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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Let me rephrase...they are not ONLY using Singapore Math. It used to be the only program they used but recently they opened up the curriculum to other math programs and now a lot of schools are using other math programs and the original Singapore Math no longer dominates. The info is on the singapore math website. I guess the results of this change are yet to be seen but considering how well Singapore has performed on the TIMSS over the last 15 years, I am surprised they are changing programs.
  2. Its a good question...I am looking into it. What I can see so far is that Singapore and Hong Kong are in the top 5 for both 4th and 8th grade math (and the U.S. is further down on the list). Most of the major international schools in those countries are using EDM. BUT the TIMSS scores are for the whole country...not just the international schools and I don't know what the other schools in HK and Singapore use (it use to be Singapore Math in Singapore but that has changed in recent years). And I can't find anything that gives me TIMSS scores on a school-by-school basis. I am looking at scores on the ITBS (for elementary and middle school), SAT and AP Calc and AP Statistics and the international schools are doing very well. So it is hard to determine the real correlation between EDM and their math scores but it is safe to say that it isn't "hurting" their scores. Is it making them better? I don't know. The other factor I need to know is WHEN they started using EDM since it would take a few years for it to really impact their scores one way or another. And yes, this IS an environment where education is the top priority for families. It is assumed that all kids will go to university and any student that is not scoring top marks is usually in after-school tutoring (called tuition here). So obviously that makes a difference too.
  3. I don't know...personally, I think "up" in that sentence is redundant. How else would he stand? I would write "The boy stood and ran down the street."
  4. Links? Well, not one link. I just went to each individual school's website and looked at their curriculum. At first, I was just checking the big schools in southeast Asia but then I started checking schools in other areas as well. Even international schools in south america are using it. It was such a trend that I sat up and took notice. And yes, their scores are way up there so that's why I was confused and started this thread.
  5. OMG, "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" was hysterical...but that could be because I worked in a mall when I was young and the whole mall cop phenomena is JUST LIKE what mall cops are like! I was rolling.....
  6. :angelsad2::angelsad2::angelsad2: That is such a beautiful story. :grouphug:
  7. Where are you? It's times like this when the time zone difference really blows my mind...you know, like it is 2010 here but still 2009 for my family in the states. so bizarre.
  8. :iagree: I forgot about that one (or rather tried to repress the memory). He just oozes sarcasm and smugness and frankly, makes my skin crawl.
  9. Well that cements it for me. To be honest, I don't remember ever reading a GOOD review of this program so when I started looking at the curriculum form these huge international schools (that have test scores that are off the charts awesome) I was REALLY surprised to see how many use EDM. I was like :confused1: Then I thought, well maybe there is something I am missing...I better check with the Hive. And now I am even more confused. I want to call them up and ask them "why would you choose a math program that everybody hates?" Because now I have to go to my director and tell him that 80% of international schools use EDM and I have no idea why because it is terrible!
  10. Yeah! Another mom in Southeast Asia! I live on Penang Island which is not that far from you. Welcome to the WTM boards. We're a lively bunch so hold onto your hat! :D
  11. Well, it was on DVD but I hated Kingdom of Heaven (it had Orlando Bloom in it though so it one redeeming quality).
  12. To a wonderful group of women and men who laugh with me and argue with me and cry with me. I wish only the best for all of you this year!
  13. 1. have family devotions EVERY night 2. lose 20 lbs 3. conquer my plantar fasciitis so I can do the couch to 5k program 4. finish my master's in theology degree 5. try to enjoy each day more instead of always looking to the future
  14. So as I am revamping the curriculum at my school, my director asked me to look into the curriculum of all the biggest and best international schools in the world. An overwhelming percentage of them use the Everyday Math (aka Chicago Math) series. I was surprised by this because all the reviews I've ever read have BLASTED this program...at least in the U.S. I have no personal experience with it. So I am wondering if any of you use it or have used it? Any opinions on it? Can someone explain why huge, prestigious international schools would choose a program like this?
  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I have not seen or spoken to my father in over 10 years. Long story. He has made no overtures to repair the rift and neither have I but often catch myself wondering, if he died would I even go to his funeral? Should I? etc. Yours is a tough one since you are in contact with him. In your situation, I probably wouldn't get involved unless there was no other choice (like I wouldn't let him live on the street so to speak). Sharing DNA does not make you family. Help him they way you would help an acquaintance who was in the same situation.
  16. My favorite movie for adults for New Year's Eve is "When Harry Met Sally"...funny, sweet, romantic, and the ending of the movie takes place on New Year's Eve so totally appropriate!
  17. May the Lord comfort you in your time of loss. To live is Christ, to die is gain. :grouphug:
  18. moved to NC then back to Michigan then to Malaysia spent a year doing missionary work worked in 4 different school districts adopted a baby rededicated my life to God started a Master's degree in Theology (still have about a year to go) started and closed two different businesses had my oldest ds diagnosed with special needs and learned to deal with them started homeschooling (never thought I would) watched my parents divorce after 28 years of marriage watched both of my brothers get married and divorced and remarried had 3 nieces born prematurely (all at 27 weeks) and live to be healthy 5 year olds! gosh, so many things, too many to name them all!
  19. So the failed adoption hit me pretty hard and I have spent the last few days feeling really sorry for myself...wallowing in my sadness...I couldn't even bear to come on here and read about how you were all praying for me because it was just too hard. They have decided to give the baby to a hindu family. My prayer now is that somehow that baby will hear the truth of Christ sometime in her life even though she will be raised in a non-christian family. So it is time for the pity party to be over. I do not know why this happened except perhaps to open our family's heart to the possibility of adopting while here in Malaysia. It was not something we had really considered before and now we know that it is a real possibility. The original call about the baby through us for a loop. I was excited, dh was apprehensive but excited. We both had a lot of what-if and how-will-we questions. But in the end our hearts said yes to the idea of a baby. So we have informed the orphanage that we would like to be considered for other opportunities if they should present themselves. Until then, we will continue to help and minister to these orphanages in any way we can. This has been a lesson in trusting God and we want to glorify Him with our response to this situation (my pity party was NOT the way to do that). The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Thank you for all of your kind words and prayers. And anyone who would like to continue to pray with me that God would send another child to our family, I would appreciate it. Blessed Be Your Name In the land that is plentiful Where Your streams of abundance flow Blessed be Your name Blessed Be Your name When I'm found in the desert place Though I walk through the wilderness Blessed Be Your name Blessed be Your name When the sun's shining down on me When the world's 'all as it should be' Blessed be Your name Blessed be Your name On the road marked with suffering Though there's pain in the offering Blessed be Your name Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise When the darkness closes in, Lord Still I will say Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your name Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your glorious name You give and take away You give and take away My heart will choose to say Lord, blessed be Your name
  20. It is Tuesday morning. I did not hear from the orphanage yesterday until about 5pm and it wasn't great news. I am not sure where things stand right now. The birthmom is 15yo and is having "second thoughts" about giving the baby up. I can't fault her for that. The grandmother, however, has no qualms whatsoever about essentially forcing her teenage daughter to put the baby up for adoption but she DOES have a problem with the fact that it would be adopted by a couple that is Christian (they are Hindus). There was this long explanation about karma by the orphanage lady of which I only understood a small part because my head was spinning. At any rate, we still don't know for sure and it isn't really looking very good and so I went to bed early because I felt like I was going to throw up. I don't understand why this opportunity that we didn't ask for was dropped into our laps sending our lives into a tailspin only to then be yanked away again. Yes, I remember the post from last year and to be honest I had pretty much given up hope (although the ache just doesn't ever go away does it?). Now I feel like the wound is fresh again and someone poured lemon juice in it. I was to the point in the healing process that it didn't claim my every waking moment, life goes on, I have a new job and a new life and then..... now I have to start all over again and it sucks even worse now because I was so close....
  21. I do the same thing...teach our family's viewpoint as fact and teach all other viewpoints by way of comparison.
  22. It is Monday morning here. The orphange lady is supposed to call sometime today with more details...more final news hopefully. Yesterday was excruciating. To pass the time I read "The Help" and watched multiple episodes of 24. Today we are going to a local waterfall park with other families for swimming and a picnic. My cell phone is fully charged and I know I am just going to stare at it all day willing it to ring. I keep saying things like "If it is God's will then we will get the baby" but what I really mean is "If we don't get the baby I am going to throw up." I hate waiting.
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