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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Cute! I have to say, I've been stalking your blog. We hope to be able to do that someday soon...but for now I'm living vicariously through you.:D
  2. I have one child that has kept the dentist's paycheck coming :glare: All 3 girls have the same brushing routine, but this child has cavities every.single.time. It's frustrating...but horrible teeth run in dh's family.
  3. 3 daughters: 1 tub. Every night: I call last!! Screamed out until one clearly called it first :confused: Of course it's the same with everything...dishes..trash...seats in the car...on the couch...you name it.
  4. No way at all! My dd is 12, and although she is left at home alone with her younger sisters, there is NO WAY they are allowed outside while I'm not around! At 8? That's too young!
  5. I second the whiskey. That was the only cough syrup we had most of the time as a kid....whiskey and sugar..lol.
  6. I'm a photographer....I'd say find a new one. If she's not able to keep in touch with you long enough to confirm an appointment, then I wouldn't trust her to follow through with the rest.
  7. I have a large one on my right side. I did go in and have a mammogram and US done, and it showed nothing as well. Now I'm just supposed to return for another mammogram this year to make sure nothing has changed, but otherwise was told not to worry about it.
  8. Me either...I'm still waiting for those sleepy heads to get up. I do plan on making them read books form MY list, and work in a math workbook. My comprimise I guess. ;)
  9. I had plans to school year round, to have more break flexibility. My children, raised up until last year in PS, were horrified at the idea. They have told all their friends that they HAVE to do summer school, and our first day of actual school for this summer was less than well received. :glare: Yesterday, after listening to me tell him about their resistance, dh asked me if it would be so bad to be on the PS schedule. Guess not really. So they've all talked me into ditching my plan..lol. Although my girls don't know it yet....imagine their surprise when they wake up and I tell them school just got cancelled by the principal until August. :lol:
  10. I have discounts at: Jo-Ann's Borders Barnes & Noble Cedar Springs Christian (that may be a local store?) For proof, I've either showed them another stores discount card, or my homeschool association card...neither of which were even really looked at. I think you could just print up a little card with the name of your homeschool on it and be good to go.
  11. I WISH I could. Unfortunately, I married a pack rat, and birthed another one. His parents are pack rats too, and like to bring us more pack-ratty stuff :glare: So....I purge what I can, when I can, just so we don't swim in stuff.
  12. I've read the MacArthur book and recommend it. It's on my read again list. :)
  13. I don't have any advice really, but I have a niece that is exactly like that. She will be 14 next month. She too has been that way since birth. EVERYTHING makes her mad or unhappy. And EVERYTHING is against her. I love her dearly, but I do feel bad for her, because she's going to have a miserable life with that attitude. I tend to just ignore her temper, and kill her with kindness...but I don't have to live with her. I think it would be hard.
  14. I'm SO glad it's helping! It seriously took me YEARS to figure that out. And I cannot use ANY of the soaps, even the sensitive skin ones. The least offensive to my skin was the cheap Jergens Pure and Natural...but they quit selling it. (Even that caused break outs) Dove is one of the worst...I think it's the moisturizers they put in it.
  15. From a beneficiaries stand point I can recommend The Hartford. I don't know how much my step-dad paid for it, but their customer service was great after he passed away. Sadly, I'm not sure what company ours is through....it's through my dh's work. I also have a smaller policy through our Farm Bureau.
  16. A while back there was a big thread about whether or not to send a child to speech over R's. I had a dd that had been in speech before we decided to homeschool, but we'd pulled because it no longer seemed needed. She'd corrected everything but her R's, and they didn't seem that bad. Fast forward a couple months. Her R's began to rapidly deteriorate, and she was beginning to have trouble communicating with people that weren't around her all the time. :confused: So, after me saying I didn't feel speech was necessary...she's in speech again. :blushing:
  17. Ok, I see where you are coming from now. You aren't a horrible homeschooling mother, IMO. You have to do what works for your family, and it sounds like you are stressing a bit about something that would NOT work for you and yours. I know that with my family, taking a two hour break after lunch would NOT work. We'd never get anything done. We start school by 9, work until lunch, take a 20 minute break for lunch, then try to be done by 2 or 3. (doesn't always happen) We do have speech 2x a week mid-day, girl-scouts, and Raptor center...so that's why we try to get things done by 2ish.
  18. I guess my question would be...why 2 hours of rest time after lunch? I'm looking at the ages of your kids, and with the exception of the 4 yr old, I don't see the need for a mid-day seista?
  19. Do you have to be done by a certain time? If so, I could see that getting up later would be an issue without some heavy scheduling. Otherwise, I don't see where it would make a difference if your kids started the day an hour later. We don't usually start school until 8:30 or 9. My younger two are usually awake by 8, and I drag my oldest out of bed by 8 or 8:30. It's one of the best perks of HS, in my kids opinion. They had to be awake at 6AM when they went to PS, so they love "missing the bus" :lol:
  20. Could be a moth or a bat. Some moths get HUGE. And bats are VERY beneficial...they eat lots of bugs, and never people ;)
  21. I used antibiotics for a time....it didn't help. I had severe cystic acne on my face, especially my jawline. Oddly, here's what has helped....NO cleansers. I scrub my skin with a wet washcloth in the shower, and sometimes at night before bed (especially my face where it's the worst) I only use soap of any kind under my arms, and the nether regions. If I use any sort of soap/body wash I break out. I even have to be careful about which shampoos I use. Going to no soap keeps it all down to small 'normal' zits occasionally. The cysts are gone.
  22. I'm having the same trouble. I have LOTS of strawberry syrup for pancakes now...lol. I even tried re-canning a batch. Didn't work. My MIL says that she's NEVER been able to get strawberries to gel right. Sigh. I can make some awesome blackberry and cherry jams though!
  23. I have to say, my kids are the BEST at dropping dishes while washing them, and they've only broken ONE Corelle plate. And I think it hit something on the way down. I have two sets, and one of them is ca. 1970 something. It's a vintage Crazy Daisy pattern that matches my kitchen. Anyway, we've NEVER broken any of the older set, and I've had it for nearly 10 years.
  24. Not a miracle cure, but a prayer answered none the less. My step-dad was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer 2 years ago. He had many people praying for his healing. He wasn't healed, but I can see why it was God's will that he wasn't. So many lives were touched by this man, and the last two years saw many people in our family getting saved, and putting their lives right. All because of what my step-dad was going through, and his faith in God. He lingered on in severe pain the last few months. We went up to see him on Thanksgiving last year, and after seeing how much pain he was in, we began to pray that God would take him home quickly and painlessly. A few days later he passed away in his sleep, in a freak accident kind of way due to his medication. A prayer answered. Many other good things have happened as a result of his death. So, although I miss him terribly, I see why God allowed him to die. And I'm looking forward to seeing him (and my mother) again.
  25. That makes me appreciate our family doc even more! (His children are homeschooled too!)
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