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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. I love my wooden ones. They don't scratch up non-stick pans and they are much stiffer than the flimsy plastic ones.
  2. I have several good friends that are teachers, and they are very supportive. When I pulled the girls out of school, they said that I was doing the right thing, and they would do it too if they could. Miranda's speech teacher is also extremely supportive, and is helping me get some tools for her continued speech therapy at home. I really only had two teachers (at the schools) give me a hard time...one was just a grouch ALL the time anyway, and the other was losing his star student ;) He was of the 'sacrifice your child for the betterment of the school' camp too.
  3. My dh travels A LOT, and we've talked about this. We are fortunate enough to have family that could help. But if we didn't, you could always rent a car to go pick him up, then you wouldn't have to have two people to drive vehicles back.
  4. If you do tip it, just let it sit for an hour or so after you turn it upright before you plug it back up. That lets anything in the freezers system go back to where it needs to be. (Says my dh)
  5. I have a 3rd generation mini-me. The photo is L to R, my mom, me, and Kelsie. Only Kelsie has blond hair and blue eyes and I'm brown/green. My mom had blue eyes though. Funny thing is, she looked EXACTLY like my dh when she was a baby.
  6. This is my carefully arranged, artfully lit self-portrait...lol. The advantage of having your own photography equipment...
  7. I voted yes, because I've seen it personally. However, it depends completely on what you mean by submission. I submit to my husband. Do I or would I allow him to abuse me or our children in any way? NO. That is NOT what God requires of me. He requires me to let my husband lead our household, to be our spiritual leader, and our provider. If my husband should fail at those, then I would step up to the plate, because I am to be his helpmeet. Then it's between him and God to deal with the consequences. What does submission look like for us? When important decisions are made, we discuss it and both give our opinions. But unless I feel it's detrimental to our family, he gets the final say so on it. I run things by him before I do them. I let him know what my plans for the day/week/month, whatever, are. I take care of our home and our children. Now, in upholding his end of what God wants submission to look like, he is careful with his "authority" and doesn't abuse it in any way. He loves me, like Christ loves the church. He sacrifices to provide for our family, and leads us spiritually. He will also help with the house, when I ask. He's involved with our kids. I am not meek. I am not 'whipped'. I have opinions, and I voice them. I can take care of myself when and if the need arises. I am not a pushover or a doormat. I have the respect of my husband, even when I submit to him. He doesn't lord it over me. I think the whole idea that you have to be a wimpy little doormat to be a submissive wife is so damaging to marriage in general.
  8. My dd gets severe contact dermititis from sunscreen. We can use Neutrogena with no problems. (she'll occasionally get a mild rash...but it could be from the pool water)
  9. I too used it one time and ended up with a nasty ear infection. BUT I have a chronic blocked ear from sinus issues, so I should have known better to even try. I blantantly ignored the warnings :glare: I'd love to be able to use it...I hate my sinus issues.
  10. Oh, I hadn't thought about that. We are registered with Knoxville Christian this year. If you would like more support and sports options it's a good way to go. Home Life is great, but if you want certain things like an accredited diploma, or sports you can't obtain that through them.
  11. I love to kayak here. I don't do the white water stuff, but we live very close to the Clinch River which is great for leisurely trips :001_smile: The hiking is great in the mountains.
  12. I think a lot of that exclusiveness depends on the exact area too. West Knoxville seems to be worse that way than, say, the Oak Ridge area. (Oak Ridge has people from ALL over in it) I think too that people here expect YOU to make the effort to get to know them, instead of reaching out to newcomers. (not that it's right, but it happens) I think that once you get to know people, it's not that bad. As for the horrible drivers? I've pretty much always lived here, so maybe I just don't notice, but I never thought it was that bad :confused: Not as bad as DC or NYC...lol.
  13. I hear you. The stress of prepping for sale, and maintaining a clean house with all of us a home all day has driven me to tears!
  14. You are in luck, I live just north of Knoxville, we are moving to TX and our house is for sale ;) Has an AWESOME homeschool room, and not quite an acre lot, but plenty of yard in it. Convienent to Knoxville, Oak Ridge AND Clinton! (Can you hear my sales pitch?) Seriously though, our neighborhood is great, and we hate leaving our house. Which end of Knoxville does he need to commute to?
  15. If she's good at handling money, she could work at a credit union or bank. Tellers are often young women either in college, or just out of high school. I worked my way from a file clerk at a CU to a payroll accountant without a degree in anything. She could easily work into a loan officer or such.
  16. Most days they have to get dressed, but we have no real play clothes/day clothes distinction. They just aren't allowed to wear their Sunday clothes. I've found with my family, if we stay in our PJ's all day two things are bound to happen: 1. My inlaws or some other unexpected guest will show up uninvited. 2. We become lazy and don't do nearly as much work. We do have occasional PJ days, but not every day.
  17. For me, I went to a New Balance Store and got fitted for a shoe with a wide toe box and good arch support. My podiatrist also has small inserts for the ball of your foot for $1, so it may not cost you very much. I currently do not have inserts, but may need them in the future if it ever gets worse.
  18. No, I do not have a bump. But I've heard some people that have a very large one can have a bump...rare, but can happen.
  19. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/mortons-neuroma/DS00468 I have this, although mine is just to the left of my big toe. When it is flared up it can be so painful that I don't even want to walk across the room. The good news is, if I wear the shoes I'm supposed to, I have no trouble at all. (Thank goodness for New Balance shoes!) My family doc said to avoid surgery if at all possible...the fail rate is high, and it can be a painful recovery.
  20. My kids are the same age as yours and they can do it all....doesn't mean they do though. I have a rotating chore list. On it are Laundry, dinner help, dishes, kitchen clean up, vacuuming, dusting, bathrooms, bedrooms, trash and general pick up. They are learning how to cook, and they are responsible for making their own lunches and breakfasts. My goal for them is to know how to take care of their home when they leave mine. I do have to remind them daily. They will shirk the duty as long as I let them slide :tongue_smilie:
  21. For us, we go to church, come home and have dinner, rest, then church again that evening. We don't do any work other than the basics (cooking, dishes, etc) We also don't go out to eat or go shopping...just because we kind of feel like we shouldn't cause someone else to work either. We don't think that Sunday is the only day of the week that can be a Sabbath, but do believe you should have one dedicated day a week to the Lord and to rest.
  22. We are moving to the Fort Worth area in January (or sooner). We need to be in short driving distance to Southwestern Seminary and to Arlington. Tell me which areas to avoid, and which to hunt for as we are looking at houses. :)
  23. today we got rid of: an old computer desk an old entertainment center about a ton of scrap wood....literally I have another box of books around 20 old tech manuals. I think I'm around 2000/100 if we count individual items...probably around 200/100 if I group the wood :D
  24. Oh, I'm in! But I may give you all a run for your money :D We are moving out of state, and I'm doing some MAJOR declutter. Since Saturday we have decluttered: Burned a huge amount of scrap wood from dh's woodshop Disposed of a dresser, and 5 doors. I have gotten rid of 4 HUGE lawn size bags of stuffed animals. 2 bags of clothes, working on another a large box of unused dishes I have 3 or 4 boxes of books to trade in at the book store 2 bags of toys I still need to work on reducing our bedding...we have an insane amount of blankets, sheets and comforters. I still have craft room/sewing stuff to go through and my dh hasn't begun on his office yet.
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