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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. We did SOTW3 and just took off on a lot of bunny trails when we'd get to the American History chapters. Read a lot of biographies ( Colonial Leaders Series, etc.) and did some History Pockets, etc. We did that with the Pilgrims, War of Independence, war of 1812' and Civil War.
  2. Morning Ladies! Well, we're up at the crack of dark this morning. Going on a family field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It's a 3 hour drive, but dh took the day off, so he's doing the driving! They're having Homeschool Day so admissions free. Woohoo! It's horribly expensive otherwise especially for a family of 7. It's a gorgeous aquarium in a gorgeous setting. So, we're off, and I figure this should just about cover science for the rest of the year! Lol!
  3. I'm home. Ate dinner. Finished everything. Now, get kids ready for bed and collapse in a heap. My allergies have been killing me today.
  4. School is mostly done. Leaving in 10 minutes for the dentist. Need to collect library books.
  5. Morning, Girls! I hate Mondays. Always too much! And the kids always have a hard time gearing up for the school week! Anyhow, it must be dealt with, so here I go! ** school ** clean up house before cleaners get here ** ds2 has dentist ** Costco ** bell choir ** get ready for field trip tomorrow to Home School Days at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It is an awesome aquarium and it costs a fortune to go, but if you sign up on a homeschool day, you get in for free. It's about a 3 hour drive for us, but DH is taking the day off and coming with us. So it'll be fun!
  6. Oh wow! Well, my Sienna is an '04 and I haven't had any issues at all, and am not expecting any major repairs. We take good care of it, but we're expecting to get another 50-100,000 miles out of it. DH has a Honda Accord with 193,000 and we've had to put minimal $$ into it. There was an electrical issue a little while back and a few other things, but nothing big.
  7. Well, fwiw, the quizzes are hard. I have my DS take them, and then he goes over everything he misses open book. I'm not trying to talk you out of quitting but it is a hard program and you don't have all day to study everything. I'm not sure what to tell you about the whole adjective thing. We got that, but we just keep reviewing and reviewing and reciting and reciting.
  8. We have a Toyota Sienna with almost 100k on it and it's 11 years old. When you say repairs, do you mean repairs, or major maintainance issues - like timing belt, etc. Just recently we had about $800 worth of maintainance done, but I expect if we keep up on the maintainance, we should have minimal repairs.
  9. Hi Jean! I have to say, I got a bit worried this morning when I grabbed my coffee, sat down, and didn't see your thread! Hope your Dh is feeling better. Peaceful Isle.... Hope you feel better too! Well, my Sunday has been fine so far! ** church was good. Subbed for Pastor in his Catechism class and that went as well as can be expected. There are three kids in there, my DS being one of them, and one of the girls is just horrible. Manipulative as all get out, and she hates me because I refuse to play her little games. ** now! I'm just kicking back. Four of the kids are outside playing. Dh is napping. I'm going to bake some bread in a little while and try to figure out what I want from Memoria Press so I can take advantage of their free shipping this month.
  10. My oldest is a lot like that. He's good looking, could be a good athlete (has all the raw materials- awesome strength, endurance, coordination), and could be a good student. But he isn't motivated. It's so frustrating. And we don't know what to do about it. He does just what he needs to get by and that's it. He doesn't push himself to achieve or get better. He could really be one of the top players on his soccer team, but there's no "I want it!" In his eye. So, he's just ok. You watch him play and think, "hmm, he could be really good, if he would try a little harder!"
  11. My boys both have horrible handwriting. I do mark answers wrong if I can't read it or I make them do the assignment over and over and over until I can read it. They are also learning to use the computer for word processing. But, my oldest just doesn't care. He rushes through his assignments and his work is an absolute mess!
  12. Oh dear!You poor thing! I wouldn't be leaving home any time soon, either!
  13. I prefer physical books, myself. Although my Kindle is full of the free public domain books and I enjoy reading those.
  14. You know, I don't watch their show, but I have to admit a morbid fascination myself. I read everything I can about them when I'm In the doctor's office, and sometimes even look them up on line when I am bored. It's like .... they are so bizarre.... it's hard to believe people are even like that.
  15. Finally got in gear! Went outside and tackled the back yard. I'm ripping out everything but shrubs. It will be easier to weed and cheaper to irrigate. I have a feeling water is going to be expensive this year! So, the green waste container is full and now I'm going to get cleaned up.
  16. Oh, seriously? I need to place an order for next year then! I love free shipping. I'm glad you mentioned this! Thanks!
  17. Good Morning All! I'm happy now. Got to sleep in. Kids are still sleeping. Monster size cup of coffee at my side. Watching the sweet little birdies at my feeder. All is well with the world. Well, yesterday ended all right. I don't know why I get stressed about things. The flat tired incident ended fine. dh is now at the tire place getting 4 new tires for my car (we were at the point of needing them anyway and our tax refund should cover them). So many things about that whole thing to be thankful for: didn't have a blow out, was able to safely pull-over, my parents were home to pick us up, dh can take care of buying new tires. So, today... ** groceries ** laundry ** Children's Church stuff to prepare, and I'm a Sunday School sub tomorrow, need to think about that. ** I'm going to try to do a little yardwork garden planning. Hugs, Julie, keep us updated.
  18. I love crime dramas. I love NCIS, but it's on at a bad time for me. Used to watch NCIS:LA, but that got stupid. Loved CSI. However, now the best I can do is whatever is on Amazon Prime. I am quite hooked on The Good Wife, although there are some elements on that show that I really don't like.
  19. You know, Rosie, you lead a much much more interesting and adventurous life than I do. I have never set foot in a Turkish grocery shop and would run far far away from " fridge destroying cheese".
  20. Back from co-op. This has been a stressful day. I feel like throwing up. Does anyone every get so stressed they just want to throw up? Co-op..... I've done rockets for years, but I started with jr. Highers and it's really a jr. High project. Now, I got talked into doing it with our co-op and I've got a bunch of little kids in it. Yes, there is great parental help.... but..... It's just really stressful. It's a junior high level project. And then, I got a flat on the way home. A major flat. Fortunately I called my parents and they gave us a ride home, and dh is on his way home to fix it, but.... That didn't help my stress level. And we were supposed to have date night tonight. I just want to throw up!
  21. Happy Birthday, Tammy! Hope you have a great day! Well, it's Friday. No walking this morning. DH had to leave for work waaaaay early (they're putting the finishing touches on a machine that's supposed to leave for Vegas to a trade show this afternoon), so I got to sleep in a few extra minutes. Today.... ** school ** co-op. I'm teaching a class on building model rockets. ** ds2 has guitar lessons ** date night. Our church is having "Parent's Night Out" so they're providing free babysitting. This is very nice since our budget is extremely tight this month and we probably wouldn't have been able to go out otherwise. Have a good day Ladies!
  22. Awww, Jean! I really hope they can get some answers for you. But sometimes pulling a person off all medication does help. I hope it helps you!
  23. Ahhhh, painting frescoes (ninja warriors and tow-trucks, Michaelangelo would be so proud) while listening to Mozart. Messy, but good! Lunch is over. Today has been a moderately good day. Many squabbles, but now they are happily painting. This should last for a few minutes. Then, off to Latin and History and I need to pick up the house which looks like a tornado hit it!
  24. Oh Jean! I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope they can find something that works for you!
  25. Morning Girls! Well, not much going on today. I'm glad. I am such a homebody.... I hate going places and seeing people. ** school ** finish rocketry prep ** take dd to Kingdom Kids That's really all I have planned. No practices or games. Have a great day!
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