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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. No and I doubt I would if I were close to the person. It would have to be something REALLY off the charts... Like the groom was a convicted pedophile or something... Before I would. Other than that, it just seems too holier than thou and I am not going to cast the first stone, that's for sure. Even if my friend were marrying someone abusive I would be there because goodness knows she is going to need me. As far as divorce and remarriage? It takes two to ruin a marriage and I am not going to sit in judgment. My mother got pregnant by her boyfriend who just happened to be divorced. They wanted to get married but her whole family and the entire church wouldn't "allow" it because of the divorce. So they didn't. She moved away and her child never got to know her father. That child was me. My mom never got over it. Many years ago my whole extended family boycotted my cousin's marriage because she married a man of a different race than her. My immediate family are the only ones who attended. I will NEVER forget the hurt in her eyes that day. Think twice people.
  2. Yep. It happens here more often than it doesn't. Now any packages my family sends to us here include pork rinds or bacon bits and a big disclaimer on the box "contains pork products". The people at the post office won't touch it and now all my packages get through just fine!
  3. why THANK YOU Rosie. :D That picture was taken a couple of years ago in the parking lot of the Motley Crüe concert. My brother got me tickets for my birthday because the first concert I ever went to when I was a teenager was Motley Crüe. Oh, there was also a keg in the back of that van I am standing in front of. :tongue_smilie: I'm just a teensy bit rebellious.
  4. I compliment people all the time but I admit that I am not good at taking compliments. I get embarrassed.
  5. Thank goodness our AWANA does not do this. While I do advocate for teaching children the truth about sin, I do not believe in decision theology either and I do not allow it to be taught at our school.
  6. Fiction: Beloved by Toni Morrison Non-fiction: Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper
  7. As usual :iagree:. Can I hire you to write all my posts? :tongue_smilie:
  8. I'm just way too much of a prude to get into a hot tub with another couple whether they are swingers or not so I'd say no. :tongue_smilie:
  9. oh heck no. If I was a witch I'd be a wicked one for sure. That goody-goody Glenda the north witch always got on my nerves. :D
  10. And I was with you until you dogged Journey. At that point the makeup melted off my overly made-up face and my perfectly- coiffed hair fell out. :tongue_smilie:
  11. That's interesting. I see you kinda the same way... Strong, intelligent, distinct POV, but kind of midway between Audrey and myself in religion and politics. It's fun to see where our "venn diagram" circles overlap. :D
  12. I think that's twice in one week that we have agreed on something. It is starting to scare me. :D
  13. Wow. I had no idea that the fact that I put on some makeup, do something with my hair and dress fashionably when i go places meant I was vain, didn't care about spending time with my kids, I will walk on people to get ahead, I can't be trusted, I'm shallow, people don't want to be friends with me, etc. Thanks for enlightening me. :glare:
  14. This is how we (well mostly she) did it: We bought a potty chair and we kept it in the kitchen so it would be nearby and there would be no playing around in the bathroom. We took Natalie's diaper off and let her walk around bare bummed. We put her on the potty at times that she usually goes in her diaper any ways (after meals, etc) and about every 30 minutes but we didn't make her sit for a long time...just 5 minutes or so each time. Day 1 she peed on the floor about 4 times, day 2 twice, never again after that. The biggest thing was no diapers, no pull-ups, lots of praise, and watching her for signs that she is about to go. My nanny rocks! :D Now when she needs to go she says "uh oh! Potty!" and runs to the potty.
  15. I color my hair. I get pedicures. I fix my hair and put on makeup 6-7 days a week. I dress fashionably. I keep my weight down(though I'd like to lose about 5 more pounds).
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