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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. :iagree: Airports abroad run the gamut from way worse than what you get in the U.S. to far more lax. We take it in stride. I was subjected to an intense "frisking" when I went to pick up our daughter's immigrant visa at the embassy. Whatever. I wasn't traumatized. I just laughed. For some reason, getting frisked by a female TSA agent or even ogled through a machine just does not bother me in the slightest. My kids aren't upset by it either. Flying is just part of life here so we shrug it off. .
  2. Not the kind of person I would want in my life. Just because you are genetically related to her doesn't mean you have to know her. If you never had a deep, desire to do this before then I would put it back on shelf and pretend it never happened. My dh is adopted and has never had an need to search out his bio parents. His sister is also adopted and she did find her bio mom and it was a total disaster. My advice? Do nothing. .
  3. We've only read a couple of the books and I find them annoying to be honest. We use them to point out to the kids how NOT to act. As PP mentioned, it is impossible to find ONLY books that have the children, the parents, the neighbors, and everyone else acting perfectly with no bad role models... Ever read the Bible? We can use those occasions to teach children how not to act. It is great media literacy and worldview training. But We can pick and choose what to expose our kids to and how much. If my child will read about a bad parenting example I would RATHER it be from Shakespeare or Austin than in some silly, poorly-written book or an even sillier TV show. .
  4. Wow Lori! Thank you for all of the incredible information!!!! And the extra links...lots to think about!
  5. My ds wants to do the Lord of the Rings trilogy next year so I am looking at study guides. I have checked out LLFLOTR and the Progeny Press guides and they both look good. Any opinions? Options I have not considered?
  6. My ds wants to do the Lord of the Rings trilogy next year so I am looking at study guides. I have checked out LLFLOTR and the Progeny Press guides and they both look good. Any opinions? Options I have not considered?
  7. Absolutely!!!! Penang or KL... Either way, we will meet up. How fun! Is this for a holiday or a move?
  8. If you want a holiday on a tropical island you can always come and stay with me. :D Flights from Australia to Malaysia are pretty reasonable. .
  9. I have the entire videotext algebra set. According to their website, if you finish all the modules you will have completed algebra 1 and 2. Can someone tell me where the break is? Like which modules are algebra 1 and which are algebra 2?
  10. We felt it here really strongly! I was at the mall and the whole building swayed for about 3 or 4 minutes. Lights were flickering on and off. Electricty was on and off. Things were falling off the shelves. Everyone rushed out of the mall at the same time so it was a little chaotic! In 2004 the tsunami destroyed the sea wall between our school and the ocean so we are keeping an eye out. If a tsunami is created, it is due to hit here around 9pm. We are praying!
  11. So far... for fiction I loved The Paris Wife by Paula McLain for non-fiction I loved The Holiness of God by RC Sproul.
  12. After having lived in a culture other than my own for the last 3 years I just have to say... Hogwash. People use that excuse all the time here, too. "it's not wrong, it's just different!" and "it's a cultural thing!" are used to explain all kinds of things and it is a bunch of bunk. Sure, some things are just culturally different like Indian women wearing red saris on their wedding day instead of white bridal gowns. No big deal. But some things are different AND wrong. It is what you call STATISTICAL MORALITY. If 51% or more of a given population decides that something (like having sex with a 10yo girl) is ok, then it is "culturally acceptable." Thank goodness I do not rely on the capricious whims of man to decide what is right and wrong. .
  13. And if this is how you handle the situation ... By being rude to those who may not even realize it is a problem... Then you deserve to be called rude and have your requests ignored. I prefer to handle things in a more civilized manner. YMMV
  14. I would agree that it is cultural... Like the way I have to hold my breath in a lot of places we go here because the B.O. is so strong it makes me gag. My flight from Indonesia was the most miserable experience ever. I'll take perfume over BO any day of the week.
  15. Well my momma always said you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. I understand allergies. But the original post was way over the top. People aren't out to get you with their perfume. Wearing perfume is socially acceptable. You have the allergy. Fluorescent lighting gives me migraines. Should I stomp into every store, church, school or public facility of any kind that has fluorescent lighting and rant and rave and accuse them of being insensitive to my migraines? No. Fluorescent lighting is common. I am the one with the problem so I cope with it or I don't go to those places. Your pastor may very well be willing to establish a no perfume zone but I sincerely hope you ask in a much nicer way than how you presented it here. .
  16. This week... Started reading: The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller The Strength of His Hands by Lynn Austin Completed so far: 17. Song of Redemption 16. The Constantine Codex 15. What the Dog Saw 14. What is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission 13. Gods and Kings 12. A Skeleton in God's Closet 11. My Hands Came Away Red 10. The Omnivore's Dilemma 9.Dead Heat 8. Redeeming Love 7. Family Driven Faith: What it Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God 6. Organized Simplicity 5. Year of Wonders 4. The Holiness of God 3. The Paris Wife 2. The Peach Keeper 1. Relic
  17. No. I love going... Even moreso now that we don't have a church home. I miss it terribly.
  18. My school has a semester or year abroad option (as well as boarding programs for longer term) and is nowhere near $100,000. :D We have 500 kids from 29 different countries aging from 3 to 18 on one big campus. It has been the most incredible experience for my kids to live and learn in an international environment. If you ever have the chance, go for it!!
  19. Not me but my baby girl has croup and a high fever. :(
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