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Elizabeth in MN

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Everything posted by Elizabeth in MN

  1. We have one. We average 48 MPG and we travel often. The only drawback that I have found is that since it isn't that heavy ice can be a problem. That shouldn't be an issue in FL like it is in Minnesota! LOL :D We really love our Prius.
  2. I'm on Cymbalta for pain. When I first started taking it I had horrible insomnia and dry mouth. My doctor took me off it and *bamb* back came all the pain. I hadn't noticed that the pain had been cut in half. My doctor and I talked and agreed to making the Cymbalta a morning pill and to start low and work the dose up slowly. I started with 20mg and the pain management is good with no dry mouth or insomnia. This week I am going up to 30mg and we'll see what it's like. Now, I am not 100% pain free, but it is so much less than it was I could cry from joy. I can think about a walk around the block and I don't have to use both handrails to get up a flight of stairs. All of this is remarkable because I normally have most of the side effects possible for a medication.
  3. I'd like to say something as an adult with a lisp. Why are lisps bad? Mine is minor, it only comes out with certain words. Sassafras, cinnamon, synonym, sphere are some challenge words for me. I've never had people not understand me, or bring it up.
  4. I would not. I thought about using Oak Meadow with my daughter but even at the Kindergarten level there were areas she was behind in and others she was ahead in.
  5. There are roughly a metric ton of posts here about what books to read for this era. There were so many that I got overwhelmed. This is the list I managed to cut it all down to. Adam of the Road by Elizabeth Janet Gray Apple and the Arrow by Mary Buff Bard of Avon by Diana Stanley Beowulf* retold by Robert Nye Canterbury Tales retold by Geraldine McCaughrean* Castle by David Macaulay Cathedral by David Macaulay Catherine Called Birdy by Karen Cushman Chanticleer and the Fox by Barbara Cooney Book of Norse Myths by the D’ Aulaire’s Dangerous Journey by Oliver Hunkin Divine Comedy: As Told For Young People* by Joseph Tusiani A Door in the Wall by Marguerite De Angeli Famous Men of the Middle Ages* by John Haaren and A. B. Poland Fave Medieval Tale* by Mary Pope Osborn Joan of Arc by Stanley King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table* by Roger Lanceyln Green Tales from Shakespeare* by Charles and Mary Lamb Leif the Lucky by the D'Aulaires Marguerite Makes A Book by Bruce Robertson and Kathryn Hewitt Measly Middle Ages (Horrible Histories Series) by Terry Deary Midwife's Apprentice by Karen Cushman Robin Hood* retold by Roger Lancelyn Green Shakespeare Stealer series by Gary Blackwood Sir Gawain* retold by Michael Morpurgo/Selina Hastings/ Mark Shannon Stormin’ Normans (Horrible Histories Series) by Terry Deary Tales from the Mabinogion* by Gwyn Thomas and Kevin Crossley-Holland Tales From the Arabian Nights (Puffin Classics) by Anon (there are two copies of this, one starting with Aladdin and one with Sindbad – they each contain different stories and don't overlap) Trumpeter of Krakow by Eric P. Kelly and Janina Domanska Vicious Vikings (Horrible Histories Series) by Terry Deary Whipping Boy by Sid Fleishman White Stag by Kate Seredy Call it Courage by Armstrong Sperry
  6. I've been going over this thread again in preparation of starting 5th grade next week. I need one more subject to round us out to five weekly subjects. I ma just do a home school subject based on "The Daring Book for Girls"! Thanks for the wonderful idea :D
  7. Any update on this? I saw that there was a conversation going on between the company and the individual in question. Any word on how the conversation concluded?
  8. Thank you : D I am so nervous about getting this puppy up and running. We have about ten people now and I hope that it's going to be a great group!
  9. I forgot to say that we'll be doing classics such as Walden in addition to modern books on the subject :D
  10. I live in the area and you can't go out to the dug-out anymore. The last I know the farmer that owned the land wouldn't let people come out.
  11. There was a group book study here a few weeks ago using the book "30 Days to a Simpler Life". I was very much inspired by that and I have a fair number of friends who practice Simple Living in different ways, but they are scattered everywhere. So I created a Yahoo Group to work out doing some sort of continual book study. I was hoping to start with something easy like "Simplify Your Life" by Elaine St. James and then branch out more as the group gets going. So far it's a very small group. I'm going to publicize it in a few places where I know people are good with group dynamics and interested in this subject. If you're interested please join at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/simplelivingbc/ .
  12. AS do I. We've been doing genealogy in my family and have found the country of origin for most of my ancestors. I can say very firmly that I am a European American.
  13. I just used up the last of the coffee There is only enough Chai for one pot, and that will be the caffeine for tomorrow. The day after that? SWEET TEA
  14. My DD keeps her dolls in their beds. She doesn't sleep with them because Molly's hair got kinda wild after being slept with for a few months.
  15. No one has mentioned it, but reading the Christian Bible has had a major impact on how I think of issues and respond to them. I'm reading the Oxford annotated NRSV version, so it has books that some denominations leave out. I'm up to Proverbs. The book of Job, alone, threw me for a loop for a good year. "Buddhism Plain and Simple" by Steven Hagen will make you lay down and wonder where the smelling salts are! "The Latin-Centered Curriculum" by Drew Campbell has helped me understand Western culture better. Non-Western Fairytales - They help me understand cultures better. Ghost stories do too. "The Baby Book" by Dr and Mrs Sears - Radical about=face of my parenting style, luckily read before I became a parent,
  16. Between this job refusal and the pedophilia book Amazon had up I really am ready to walk on them.
  17. Does my being a Very Liberal member of The Church of Jesus Christ of later-day Saints count?
  18. My Mom sat with me and watched the episode. I am the second generation in my family to try and get her into Dr Who and last might just may have worked. Can I say that my fave line was "and Mrs. Robinson" "*hiss* I HATE YOU" Great line, no spoilers. I love that we have a DVR so I could stop and cackle or clap as the need arouse. My DD, 10.5, refused to watch it because she hates River. Now, where is this Tardis social group?
  19. Yo! I'm so liberal I get along better with ultra-conservatives than with middle of the roaders ; )
  20. I have one child, and she is ten and a half. My view may be different than most. We're looking at moving from a big house to a smaller one and have been actively reducing the bulk here. She and I recently went through her books and she sold well over half of them - mostly picture books that she had outgrown. Then we went to her room and reorganized everything. She use to have toys in just about every room and we have concentrated it all into her bedroom so she can see what all she has. We got rid of a few things she has outgrown. In the end my daughter remembers better what she owns, and can see and find it all better. For her imagination less is more. I would suggest taking half the toys and putting them away in short term storage. This can lead to more in-depth play with what's out. We are big believers in the power of cardboard boxes in this home. My daughter wanted a high chair for one of her babies and built one from your standard Amazon shipping box. The tray even moves!
  21. It's not specifically LDS, but I really am impressed with the Memoria Press Christian Studies books. If my daughter joins the church I would just add on my own year of Book of Mormon studies after the first three years with the Christian Studies books.
  22. Well, ask yourself how you would feel if you were given the appliance in the condition it's in now. Would you be insulted that it was filthy? What would you think of the people giving it away?
  23. You know what I hate? I hate cancer. It's killed half my grandparents and is currently taking a go at my uncle. I hate that he has to have Chemo, that he weighs less than my ten year old daughter, and that he can't keep food down. I also hate that one of my dearest friends lost her mother in law to cancer. She has to see all these positive billboards that say cancer can be beat when someone she loves is ten feet deep. Another thing I hate are drunk drivers. One just killed a friends daughter. She was three weeks away from graduating high school and had her whole life laid out in front of her. I also hate Leukemia - another friend lost her six year old son to it.
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