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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. How do you block just one person? I know how to hide their updates but not how to block them from seeing me at all. Will they know they've been blocked?
  2. LOL...No one from here. Just some people coming out of the woodwork that I should have ignored in the first place. Yes I am still sleep-deprived and loving it!!! Did you SEE the latest pic of her on my blog. Seriously, could this child be any prettier? :D
  3. will they know it? Will they get a message from FB? Or will I just no longer show up on their friends list and they won't know it unless they are looking for me?
  4. thank you all for your thoughtful replies. We feel piano is very important but the kids want to do something else too. Maybe we will start with swimming and see what happens?
  5. I can't get the wireless download here in Malaysia so that's what I do too...download it to my computer first then the kindle so it can not be taken from me! :D
  6. what would it be? Let's suppose that after schooling and lessons were done and not including church. would it be a music lesson of some sort? If so which one? would it be a sport? If so which one? would it be a club of some sort? If so which one? We are incredibly busy. By the time school and homework and church and dinner and life is done for the day there isn't much time left over. We really only have time for our two boys to be involved in one extra activity. But of course they want to be involved in everything! ds#1 is in piano but also wants boy scouts, karate, and swim lessons ds#2 is only 5yo and not in anything officially yet but he wants karate, swimming, and soccer. I want him to play an instrument. What to do? How do you decide? A sport or a club or an instrument? ANd still have time together as a family? AHHHHHH!!!!
  7. My oldest ds was a sleepwalker when he was younger. We woke up one night and found him in the kitchen feeding the dogs an entire box of Cheez-its! He was completely asleep!
  8. Today is my anniversary...13 years...and we both forgot until about mid-day. Isn't that terrible? Honestly, we have "baby brain". Lack of sleep plus both working full time plus the whirlwind of everything that has happened and...poof...the day was half-way over before either of us remembered. We were too tired to go out and so we got take-out and watched a movie with our boys while the baby napped. Am I officially lame? I can't believe we did that. Sigh...
  9. I read the first two books in the Outlander series, I am currently half-way through Discover Your Children's Gifts and Same Kind of Different as Me.
  10. wow. That woman needs to get a life. That's like yelling at someone for using a computer instead of feather and ink. Paper books are great...I have lots of them...but you can't fight technology! :D
  11. She's right. There are far more secular international schools than christian (and they generally pay better too). If it weren't for the fact that I want to work in a christian school and have my kids attend a christian school, I could move to another international school in a heartbeat and make more money.
  12. http://www.interamerican.edu.ec/ http://www.cotopaxi.k12.ec/Schoolsite/default.aspx
  13. No cotton-pickin' way. I get the "gas" and THEN novacaine for a filling. I have huge dental phobias. When we were in NC my ds needed a root canal and they would give him novacaine but no gas. So I flew him to Michigan where the dentists are not sadists. :D
  14. WOW!!! Congratulations!! Are you fostering to adopt?
  15. Bought 'em the first weekend I got here...dirt cheap at Jusco which is the Malaysian version of Walmart. They delivered them to my house for free the next day.
  16. Yes I did but I am very unusual. I brought more stuff than I needed to. Some people bring next to nothing and buy everything when they get here. Whatever you don't spend of your shipping allowance on actually shipping stuff, you get to keep! And it is quite a bit of money. I just wasn't all that smart about it. I panicked and packed everything I own! :tongue_smilie:
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