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Everything posted by bnbacademy

  1. I'm not a great cook, obviously, but I hope I get points for trying! May I ask... do you add corn to chili? What veggies do you add to spaghetti? I can honestly say that I have never eaten nor prepared tofu, so that is a big unknown.
  2. Yes, I discovered crunchy beans last week. Even after soaking all night, my red beans and rice turned out to be red "nuts" and rice... for Valentine's Day, none the less!
  3. Things are needing to get leaner around here, layoffs are starting and they are closing part of the business where dh works. I have started decreasing meats, changing to more beans and whole foods style cooking, mostly for the health benefits. Next will be less meat meals altogether, that may be a later post...:001_smile: I already use 3/4 # hamburger in 1 # hamburger recipes. How do you stretch 1/2 # hamburger to make dinners while maintaining the texture or thickness of sauces/ dishes, or is this not possible? Do you add beans to a recipe as a substitute? Thickener? I would like to stretch our meat more...
  4. Suppers are all I plan: Monday - Chicken Pie Tuesday - Turkey Sausage in 15 Bean Soup Wednesday - Tacos Thursday - Crockpot Beef Stroganoff over noodles Friday - Baked Sweet Potato bar sides are cooked/steamed veggies and/or canned fruit on hand Saturday + Sunday are dh's domain, I'm off!
  5. I can't believe I never explored the website further... thank you for the tip. I just printed out the Greece game to try!
  6. We printed up these free games - Quick Six card game and dc really like it. Haven't yet tried the Periodic table and the Elements. http://www.ellenjmchenry.com/id72.html
  7. Believe it or not, we pay $6 per class here at a private Christian elementary school. I also cringe to think what the parents of full-time students would think. I actually enrolled them so we could play elementary soccer, which required one class enrollment per child. The public speaking class has been beneficial in every way and ds enjoys it. I do think that the electives are offered due to the need for funds. I don't think I would have the classes available if the school were in better financial shape.
  8. We have been able to enroll dc in one class each at the nearby private school. I have 1 ds taking a Public Speaking class and the other ds taking PE for a nominal fee. We live close so it is convenient for us.
  9. As a SS teacher, I can see that this is true for some curriculum. I don't give out prizes myself, but I have always thought that the brief craft section was a waste of time. I need to re-evaluate whether my expectations are where they need to be. I expect more from my kids at homeschool than I expect from them at church. I wonder why? I appreciate the thoughts that remind me that God is big enough to reveal Himself to children wherever they are... in flashy, fun SS or small, struggling SS classes. If parents are teaching and praying for their kids, Jesus will answer their prayers.
  10. Both Points are well-taken and also what I would hope for my church. Both large and small churches are limited by those willing to serve.
  11. I do not know how to quote multiple responses so I'll give a general Thank you for reminding me that there are many valid variables which can lead to boredom in SS. I am a SS teacher myself, so this hit close to home, although I had not taught the particular dc for a few years since I am a 1st - 2nd grade SS teacher.
  12. We are active members of a small Protestant church (experienced a split 2 yrs ago) and recently discovered that a family with upper elementary and middle school-aged dc left because "the dc were bored". Here are my ?'s: 1. What do you expect from your Sunday School dept in relation to teaching your dc? I mean, what teaching style do you expect, ie: fun, light-hearted Biblical teaching or Bible study teaching? 2.Is boredom in a few kids at church something to address or not? If so, how should it be addressed? Who takes responsibility for it? I would do a poll if I knew how...
  13. Thank you for your encouragement. I've recently started increasing the narrations, and will increase the writing assignments. I ordered some science kits also. We will then practice writing up lab results. If I increase the narration/writing, I think I will be able to measure the abilities in a more concrete manner, and I hope to see more preparedness by the end of the year. I am somewhat relieved that I still have time.
  14. That is great advice ... I knew I came to the right place.
  15. It was easiest for me to find a curriculum that included both dc. I have 2 boys, 3 years apart. During the younger years we did a unit study approach (Konos), now for history we are doing Winterpromise. We are also doing Chemistry together. All the other subjects are done with Mom input as needed. Oh, workboxes has helped in organizing our day and fostered independence for both.
  16. Thank you for your help... I do need to set short-term goals so that the long-term goals don't frighten me so much!
  17. The HS principal has already stated that they welcome homeschoolers, so my fears are probably unfounded. I am just getting closer to the endgame and worried that the transition will be too difficult or that I failed to prepare ds adequately. I would guess that Moms of college-bound homeschooled kids experience this as well. I'm getting a headstart with the move toward HS. For example, Science is my favorite subject, I have big plans for Science each week, but it is often hurriedly completed at the end of a tiring week. Then I look at HS Science and realize that I MUST be more diligent about it and hope that it is not too late. I also work part-time and the busyness of our lives is taking its toll and I worry that I am not doing enough for school. There are few measuring rods until they enter the mainstream.
  18. founded or unfounded, after visiting the HS you hope your dc can attend, one that is academic with Honors/AP classes, exactly what you want... The day after arrives... and overnight I am considering 9 hr schooldays, adding multiple electives, maybe eliminating lunch and breaks.... you know what I mean.... Help! My dc need you to talk me off the ledge ....
  19. They each read the chapter/ unit on their own and ask questions as needed. Then we read the classroom exercises and Read and Review sections out loud, with answers done orally or on whiteboard if needed. Then they write answers in on the corresponding worksheets and tests.
  20. I have not read all the replies... but we have used WP for the past 2 years, currently doing Ancients. I have always bought books used, and only ordered exclusives from the company. I am the kind of person who would tweak the finest of curriculums, so I have changed the order of books, added VP and SL books. I still like the Independent study pages for my 6th grader, the activity ideas and the activity books they offer. I have done SL 3 in the past and it was too much reading, not enough DOING for us. Btw, we are past Konos fans, so that may have a lot to do with our choices. WP has a nice mix of historical fiction, nonfiction, and activities, we just do them when I thinks it fits. We do other LA programs, but use the readers from WP.
  21. Forgot to add... we have travelled to many VA tourist areas and the homes of past presidents. I'm thinking TN, KY,OH, NC, SC, even GA. I'm dreaming of that perfect mix of leisure and learning :001_smile:...
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