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Everything posted by thepoteetteam

  1. We have 7 children. 6 boys and 1 girl. Ages 15-3 years. I really lack a schedule to follow, yet I want to be flexible. I have Managers of their Homes and Managers of their Chores, but I get so intimidated everytime I look at it. Does anyone have advice on how to schedule? I mean I know HOW....sigh......I guess I just want some encouragement. I seem to get so irritated at my kids for not doing their chores, yet it's really my own fault for not telling them what I expect of them everyday. It's just the big ugly monster that I'm too lazy to take on, I guess......:glare::confused:
  2. My mother has essential tremors. Not sure what the difference is. She's 68 years old though.....
  3. Help! First off, let me say I have 7 kids ages 15 years of age down to 2. My first 2 boys were self motivated readers and LOVE books. My 3rd born (ants in the pants boy) just does NOT like to pick up a book and read. I really need to find a curriculum to get him excited about reading that won't take a LOT of MY time. I hope that doesn't sound bad..... I'm just in an overwhelming season of my life and reading should just be easy to do. I just want something that will help him look forward to reading........ Thanks!;)
  4. Ok, that's what I figured. I just didn't have anything other than the 7th grade book to flip through. Thanks! :D
  5. Would my child have to have completed R&S Bible books 5th and 6th grade before doing the 7th grade book? I think I noticed that they are a continuance, but is it still possible to just start on the 7th grade book?
  6. Does anyone know of a site that suggests a schedule to go along with the free notebook pages from the jeanniefulbright.com site? It's been an awful start to our schooling day and I am in tears right now. I can't get anything together. :( BTW, we are doing Zoology 3.
  7. Crystal, are you sure you don't work for MFW? :D I swear they need to know how well you represent them! Brindee, how long did it take for you to get your MFW stuff in? I am exactly like you. Had it all planned out and now changing my mind due to lack of peace. I think I may order this evening. ;) Wondering how long it takes to come in. Did you just order everything directly through them?
  8. Congrats! Big families are so much fun!:grouphug:
  9. Oh my how many times have I felt this way? However, I have chosen to view homeschooling like divorce. It's NOT an option. I am committed no matter how hard it gets. It's what's BEST for my children and my family. Nobody promised me it would be easy and nobody promised that they would hold my hand. I have found the support of these boards to be awesome when I am looking for that absent hand, but more than anything......the Lord will carry me through! This is God's plan for educating my child. If I get the Word of God in to my child, then that's the most important thing I can do. I know some may not feel that way on this board, but that's what carries me through. School is NOT on a specific schedule. If you are not ready now, don't worry. It's not that bad catching up after a loooooong break. Pray....just please pray for God's direction. Don't rely on your own feelings. Look for HIS will for your family! HUGS!:grouphug:
  10. Ok, I am totally scared to read through this thread! WE are using Bio this year!
  11. We are buying 10 acres set up with a chicken coop and I cannot wait to have chickens soon!
  12. Allrecipes.com has become my best friend for dinners!!!!!
  13. Depends where you live and on the teachers history/experience. Beginning teachers - $8-$10 half hour Established teachers - $15-$20 half hour Well known teachers - $20+ half hour
  14. You know....I didn't want more after our 3rd. Not at all. However, hubby quietly prayed for the Lord to change my heart and we now have 7 childrens. :) Sooooo, P R A Y!!!!!!
  15. I did read that blog. I would love to know more. We just started using Apologia.
  16. Such GREAT ideas to read through! I am so going to be using these!
  17. I am about to just bawl. I can't get a peace about my schooling! My first high schooler.....a very diligent son.....I am so blessed! I just don't know what to do for him. :( 3+ years ago we were doing bju homesat. Hated how LONG it took to do it all and eventually weaned our schooling to more of an eclectic type of schooling. This year I was going to do R&S Bible, R&S English, VideoText Math, Apologia Biology, Total Language Plus for reading/literature and SOS for History. Now after reading so much on these forums, I am afraid that's not enough for HIM. And I honestly never even thought about what will be counted as "credits" for his future. I am NOT organized. I don't keep records. I don't know where the time has gone! How can he be in 9th grade already? I do live in a very friendly homeschool state and don't have to check in with anybody. I was reading a lot about MFW and was very drawn into that approach, but I am almost afraid I am too airheaded for that curriculum! Omgosh I am making myself sound so bad..... Can someone encourage me? Advice anyone? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!:001_huh:
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