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Everything posted by bnbacademy

  1. I work the evening shift part-time, dh works the day shift. This way I can homeschool and need childcare for only the overlapping few hours.
  2. Here's a resounding THANK YOU for your lapbook for SOTW 1 !!
  3. I didn't read all the posts, I apologize if this is a repeat... how about Miranda Ruth, with the nickname of Mindy or Mandy?
  4. Thank you, I have made a list of books to search for... thanks to your replies. I may even confiscate the LOF pre-algebra 2 with economics which I just ordered for me, I mean ds... :001_smile:. I must keep telling myself... I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher. Homeschool is contagious... it makes me want to learn something new also! Please add to the list if anyone has more!
  5. X post: I am interested in delving into the business world, or at least understanding it better... Is there is a starting point college text that you would recommend, as in a Business Management 101 text, written for self-education? I come from a medical/ science background so this is like a foreign language to me... Also, I would love to find a text that teaches the machinery of how an economy runs without politicizing it, just a straightforward conceptual approach, if it exists... Any books or authors you can recommend? Any of you business majors have a favorite text? TIA
  6. I am interested in delving into the business world, or at least understanding it better... Is there is a starting point college text that you would recommend, as in a Business Management 101 text, written for self-education? I come from a medical/ science background so this is like a foreign language to me... Also, I would love to find a text that teaches the machinery of how an economy runs without politicizing it, just a straightforward conceptual approach, if it exists... Any books or authors you can recommend? TIA
  7. I decided to try a combination of Lial's Basic College Math and LOF, supplemented by the MUS dvd for pre-algebra, if needed. Hopefully, it is possible to do this without killing my ds's love of math! Thank you all for your helpful responses.
  8. Thanks for reminding me... LOF is a great idea!
  9. If my soon to be 6th grader has completed MUS up to Pre-Algebra, what would the hive recommend for 6th grade math? After reading other math threads, I was planning on using Lial's Basic College Math, thinking it would be a review and refine year... what says the hive? Is the language of the text comprehensible to a 6th grader, or too advanced? I feel like we have an "extra" year to fill in any gaps before tackling Algebra, etc. What would you suggest?
  10. If my soon to be 6th grader has completed Math U See up to Pre-Algebra, what would you recommend for 6th grade math? I was planning on using Lial's BCM after reading other math threads, thinking it would be a review and refine year to do this...
  11. Veritas Press has Ancient History scheduled for 3rd grade... We will be doing Winter Promise Quest for the Ancient World with 6th + 3rd grader next year. I am supplementing with books from the VP catalogue for 3rd grader, due to the more mature content in books for higher grades.
  12. I can't find what I need as used (Life of Fred)... so I'll need to make a purchase from them also! Any other generous souls? TIA
  13. Thank you for your help! Looks like I need to investigate the assessent tool...
  14. I used to have a dining room table...now it looks more like a Lego creation station.
  15. My ds is going into 6th grade and is a good speller. If I wanted to start using Megawords (he has completed all the SpellWell workbooks) which level should I start with,? I'm leaning toward level 3. Is it essential to start with Level 1? TIA
  16. I just discovered this site, looks similar to Craigslist, although I've never used that either ... Wondering how to plan the exchange of goods/ payments: Where do you usually plan to meet? At a park? Do you recommend this, why and why not?
  17. Just discovered this site, looks similar to craigslist, although I've never used this either ... Wondering how to plan the exchange of goods/ payments: Where do you usually plan to meet? At a park? Is there a high likelihood of fraud... bouncing checks or cash? Do you have any concerns re: safety? I am probably too paranoid to do this...
  18. Buy more books to fill the bookshelf...:001_smile:, that's what I do! (I can rationalize anything!)
  19. I bought the Sony Reader, touch screen. I love it! I can download the copyright free books from gutenberg.org for free. This reader can "read" a variety of files and if you MUST more physically turn a page... you can always swipe the touch screen!
  20. My insecurities: 1. friendships - no matter how refreshing and uplifting, I still occasionally wonder ... "do they really like me?" and feel silly for asking myself this. 2. my marriage - we still get this love language thing mixed up sometimes. "Just say it, Man!" (like everyday...):001_smile: 3. Am I showing my dc how to love God?
  21. I think that our homeschool would not be too obvious until you poke around a bit and walk into the schoolroom. Years ago, we decided that the 2 dc could have bunk beds to share a room so we could make the 2nd bedroom a schoolroom. We just close the door and nobody knows...
  22. Thank you, Jennifer. So... I would need to have access to a brick and mortar Apple Store nearby in order to download my stored data. Is that about right? Or, can I connect my USB, download my pics, then just move/change them to MAC-friendly folders?
  23. For those of us who backup to an external storage device from a PC, would a MAC be able to read it or recall those files stored from a PC? If I would change to a MAC, I would not want to lose all my pics...
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