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Everything posted by planner

  1. My daughter attends a charter school and my son is homeschooled. I took my daughter and my neighbor kids to school this morning and the subject turned to why ds doesn't go to the charter school. He's in the sixth grade and the school doesn't have a sixth grade was the reason my daughter told them. All of a sudden, the neighbors totally understood why he was homeschooled, lol. 3rd grade neighbor girl tells me that she would love to be homeschooled so she could watch tv all day. I told her that we watched zero tv during the day and it shocked her. She then said that homeschooling was bad and that kids couldn't get the education they could get at school. I quickly corrected her and told her the educational achievement would depend on the standards of the teacher, not on the location of the school. She seemed to understand that. Her twin brother came up with another reason why homeschool is a poor idea. He said that you would have to make a lot of copies which would use a lot of printer ink. He thought it would be too expensive. His sister told him I just had workbooks and didn't make copies. (She has no idea what I do.) Neighbor boy said it costs a lot of money to buy workbooks and that it was a bad idea to spend that much money when you could go to public school. My daughter told them that her dad makes enough money and that it's okay for us to spend money on ink and books. I told them I was happy to spend money on education. I just couldn't help laughing thinking about printer ink being a reason not to homeschool.
  2. At 12 we are still working on this. It's a once or twice a week thing at this point but I do take him to the bathroom every night about an hour after he falls asleep. If I didn't it would be a 5-6 night a week thing. He hates it! We have an appt. with a specialist in a couple weeks. We've tried the alarm. That did help.... he went from wetting the bed twice a night to only once a night.
  3. Your request that he knock first is reasonable. Your email was threatening. I don't think you intended it to be, but it was. I highly doubt the landlord remembers last year's inspection as well as you.
  4. This piqued my curiosity and I gave my son the test. He's a sixth grader and has always struggled with reading comprehension. He scored early 4th grade which I find to be accurate. Does anyone know of similar worksheets? I think work like this could definitely help him improve his comprehension.
  5. planner


    Wow! This guy is something else. So sorry for all your drama.
  6. Love the tree of knowledge bookshelf!
  7. Not a religious thing, but a cultural one. People tend to recommend things from people they know and LDS people know LDS people.
  8. See, that's just it. I think you are angry (frustrated) that you can't get what you want on the road. You want other people to follow all traffic rules consistently. That isn't happening and it makes you angry (frustrated.) You have observed a pattern in a certain area and you just can't understand why people are so inconsiderate and refuse to follow the traffic laws. You are angry (frustrated) about it. You want to do something and make the traffic madness stop. You're putting yourself at risk when you confront someone over this because you cannot predict what their response will be. Even the junk food laden lady at Walgreens can react in unexpected ways. I don't know the details of you accident but I gather that it was quite traumatic, not to mention costly. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
  9. Why wouldn't I believe your story? I don't think I've implied that I don't. I think confronting a perfect stranger is aggressive. You don't. We'll have to agree to disagree. By the way, I'm really curious as to why approaching someone in the library is okay but not Walmart. Why the grocery store and not the mall? Do you think a different type of person frequents Walmart than the library? You might want to consider a letter to the editor about your concerns. That could be a productive way to share your message.
  10. Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the OP was bothered by aggressive driving and her response was to be aggressive and confront the driver? Yes, I realize the OP states she was calm, but I believe one can be agressive and calm simultaneously.
  11. The confrontation was quite a bit more confrontational and literally in your face than you describe in your situation. Let's just say the confrontation escalated. You just don't know how another person is going to react and that's why I wouldn't do what you did. But really, I'm glad you're safe and it worked out well for you.
  12. Yes, I live in a very low, virtually non-existent crime area. The incident I referred to was just up the street from me. These guys were both professional men earning well over six figures. They both have families. You just never know. They guy who pulled the trigger is one of the meekest people I know. I would never in a million years have guessed that he would be involved in a situation that would land him in jail. You can never be certain. You're just lucky you approached the right person.
  13. I'm glad this worked out okay for you but I wouldn't do it again. I am personally acquainted with someone who felt they had no choice but to pull a gun on someone when they were confronted. And yes, he pulled the trigger and spent some uncomfortable weeks in jail. In the end, charges were dropped, but a man is still dead and his life is very, very hard for him now. You just never know what kind of reaction you are going to get from the other party. I'd rather be safe than be right.
  14. My son was diagnosed at 21 months. I was told by the early intervention folks from the school district not to worry about seeking a diagnosis when I asked if they thought he was autistic. I later found out they weren't allowed to suggest getting a diagnosis. I ignored their advice. You need to do what you think it right for your child and ignore the other voices out there.
  15. I'm curious what percentage of words your child is able to spell correctly on the warmup test. We just started with Spelling Workout this year and ds spelled 9 out of twenty words correctly. Normally, he does better on spelling pretests and I'm wondering if I have placed in the correct level. I don't want him to feel frustrated with the program.
  16. The judge has overstepped her authority. While it is not a name I'd choose, I fully support the right of a parent to name a child whatever they desire. Besides, the first name was not the contested issue.
  17. We have an Expedit desk. It is mounted to a 5x5 wall unit that is mounted to the wall. I have never had any concerns about the desk's stability. Of course, I might feel differently if it were not against the wall, but I highly doubt that I would. I think your friend may have assembly or quality control issues.
  18. If your dd would enjoy it, I'd stop by the American Girl store at the Grove. The second floor has very nice displays of the historical dolls. The Farmers Market right next to the Grove is a fun place as well.
  19. I can buy tickets on our theater's website for a $2.00 fee. I usually just go and buy tickets earlier in the day.
  20. My thermometer says 117 and my neighbor has been working in her yard for the past hour. I always have thought her a bit eccentric but I am now officially questioning her sanity.
  21. We put 23% down on our first house. The house we are in now we put 64% down.
  22. It sounds like you already have an existing relationship with this teacher. If so, I would tell her that you would like to continue with her but can only do so if the lessons are at your home. That will let her decide if she is willing to meet your terms. I would also be prepared to pay more for this convenience and would let the teacher know that.
  23. Dh usually works from home but he had to go to the office today to help prepare for computer training. The guy he was helping left the room for a minute when one of the employees on the inside team started chatting with dh. Employee: "How long have you worked here?" Dh: "A little over a year." Employee: "Me too, but I won't be here long." Dh: "Really? Why?" Employee: "I'm going places. I want to be the the outside team lead." Dh: "Good for you." Employee: "The outside team lead should be worried. I'm going to have his job. He should start packing his bags." Dh: "You are really motivated." At this point the guy Dh was helping came back and Dh started to leave the room. The guy said, "I see you have met Dh, the outside team lead." Dh said the gasp was audible but he didn't turn back to see his face. Dh is actually happy the guy wants his job. Now there are two people who are motivated to get him promoted.
  24. Oh, but it is about the time of day. I don't want to make multiple meals. I'm lazy like that. I've got tons of snacks but when a child says they need lunch, I'm not going to give them snacks. I'm going to fix them something warm and something with at least a bit of nutrition. The 1PM play date is a super picky eater. She has eaten dinner at our house more times than I can count and I am totally convinced that when she gets home she has her mother prepare her something because she only picks at the food at our house. She has to be hungry when she leaves because she won't eat what we have except for juice. I try to avoid meal times for her simply because finding something she's willing to eat is burdensome, not because I resent feeding her.
  25. When my children have a friend over, I fully expect to provide food. If we eat a meal, we share the meal with friends. We always offer snacks and drinks. I can sort of understand the 1PM play date not having eaten but the 2PM really surprised me. I was told at 2:30 that her friend needed lunch, not that she was simply hungry. Friend wanted a grilled cheese sandwich. I put a ton of carrot sticks out thinking she would eat one or two. She ate at least a dozen. She was truly hungry. It is not a monetary issue or a taking advantage issue. They feed my daughter often and I feed their daughter often. I was just surprised they hadn't fed their daughter and failed to mention it to me. My daughter was at the 1PM play date's home today. I had to pick her up at 12:30. I packed a lunch for her as I needed to run errands. She had eaten lunch at the friend's house already and refused the lunch I packed for her. Thanks for the discussion. For the future, I will state that the play date begins after lunch or be prepared with lunch for the friend.
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