us) Does your breath smell bad? Like unusual smell bad? Do you have white spots on your throat or tonsils? Been sick to your stomach? If no to all those, I'd just wait it out (Unless you spiked a fever again and it didn't go away)
  19. I've had one...and honestly, other than the humiliation of having your bobs manhandled and pressed, it wasn't that bad.
  20. Go for the basement! That's where we are. You can make up for the closet easily with shelves and cabinets. I have a wall of bookshelves that I got cheap at Big Lots, and most of our supplies are stored there. I love having the big space.
  21. I was 20. Most of our friends that are our age have children much younger than our oldest.
  22. I have a pork roast in the crock pot (with apple juice, onions, and seasonings..yum!) I've got some corn on the cob...not sure what else I'll fix.
  23. Ours weren't bi-fold, but they were sliders that kept coming off the track. I was afraid they were going to kill each other with them (when they were 2) so I took them off and put up curtains. We didn't regret it. I used a tension type shower curtain rod (found some really cute flower print ones at Wal-mart) and I use a sheet that matches their bedding. I just safety pinned it to make a hem for the rod to go through, so the sheets could be reused.
  24. My oldest dd HATES the thought of make-up! Of course, I call it a good day when she brushes her hair. So I don't believe I have to worry about it with her. The younger two will probably want to, and I'll let them wear a little when they express interest, but they will be taught how to wear it right.
  25. These are the ones that have hung around long after my kids got big enough to know better: Cantelope was and still is "camel-loaf" Tortellini = "turtle weinie" :001_huh: Roast Beef = "roast beast"
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