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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Well I have to admit that I never appreciated Wal-Mart until I moved to a country without one! Being able to get everything on my list under one roof would be awesome right about now. Instead I get to spend all day going from one momandpop specialty shop to another. It's exhausting and takes a lot of time I just don't have.
  2. Sure, NOW they offer it...after I move to the other side of the world! :tongue_smilie:
  3. Recently: The Thirteenth Tale was excellent The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was only OK The Book Thief is excellent The Help is next on my list.
  4. Just finished "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and now I am reading "The Book Thief" on my kindle.
  5. I am reading The Book Thief right now and loving it! This is a great place to start: http://www.amazon.com/Million-Kindle-books-available-now/forum/FxBVKST06PWP9B/Tx15UAKRX5252A/1/
  6. Spycar (and others)....would Singapore be a good program for group use (like a classroom)? Or is it more of an individual thing? How does MUS fit into the math spectrum?
  7. YES YES YES!!!!! It easy very readable and it will change the way you look at math.
  8. Absolutely. I am an "algorithm" person. I can follow directions, follow a formula, but have little understanding of the "why" behind the math. Reading that book was like a giant light bulb. Now I am looking further into it both for my kids at home and for students at work. My school is about half asian and half westerners but my teachers are ALL westerners and teach american-style, algorithm-only math. That needs to change.I am thinking of getting copies of this book for all my teachers and using it for PD. But then I want to get a good curriculum to use at home for my boys (and look into one that could be used in a classroom setting for my students). This book should be required reading for all elementary teachers!
  9. Which math curriculum most closely follows the math principles in that book? I just read it and found it to be fascinating...lots of a-ha moments!
  10. autumn air in the Blueridge Mountains or maybe like chocolate and coffee!!!!
  11. These answers are awesome!!!! I love reading all the different ideas. Keep them coming ladies....
  12. This is one of those "no-win" situations. You feel kind of miffed but you don't want to say anything because you might look selfish or greedy. Then there is always that off chance they didn't actually donate to the charity and are just too cheap to give you a gift (a la Seinfeld...or maybe I am paranoid). But I am pretty sure the Bible says something about not telling people when you do good deeds and keeping it a secret...
  13. What I have found after teaching in a very affluent district then teaching in an inner city district is that the poor kids are not meek and powerless but rather just assume that any attempts on their part to overcome will be shot down so why bother (a victim mentality of sorts). The rich kids just assume they will get their way (more of an entitlement mentality).
  14. Actually, you answered the questions perfectly. Part of the assignment is finding whether one even HAS a defintion of good/evil, or even believes they exist. And if you do not believe in God then the last question would not pertain to you...unless the REASON you do not believe in God has something to do with evil (like those who lose faith in God due to a great tragedy, etc.).
  15. I got the M-Edge cover in fushcia with matching fuschia book light (Mighty Bright brand). I love it!
  16. Please answer the following questions honestly accoridng to your own beliefs: 1. How do you define "good"? 2. How do you define "evil"? 3. Where did evil come from? 4. How does the presence of evil in the world affect your view of God? Thanks!
  17. I called off a wedding after the shower. The day after I called it off I called ALL of the people who had given gifts to let them know and make arrangements to return the gifts. Interstingly, ever single one of them told me to keep it EXCEPT for my grandmother. :tongue_smilie: No one gave me money as a shower gift but I would have returned that as well.
  18. I really liked it! I thought it was very interesting and thought-provoking.
  19. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You are awesome in every way and loved by God!!!
  20. What do you use to teach how to properly research for a paper and write a research paper? I am having a hard time finding things that teach kids how to decide if certain online sources are legitimate, etc.
  21. Actually, the kindle DOES work overseas (just not always wirelessly...in Malaysia I download onto it from my pc via USB cable but it only takes a few seconds...it works wirelessly in over 100 countries if you have the international kindle though). And you CAN put books you buy onto another kindle if they are part of your account. Up to 4 kindles can share the same material. My dh and I and 2 of my friends share content all the time (legally). And it CAN read PDFs. They just gave free software updates to all kindle owners so that your kindle can read a PDF without reformatting it. Also, you can get a free app for your PC and read kindle books from there too. So I have all my books on my pc and on my Kindle. I love my kindle!!!!!!
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