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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. You might try Lane Bryant. I really like the Old Navy Sweeheart jeans, but they are low rise. (which just fit me better, but I know they don't for a lot of women)
  2. We did this for our homeschool group, and it was completely unorganized. The kids had a great time!
  3. I knew a lady who had a surprise baby after a tubal...it was 10+ years as well. From what I hear, the younger you are when you have it done, the greater your chances of having them fail. But it's still pretty rare. (I secretly hope that since I was 24, and it's been 9+ years, that I'm due for a failure...:lol::lol:)
  4. TX is good :) We just moved here and really like it so far. People have been VERY welcoming to us. We live in Fort Worth, and even though living in a bigger city has taken some getting used to, it's been nice. We are FROM East TN. (And I'm so sorry to the previous poster that had a bad experience! But it can be kind of family centered in some places) I loved it there, and we may move back some day. Neither of these places are very close to the beach, but do meet a lot of your requirements. And there's rarely any snow any more in the Knoxville area..especially in the valley. Even when it does, it doesn't hang around long.
  5. Your tomatoes look lovely to me. My MIL who has canned them for years, her tomatoes looked like that. So did my peaches when I canned them. The one that buckled...I wouldn't chance it...I would eat those first, and stick them in the fridge until I did.
  6. I really think it depends on the home environment. I'm sure there are some that do not get that experience regularly, but that definitely isn't the case here. We've moved to a new state, gone to many new churches, started new activities, met different HS groups, volunteered in new places. All with the very likely possibility of relocating again in the next few years. Even if we didn't move around, there would always be new opportunities for us if we chose to take them.
  7. My dd loves the series. I haven't read them, but from what she's told me about them, I don't think they have anything worrisome in them. (this is a child that will talk incessantly about whatever books she is reading, so you know all about them even if you've never cracked the cover) I think they are of a similar vein as the Warrior (cats) series. She's looking forward to the movie.
  8. I did with my dad. It served no good purpose, and I wish I hadn't. With my mom, she passed away when I was 19. She apologized to me a few weeks before she died for the way I was raised. I'm SO glad I never confronted her with it. She knew her mistakes, as I'm sure most parents do.
  9. I was the same way at that age. It didn't improve until I had to drive at night to unfamiliar places, and I couldn't see signs well enough to know where I was going. I finally started wearing them, and have been wearing them ever since.
  10. Barring a huge change in our circumstances, we are lifers...lol. We've been there done that with PS and we aren't going back if we can help it.
  11. I am teaching my kids to use it. In fact, we just had this conversation yesterday. To me it's a matter of respect, not an insult about your age. I have ma'am'ed and sir'ed people of all ages, younger and older than me. I'll even yes ma'am the 18 year old clerk at Wal-Mart.
  12. I wouldn't offer CDs. There is nothing worse than someone getting a horrid print done of YOUR work and telling everyone YOU did it. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising, AND the best way to lose business. When I had my business, I only offered a CD if they bought $1000 in prints. (and no, I never had anyone take me up on it). And I also learned to copy protect every single thing I had in a gallery or on the web. I amazed me that folks would make prints off of very, very low res small photo, blow them up and hang them in their living room. :glare:
  13. I don't really have any advice, but wanted to tell you about my niece. She was the child you could not leave alone for a second, or you could guarantee a mess. She poured an entire bottle of ketchup on 3 month old carpet in their 3 month old house. She dumped an entire canister of powdered sugar on her bedroom floor...and the dog. Not a surface of their house was left unscathed from her childhood. BUT, she has grown out of it...it took awhile, but she did. And she is the child now that we joke could easily move out on her own tomorrow and handle everything beautifully. If you want a laugh, or just commiseration, check out this scrapbook page my SIL did. She actually has and entire scrapbook of Molly's messes :lol: http://www.scrapjazz.com/galleries/15690/view/381103/-1/242/1.html
  14. 1. I like to write. Whether anyone likes to READ what I write...that may be another story. 2. To keep in touch with family. 3. To post photos. 4. Because I can. :lol:
  15. We were excited to see it too, but it really pales compared to the book. It's watchable, and probably much more so if you haven't read the book. I was hugely dissappointed in their pick for Tom Builder, he just doesn't match my mental image. Jack's personality doesn't come through nearly strong enough. And this may not even phase other people, but the sex scenes were a bit graphic for us. If you haven't read the book, I HIGHLY recommend it!
  16. a spoon? hmm....a dip for strawberries or other fruit. Rice cakes, or popcorn cakes chocolate chip cookies :lol:
  17. I have one brother (half brother) that I feel fairly close to, even though we don't talk much....he's almost like a son to me. I took care of him a LOT when we were kids (he's 6 years younger) and even tried to convince my mom and step-dad to let us adopt him after I got married and left home. I have another half brother that is the same age as my oldest daughter, and he feels more like a cousin or nephew..but then again my dad (his dad) and I aren't very close either. I have a step brother that I've seen briefly at a funeral, and a step-sister that I've never been overly fond of because of the way she treats her family.
  18. It's a sad thing when "Christians" are blatently ignoring one of the two greatest commandments: Love. It ruins our testimony, and isn't at all what Christ wants from us. We are our own worst enemy.
  19. I have. This probably isn't the PC answer, but giving my life to God and accepting Christ completely turned my life around. Without Him I wouldn't be where I am today, nor could I have made the internal changes that I have. My blog has a lot more about it if you are interested. If not, that's ok too :001_smile:
  20. I pulled my oldest dd out of PS kicking and screaming (not literally, but there were lots of tears and she did NOT want to HS.) 2.5 years later, she is very OK with it. Would she go back if I offered? Yep. But she doesn't resent it any longer, she has made new friends, and has stayed in touch with her closest PS friends. She's even hinted around that she may HS her own kids someday. Give it time. Show her the positive things about it, and always point out the things that she's doing that she couldn't if she were in PS. My dd now loves to rub it in a little (good naturedly) to her PS friends that she's doing such and such while they were 'stuck' at school. I also think it helped that I didn't give her the option to change my mind. It was a final decision, and that was that. There wasn't the constant wondering if she could talk me into letting her go back.
  21. We had tamales, black beans and corn. (I had tamales in the freezer that I had made several months ago.)
  22. I'd probably laugh and ask her to make sure she had extra strong traps. But we have a saying in our family: "If we don't pick on you, then you aren't loved"
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