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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. As long as it takes to walk down the steps :lol: When he's in town, he works out of his home office. But when he "goes" to work, it usually involves airplane flights...he travels a lot. So our commute concerns are mostly how close we are to a major airport. Right now it takes him about 40 minutes to get to the airport.
  2. Depends on who she's around. She's 12, almost 13, and has one friend her age that still plays with toys with her. The rest of them don't really. She does play with her sisters a lot, and still likes her dolls and such....when it's not embarrassing ;)
  3. Very cool. My bird-loving dd that works at a Raptor's Center, THINKS it may be a Coopers Hawk.
  4. You can use much more fresh garlic than powdered. The powdered stuff is VERY concentrated. We are another family that uses it in everything that's not sweet! lol. EVEN eggs. We probably stink, but since we are all garlicky, we never notice ;)
  5. If you'd asked me this 4 or more years ago, I would have said no. But we FINALLY in the past 2 years developed into what our marriage should have been all along. Now, it's a resounding yes! This year will be our 17th wedding anniversary! (We married when I was 16, and he was 18...and we are definitely NOT the same people we were.)
  6. I have been pretty adamant that there would be no cell phones for the girls until they could pay for their own. BUT my stance is changing a bit. My oldest is volunteering 3 days a week, and I'm not there. I'm starting to wish she had a phone on her. (especially after a mis-communication last week that ended up with her calling me on a borrowed phone, and someone else having to bring her home) I still do not think she needs her 'own' phone to chat on whenever, but one for emergencies with no bells or whistles is starting to grow on me.
  7. It's really not difficult to HS in TN. I chose Option 3 because I do not have a degree, and they do not bug us. It's not expensive or difficult to go with a CRS, and at times they are very helpful.
  8. We had one with this problem. We fought and fought with her over it...until we coated the pill in peanut butter..went right down.
  9. I usually politely decline, but will shut the door in their face if they are pushy. My dh, on the other hand, will witness right back and WILL get into theological debates. I feel kind of sorry for anyone that has him answer the door instead of me ;)
  10. Actually, I had nothing to do with it. My dd is a talker. :glare: When she was only 8 or 9, she told the vet that she wanted to work there. He said that when she was 12, they'd talk. We haven't been to that very for a VERY long time, but have gotten a new puppy. As soon as she had the chance, she was hitting him up again..lol. She also volunteers at the Raptor Center once a week, so that was a brownie point for her.
  11. As does our vet. Our vet has taken my oldest dd on to mentor. She gets to go volunteer 3 hours, two mornings a week at their office. In addition to taking care of cages and such, she will get to observe during surgeries and exams...etc. The vet said that they have a kid that goes to PS volunteering too, but he misses all the good stuff because he has to come in the evenings. by her being able to come in the mornings she can get in on all the "action". She is SO excited.
  12. well.....I never keep track of how many days our lunch meat hangs around. I just toss when it looks off, or smells weird...or if I think it may have been more than 2 weeks. We have never poisoned ourselves. :D
  13. Kindness. I would be okay (not really happy, but okay) with any of the other 3 not happening...but to have a cruel, un-kind child would NOT be okay with me.
  14. Honestly, can't think of a better thread title... My dd12 HATES veggies, all sorts. She will eat carrots, cold out of a can. Occassionally peas and green beans if forced...also cold out of a can. She doesn't like salads, and hates condiments of all kinds, so masking veggie taste with dressing is a no-go. Fruit is becoming hard for her, as she's developed allergies to bananas and all melons. I do try to get other fruits in her as often as possible. She has also tested sensitive to corn, soy, and nuts. She will eat pasta, spagetti sauce, and meat. Potatoes, but only in certain forms. No I do not cater to her whims. She eats what I make, or she goes without. She'll choose to go without many times. Anyway, I'm thinking of supplementing her diet with vitamins, but I'm unsure what to have her take. :confused: I would love to change her diet, but seeing as her father and grandmother also have the same tastes, it's unlikely.
  15. I second Old Navy. I also second giving low-rise a try if you haven't already. I have been SO happy since that became the style, becuase jeans FINALLY fit me right..lol. I have an over weight, post-twins tummy, and it hits just right so it isn't pooching out all the time.
  16. I've painted just about everything that will stay still long enough for paint :D No matter which method you choose, the prep-work is the most important thing. If it's already chipping, you need to get that entire layer off. The rest WILL chip later, no matter what you put over it. Stripping isn't as hard as it sounds, just make just you have ventilation and rubber gloves. A good primer and a high quality paint will also make a world of difference. If you spray paint, just be sure to keep a good distance from the surface, and paint with sweeping movements....and several coats. If you get too close, or hover in one spot, you will get splotches and runs. If you decide to use a brush, buy a nice quality brush and you should have no problems.
  17. Chick-fila is our hands down favorite....followed by Sonic when we are feeling like some real junk food..lol. We call Burger King the Nasty Burger...although dh loves it. We don't eat at McDonald's or Hardees (Carl Juniors) at all.
  18. Veet can cause chemical burn/rash. I can't use it on my legs at all. (Or Nair, or any of those type things) I second an electric razor. I use my dh's Norelco on my legs alot. Just make sure you have a new blade in it, especially the first time.
  19. I've just never seen the point :confused: Of course I'm tall and clumsy, and high heels just seem like a joke on me. I can't wear anything but tennis shoes and granny shoes because of my neuroma in my foot, so it doesn't matter. When the podiatrist told me to stop wearing heels I laughed...I owned one pair of true heels, and had only worn them a couple of times.
  20. Lol...I feel your pain. I often have 6-9 kids here for sleepovers or just playing. Yesterday there were 17 children here. My house looks like it too..... I have to remind myself of this A LOT.
  21. I have no idea, but it's RAMPANT around here. Attending the elementary football games was a R rated event :glare:
  22. That we are all a bunch of rednecks. That's only 90% true. There are a few edu-macated folk in these here parts. Honestly, I think people here perpetuate that stereotype. Seems like there are too many people around here that embrace their ignorance in a very loud boisterous way, especially at sporting events :001_huh:
  23. After the age of 3, I don't really do annual visits. We are usually in the doc's office at least once a year for sickness (Kelsie goes more often because of allergies and asthma), and we have a good relationship with our doc. I did have them all get a physical this year because our umbrella required it. It was the first one they've had in YEARS.
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