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Everything posted by bnbacademy

  1. To the OP, while the enVision materials are not bad I wonder why you would seek to use them when there are (to my mind) stronger math programs available for home education? Bill SIL used Scott Foresman math in hs, I haven't received her reply re: which actual series, but her dc were proficient in high school math. However, they were hs'ed until high school. I thought I would at least investigate SF for math for my dc. I think that I'm not looking for the enVision series, I think what I am possibly needing info on is the "Exploring Mathematics" series for elementary, and then the SF University of Chicago School Mathematic Project Algebra text for my 7th grader. Has anyone used these?
  2. I am looking for whatever title would be for homeschooling. ETA: I think I'm looking for the "Exploring Mathematics" series?
  3. I am considering SF Math for my 4th grader next year, but I know nothing more than that one homeschooled family's kids now excel in math in college. I looked for threads here, but was not successful. iIapologize if this ? has already been asked, I appreciate a link to a past thread, if there is one. So, if you use it/like it, why? Or why did you stop using it? What exactly would I need to purchase? Can I start ds at 4th grade... with a hx of MUS and 3rd grade math mamoth last year? TIA
  4. You got it, baby! And don't get any ideas about charging fees for advice eitha...
  5. Thank you, Heather in VA, this is why I love this forum. Without your help, I would have to buy all kinds of curriculum just to make these kinds of decisions.
  6. Thank you, OhElizabeth, for your help again. I really appreciate the advice so that I can decide how much I want to try to supplement with this.
  7. I guess I did think that Omnibus was a commentary, much like Truthquest, so maybe I can't use it as a supplement. Thank you for clarifying this.
  8. Thank you for your help. I never guessed that there would be comic book versions of Shakespeare. This might be more my style for now. It also sounds like I need to invest in the Student book and Teacher CD to make the program work, so as a supplement I will need to decide if that is practical for us.
  9. I would agree with this. My dh applied at a job recently and it was all because of who he knew. He ended up staying in his current job, but we had the distinct impression that employers want personal references where a current employee can "vouch" for you.
  10. I have been adding in the occasional VP reader as we progress thru history. I am now considering Omnibus for additional commentary on Medieval history next year for my 7th grader. I am impressed with the script from the Omnibus 2 sample. The narrative style makes me want to keep reading... and then the preview ends. Is this the same for your dc? However, in order to have it coincide with Middle Ages, I would use the 8th grade Omnibus 2. It has the student reading Shakespeare? In 8th grade? As a supplement, would I need both the TM and student book? Or can I just buy the student book for the narration and thought-provoking questions? But I am still stuck on Shakespeare at this age. How did your dc respond to it?
  11. We do workboxes as work-folders which takes less room. I printed out 12 cards, numbered 1-12, attach 1 card to each folder via Velcro, and place pages pulled from workbooks into appropriately labeled hanging folder. When that subject has been completed, the dc move the number to the grid on the outside of the hanging folder bin. We have dropped the prize/reward plan for the benefit of getting done with school earlier.
  12. The case is different as a personal seller. The personal seller is not a business or corporation with a customer service dept., nor does she have a steady income generated via selling for profit to cover these losses. Most, I would assume, are simply selling used books as a means of recouping some of the initial investment. This is exactly why I place the responsibility on the buyer to pay the extra for insurance. Now, if I'm selling an expensive curriculum, I will add the insurance fee into my asking price. However, for readers, etc. the extra fees raise the price too much that it is not cost-effective to even sell and ship them. If insurance is to be added to all I sell, then the asking price will essentially have to cover PP fees, dc, + insurance.
  13. I, too, believe that the buyer is responsible for buying insurance, not the seller. There was a thread a while back about shipping items and who is responsible for this or that. It had me terrified to sell anything, because there were some who thought the seller was responsible for everything the PO cared to do to the product. I thought that some expected hand-delivered books! There is always an assumed risk when your belongings are transported via someone with no attachment to the product. There is also an implied understanding that Media Mail can be searched. If you do not like that risk, then purchase insurance. I buy insurance for anything over the amount of money I don't want to lose.
  14. We are completely debt-free, and worked toward it... gave up things for the goal of being debt-free, that is. We do not have the large house and acreage, we have a simple ranch house and 1 acre lawn. We live in our starter home and added on an addition for the 2nd dc instead of building a bigger home. We went on short vacations while we rented for 10 years. It is a LONG-term goal which requires here-and-now steps to get there. The best advice I can give is to live within your means and do not carry any credit card balance for more than 1 month.
  15. nm, I see the post above is the answer to my ?
  16. Teaching the dc the habit of picking up after yourself. I used to start the bedtime routing with picking up/putting away, making sure I have adequate "put away" containers. Now bith boys like to see a clear carpet/ floors in the home. I also recently submitted to menu planning. As much as I often think I don't have time to sit down and plan meals in advance... it has saved my sanity countless times. I'm going whole foods, cook from scratch every evening, and the menu has helped tremendously. Leftovers are for lunches the following day, not the next day's supper. There is excitement over dinner these days. If I goof a meal, I'm forgiven for that meal only, not stuck serving it again, since I cook in smaller protions. We've saved on the grocery bill more than anything.
  17. We love this one! It is a 2 level suite, we take Grandma, who sleeps on the roll-out be one 1st floor, and the rest of us sleep in the 2 queen beds upstairs. The pool is a short distance away, but has a waterfall! The hotel is situated near the entrance to Gatlinburg, not downtown, so it is quieter and within walking distance to the stores/ entertainment. http://www.zoders.com/izoder/location.asp HTH,
  18. I work 2 shifts per week (3-11 + a few extra evening hours some weeks) as a nurse at the local hospital. This works because I try to get done early the weekday I work, and then I work every other weekend.
  19. Never heard of this, thank you, I'll look into it... of course, I don't even know much about skype.
  20. :iagree:and this is why I want to pursue a native speaker. Sounds like the general consensus is that a great commitment and investment is needed if I am going to achieve fluency. I need to then decide on which to pursue, fluency or a foundational knowledge of a foreign language. I had 4 years of Spanish in HS, and by the 4th year, spoke only Spanish in classes. I have a rudimentary knowledge of Spanish. I do think I could help with the daily practice at the elementary level. Spanish speakers have commented that I have a decent accent, even tho it is obvously a "learned" Spanish. I can understand basic conversation if people would . just. slooow. doown wheen theey. taaalk.:001_smile:
  21. Our final chapter... we captured our 7th baby snake a week ago and I took it to "show and tell" for our Ranger boys (like Boy Scout groups). They loved it! I am beginning to believe that they must hibernate together and then move out. Haven't seen any in days. Saving the world... one snake at a time....
  22. Thank you, wholeheartedly, for your reply. I am becoming more aware of the opportunity we have and I will appreciate it more.
  23. Actually, he has 1-to-1 private lessons most weeks, just the occasional group lesson with several others around his age, where he mostly listens to others after playing one piece.
  24. Actually, I was hoping to replace RS with the face to face lessons. For background, here's why... my dsis and family had been missionaries in Italy for the past 10 years. They hired native Italians to tutor them in the language. Granted, it was a true immersion program. I thought maybe I can do this in reverse for the dc. So, I am hoping to get a way with not buying a huge program, and just use a real person and/or assigned homework.
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