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Everything posted by planner

  1. I think you are on to something. He used to teach junior high. I think he still thinks he does.
  2. It would hurt me. It hurt me when my mil went on and on showing me the nativity calendar and all the goodies she had put together for her great nephews. My children were right there but luckily they were young enough not to notice.
  3. Please don't quote and I'm going to delete because I'm going to be using a word that I'm sure would come up in a google search. If you read the changing due date thread, you know my 4th grade dd's teacher moved up a due date on an assignment from Monday to Friday. He made the change on Thursday. Dd was unhappy because she hadn't started the assignment as she planned to do it over the weekend. I emailed the teacher to let him know that dd had budgeted her time and it was unfair to change the due date. He responded that he had changed the date because he wanted to grade the papers over the weekend. He did make an allowance for dd to turn in the paper on Monday, but she had already completed the assignment. Dd went to a friend's house after school and I didn't see her until 9PM last night. As soon as we got in the car, she started to tell me about the vocabulary word of the day at school. She has never told me about the vocabulary word of the day. She told me she didn't remember it exactly but she had written it down and she was sure the teacher had chosen the word because of her. The word is XXXXXXX. Yes, a word so obscure that spellcheck thinks I've misspelled this word. I personally had never heard the word before yesterday. Next to the definition and the quote, she wrote, "Is he trying to be rude? Really? Is he trying to be rude? He might be doing it because of mom." (She's referring to my email to the teacher.) (PARAGRAPH EDITED TO REMOVE ACTUAL WORD) The word of the day is presented first thing in the morning. It's informational only and not tested material. I feel horrible that my daughter was thinking about his all day. I tried to tell her that since she had told me many of her classmates were arguing the due date with the teacher that it couldn't have been personal. I'm not so sure. The teacher made a point to tell me that I'm the only one who complained about the due date change. I'm definitely not emailing the teacher on this one. It's clear to me that he's passive aggressive and has no issue with bullying children. Even if it was innocent, my daughter feels like he bullied her. Dh is ready to speak with the principal on Monday. My mom thinks I should request a teacher change. A friend of mine who's child had this teacher last year says this is typical of him and is wondering why I haven't yet sent an email requesting a conference with the principal. I have requested educational testing for dd so the principal will have to speak with me within the next two weeks. I feel like I should wait until I speak with him about the testing to see if any further issues arise. I really don't want to be seen as a problematic parent. I've never addressed the principal about any issue regarding dd. What I really want to do is say nothing and wait until a need to email the teacher arises and somehow work XXXX into my message. Then the teacher would know that I know without me having to say anything. Of pure curiosity, are you familiar with this word?
  4. Somehow I missed your response. You get the gold star! From what I've heard from other parents, it won't go better. It's just the way he is. He loaded the kids up with homework on Rose Hashanah and about 1/3 of the kids in the class are Jewish. I thought that was so rude. My daughter did schoolwork for 5 hours on her day off. I'm tempted to pull her but she really wants to stay at her school and my son requires so much attention that I can't imagine homeschooling both of them at the same time.
  5. Well, I did email the teacher. I told him the dd had budgeted her time and decided she wanted to do this assignment on the weekend. She had to go to her brother's therapy last night and as such had to do her homework in a waiting room with a blaring tv. It is very difficult for her to concentrate there and if she would have known the assignment was due on Friday, she would never have waited until Thursday to start. I wouldn't have let her wait knowing what our Thursday nights look like and knowing that she had two tests scheduled for Friday. I told him it was unfair to change the due date. His response was that he changed the due date because they finished the story early and he would rather grade papers over the weekend than during the week. It works better for his schedule. He did offer to let dd turn in the paper on Monday but she did the assignment last night so it doesn't matter.
  6. It is a play date. She had asked me to come pick up dd before the sitter came but changed her mind and asked if dd could stay later. Dd will be with the sitter for about 3 hours.
  7. Yes, the sitter will still be there watching the kids of the household. Dd is the guest of the household. I won't see the parents at all as she is going straight from school. Maybe I can just send dd with some money to give to her friend's mom?
  8. Dd is going to her friend's house tomorrow afternoon. A sitter is coming at 6PM and I am picking up dd at 9PM. Should I pay the sitter for my daughter or should I let friend's family handle it? I'm not sure what the proper thing to do is. If it helps, we always offer money to each other if the girls are going to an activity that costs but neither of us ever accepts it.
  9. DD's 4th grade teacher passed out a two page essay response assignment on Monday. He said it was due the next Monday. It was based on their literature book. They finished reading it today instead of Friday like he planned. He changed the due date from Monday today (Thursday) to Friday. DD had planned to do the assignment this weekend and hadn't started. Dd's homework planner has the assignment written with the side note of "Seriously? Come on." That should tell you what she thinks of it. I think it's unfair. She budgeted her time and the teacher changed the rules. What's your thought?
  10. You can't plan for everything! My child was self-contained but mainstreamed for math. He wasn't taken to math class on a consistent basis but was he still tested on the information. The teachers were excited that he got a 39%. I knew that wasn't going to work. I guess I finally realized that if I wanted my child to be truly educated, I was going to have to do it myself. I didn't see the point of waiting until next August to get started when it was only September.
  11. planner


    Thanks for the advice. My heart is heavy.
  12. I didn't vote. I don't know enough about the curricula. What I find interesting is that for dd, I don't feel that I would give her as rigorous of an education as she gets from her classical core knowledge school. That is why she goes to a b&m school. For ds, I don't think the b&m school was as rigorous as my home instruction. It's dependent on the child and the instructor.
  13. I think your daughter is delving into issues that are too old for her age and she being deceptive about it as well. I would end this immediately.
  14. Never heard of it. My 2 year old niece calls my dad Grandpa and my mom Grandpas. That right, my mom is plural.
  15. I agree. It's dumb. To put it in perspective though, I have to pay to be a Girl Scout leader. I have to join each year even though I'm volunteering to lead my daughter's troop.
  16. I always wondered why my kid's didn't enjoy looking at the children's dictionary like I did when I was a kid. I would study the pictures and diagrams for fun. My children act like they don't know we have a dictionary. Well, it's finally happened. At age 12, ds has discovered there are cool diagrams and pictures. Right now, he's studying a diagram of a motor boat while eating lunch.
  17. I don't know but you can call poison control and they can tell you for sure.
  18. The lesson to be learned from this experience is that if you want something you sell to only be purchased by a homeschooler, you should specify in your ad and then specifically ask when finishing the transaction, Yes, even on a homeschool board. Sorry it didn't go the way you wanted.
  19. The only remaining option is to get up early and go shopping first thing in the morning. Personally, I shop on the weekend and ask DH to pick up things as needed.
  20. I would tell her when you are coming and give her the option to meet your near or at her home. She might be able to make that work with notice. She might have a family member or friend willing to help her even if she personally can't meet you. If she can't make that work, she can come to you.
  21. My nine year old spent the summer reading Ramona books. She had resisted reading these and swore she didn't like them for about two years. When she finally read them, she couldn't stop laughing. She was constantly reading me little sections to let me know how funny the books were.
  22. I saw it when it first came out and remember being bored. My mother loved it and I just couldn't understand why.
  23. Today was their polite day! I drove them every day this week and two of the mornings the girl couldn't stop talking about how old my car is. She even said, "Gosh, this car must be at least five years old or something." When I told her it was thirteen years old she freaked out and went on and on about her family's luxury autos. I live in an affluent area and I already know that my car is by far the worst in the parent drop off lane. I really don't need a third grader to tell me. Next time, I fear I may tell her that she is being rude. I thought the printer ink comment was really funny. The boy is super sweet and doesn't make obnoxious comments. I'm sure his mom has told him not to waste ink a few times.
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