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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I KNOW!!!! :D Even after my college work in curriculum at the graduate level, I still find BETTER curriculum advice here! I can get opinions from textbook writers or I can actually go to the people who are in the trenches...people who are trying out all different kinds of curricula for all different reasons at all different ages, then posting about the good, the bad, the ugly... You can't beat it for anecdotal evidence! I love this board!!!!
  2. YES! And resurrected exactly one year to the day it started by a member who has only ONE post. Hmmmmm......
  3. Good question! One of the main reasons they hired me (as opposed to other candidates) is because of my experience in curriculum design and assessment. They (meaning the board and admin) want a complete curriculum overhaul. So this means a lot of change and some people like change more than others. :tongue_smilie: But it is what I was hired to do so I guess I get to do the dirty work!
  4. So I am in the beginning stages of revamping the Social Studies curriculum at my school (I am the K-12 curriculum director AND the ES principal). As we were discussing possible changes, one teacher made the comment that he doesn't think 7th and 8th grade kids are "ready" or "mature enough" to "think deeply" about history. He mentioned how much his students like Liberty Kids videos and Schoolhouse Rock and how he doesn't want to turn them off from history by teachng them all the boring stuff. comments? What can we/should we expect out of 7th and 8th grade kids in terms of "thinking deeply" about History?
  5. Wow, that was a very interesting article. I think I need to let it fester in my mind a bit before answering. But it does say a lot of things that people don't say but DO think. hmmm.....
  6. They thought they wanted to go until I put them in. Now they've changed their minds. :D
  7. Well, this area of Malaysia is pretty much a cash-only society. VERY FEW placs even accept credit cards (like only major department stores) and only a few more take debit cards so you have no choice but to pay cash. We do think a lot more about what we buy when we are handing over the cash.
  8. Why Does E=mc2?: And Why Should We Care? - Brian Cox Dead and Gone (Sookie Stackhouse, Book 9) - Charlaine Harris Wrapped in Rain - Charles Martin Snow Flower and the Secret Fan: A Novel - Lisa See What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures - Malcolm Gladwell
  9. I was definitely conflicted. On the one hand, it was 80 degrees out, the windows were UP and she was out cold. I think my biggest concern was that she would overheat and not wake up. But then I told myself, surely her body would wake her up right? The car was parked on the street (very few actual parking lots around here) so that concerned me a little, like what if she was hit by a car while getting out, etc. I do admit that living in Detroit for 37 years has made me a bit paranoid. :tongue_smilie: FTR, I did nothing (well besides wonder and worry). I knew that the rest of the people in the restaurant would look at me like I was crazy and the age of the child really made me falter. If it had been a baby I would have tried to do something no matter what (you just can't leave a baby in car in this kind of heat). I guess part of me felt guilty for not doing anything and part of me knew it would probably turn out fine and I just didn't know which part to listen to.
  10. So we were walking into our favorite Indian restaurant and there was a car parked near the entrance. As I walked by it I noticed there was a girl asleep inside the car...in the driver's seat...windows up...car off...doors locked. It was a "cool" day here, meaning about 80 degrees. The girl looked to be around 7 years old. There are no laws in Malaysia against this. In America, if I saw a toddler in this same situation I would immediately get help, try to find the mother, etc. But I am not in America now and this wasn't a toddler so I didn't know how to react. Was this an acceptable situation? I know the problem with leaving babies and young children in the car is that they are trapped. This child could easily open the door and get out. Would a child this age die due to the heat or would her body wake her up and she would get out of the car? Then there is the whole issue of abduction (although very rare here) or her getting out of the car and wandering off. I seriously did not know what to do. There are no car seat laws here for kids, in fact, parents ride around on motorcycles with two kids and no helmets (yes, 4 people on a motorcycle). So safety of the child is not as big an issue here. And, of course, I have to be careful of the cultural situation here. I don't want to be the "ugly American". But it bothered me a lot. What would you have done in this situation?
  11. We did and we love it!!!!! It makes good use of the area above the fireplace. My only suggestion is that it does matter how big the room is. We had a 42 inch flat screen above our fireplace and we viewed it from a good distance so it worked well for us.
  12. Thank you for the ideas. My ideas is that there are all kinds of textbooks on Western Civ but next to nothing for Eastern Civ. As I am developing high school history plans, I would like to do a balanced approach but I cannot find anything good to use for high school. I am going to look up the ones you suggested.
  13. :iagree::iagree::iagree: My, my...WHATEVER did WE do all those years without texting and twittering and facebook and cell phones. How did we EVER make it through all those years of school without it????? :ack2: and :thumbdown: and :banghead:
  14. Does a textbook for Eastern Civilization exist? I can find plenty for Western Civ but not any just for Eastern Civ. Any ideas?
  15. OK, I bit the bullet and got it for my kindle. I need something good to read on the plane. I'll let you know how it goes. If I survive the typhoon. ;)
  16. I leave for the airport in 30 minutes. According to the latest weather report, the eye of the typhoone is right over Manila at this moment. Since we don't arrive in Manila for another 8 hours perhaps it will be past by then? Right? RIGHT????? :tongue_smilie:
  17. They are both in the Philippines tomorrow...along with ME!!!! :eek: That's right. Tomorrow morning I will be boarding a plane to fly to Manila for the East Asia Regional Conference for Overseas Schools right at the same time that Typhoon Mirinae is expected to make landfall. We SHOULD be flying in behind the typhoon but I am still really nervous.
  18. I know it's only been out 10 days but has anyone read it yet? Reviews? I loved the first one.
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