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Laura Corin

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Everything posted by Laura Corin

  1. Tired and busy today. It will be a dog walk at lunchtime only, I think.
  2. I'd eat it. Fwiw I have left butter out on the counter all my life, except when I lived in places where it would melt.
  3. That doesn't seem to agree with the reports I have seen. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/21/nyregion/coronavirus-jews-hasidic-ny.html
  4. Dog walk so far. Planning to run soon.
  5. NHS. Free at the point of need, paid by general taxation.
  6. So many factors, but just between my siblings - same parents - I suspect effects of: Autism, the age/stage when our parents divorced, depression, differing parental interest during childhood, educational experience due to a mismatch with the educational system.
  7. Also not a scientist. However, the vaccine virus doesn't have a minute-by-minute choice as to direction: it doesn't have agency to seek people out. Virus particles will travel towards everyone convenient. Those who are distanced, masked or vaccinated are least likely to get ill. The others will have just as much contact with virus particles (rather than being sought out) but will have no barriers.
  8. Thanks. I'm so glad you are getting your vaccination. Hope you don't feel too crummy afterwards. The UK is doing the second jab after a big gap, so I've only had one so far. I should get my second blue letter, inviting me in, in the next couple of weeks.
  9. Low-key day today. Dog walk at lunchtime and some yoga after work.
  10. Antibodies in people with one or two AZ or Pfizer jabs. Large sample. Looking good even in older people. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/18/96-of-britons-develop-antibodies-after-one-covid-jab-study-finds?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  11. Laura Corin


    I agree with Jean. Often the pain isn't felt where it originates. I am working with a physio right now on back stiffness that presents as hamstring and foot pain
  12. I like your furniture @Ali in OR. Lovely, if damp, walk in the Highlands along an old drove track. Here is Evie in The Cairngorms for the first time.
  13. Periodic Scotland update- Some opening up today. BBC News - Covid in Scotland: Hugs and indoor socialising as rules ease https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-57136624 I was in two supermarkets today, however, and pretty good distancing and universal masking were in place. We still don't know the implications of the variant discovered in India - so far the government is saying that most of those badly affected were unvaccinated although they were eligible. I don't have statistics for that though. This is what the current average situation looks like- Test positivity 1.4 per cent. 68 percent of adults have had at least one jab, but not all cohorts are open yet.
  14. Another three mile run, this time on the beach, so a bit faster. Lovely sunshine and it felt good.
  15. I have Common Land in my study with bright white woodwork https://www.dulux.co.uk/en/colour-details/common-land The sitting room is Pale Wedgwood, again with bright white woodwork https://www.littlegreene.com/palew
  16. Husband was borderline. They would not have prescribed automatically but he wanted to try it.
  17. She's doing really well. She barks at strangers who come to our house, so we need to work on that. Her lead skills are also atrocious but she's bright and I think she's starting to work out what I want. She gets on fine with our old dog Blondie so long as we feed them separately.
  18. Lovely! Husband, Hobbes and I took the two dogs for a nine mile walk along forest trails to a crepe shack and back. Glorious weather. Hobbes goes back to his university town on Monday, so it was a nice last family thing.
  19. The Asian population of the UK is about 7.5 percent, of whom over five percent are of Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin. Chinese origin is less than 1 percent. Other Asian ethnicities are smaller. People of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin are quite likely to live in 'persistent poverty', so there is a big crossover between ethnicity and deprivation.
  20. I've seen cargo scrubs here and been tempted.
  21. It is here too, plus there are ethnic differences too. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55274833
  22. I had mine from a recently-retired GP in a town hall vaccination centre. A wide variety of people have been used for the vaccinations, and I was pleased to be assigned a doctor.
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