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Everything posted by MooCow

  1. I am so sorry to hear that. Praying for you and your family.
  2. Yasss! I discovered going up and down my stairs every time I forget something is quite possibly building up my endurance LOL
  3. My daughter finally graduated college and was lucky enough to have quite a few internships during it. She had some great interviews and was in the top three for the closest big city's water department. She was also in the top three candidates for a county job that she had an internship at.She was hired by the same company that her older brother works for LOL, but she bargained with them for a week's worth of vacation with no pay, and a higher salary. She got both and is now living at home again while she starts to pay off our college debt. I'm very proud of her and I'm very happy she's home even if she is so so messy! But she cooks dinner once a week and most the time goes with me on of my walks!
  4. That is so awesome and amazing!! Huge congrats to your daughter!! And yay! How wonderful she'll be closer to you!
  5. So now that I'm close to graduating, I've been dabbling in makeup again. I bought a really neat Urban decay foundation that is very lightweight and so far has not made me break out... The problem is my skin is so dry it just does not look right. I have a few hydraulic acid moisturizers and I have a couple of primers but none of them seem to be helping with my skin's dryness, particularly on my upper cheeks right below my eyes and the nose area. Any ideas or recommendations? I'd also appreciate any tips regarding makeup application. It's been so long since I've had a full face of makeup. I did put a bit on Sunday before I went to a party though, and I really like the way my mascara looked but I'm just having issues with dry skin all over my face. Please help me! Thank you
  6. Good morning, School Put away my laundry and do dh's laundry Walk Unload dishwasher Dinner? Must do my nails, trying to figure out sticker polish. I can't get them on right, but the couple times I did they really protected my nails from breaking. Have a good day everyone!
  7. Had chipotle for dinner Did the kids towels Did my laundry Dd took a walk with me Everyone is in bed
  8. It'll be hard for one of my closest friend. She lost her husband a year and a half ago suddenly, and her mom just passed. Thanksgiving is the one day I don't have to cook. Dh and dd do it together. I'll cook a frozen pie, make the rolls and the green bean casserole and the pistachio pudding what thingy. This year my son invited us over to their new place for Thanksgiving and then he reneged LOL when he realized that they still don't have all the stuff to put on a Christmas spread, I.e furniture and pots and pans and dishes. Invited us to his mentors house who is like family but we don't like traveling.
  9. We did cracker barrel for a year or two. Since dd used to work there, we usually avoid it for her sake. She hates going in there and always being offered her job back. She's like I have my big girl job now, lol.
  10. I'm blaming the time change for me sleeping so late. 😉 Run the dishwasher I forgot to last night. School will probably take my exam tomorrow .... It's Chipotle Monday for dinner. Laundry
  11. The party was outside, everyone had a blast! Dd and I were going to stop for sandwiches for dinner, but we realized neither of us had any money, lol. Luckily at the party, they sent us home with cinnamon rolls and I called it dinner! Did my walk hours earlier then I usually do. Now just hanging out, listening to worship music and trying to paint/ sticker my nails. Must remember to finish loading dishwasher and run it tonight.
  12. Whoop whoop! Another Tudor in the house!!
  13. I can sometimes tighten a loose button lol. I'm always amazed by those that can sew!
  14. My daughters favorite movie of all time is The Little mermaid. I just got her a Frozen Monopoly set. She loves playing Monopoly and Frozen is her second favorite movie and it wasn't that bad of a price. Eta: I also found a Simpsons version of cards of humanity. My DH and I have always enjoyed watching The Simpsons but I just couldn't spend that much on a game. So perhaps something like that? I know they make Lord of the rings versions of some of the popular board games.
  15. For our oldest child, ds was fine. It probably helped that he was in a boarding school for a while and had lots of experience on farm equipment and pick up trucks on their own property. For DD, she still scares the beegees out of us! LOL I hired a local driving school that was recommended by my insurance company, and the owner decided to take her out because she was still struggling. I still remember when he told us that he guaranteed she would be driving the car back to our house. Imagine our surprise when an hour and a half later we received a phone call from our daughter that she was in the backseat of the owner's daughter's car because his daughter had to come pick him up because my daughter did something and stalled the car in the parking lot of a local high school. It wasn't even in a spot! We never heard from him again lol and his partner resumed teaching my daughter. They also performed the actual driver's test, and that poor woman works so hard to get my daughter to pass it. And she did! We also made an agreement with her that as long as she did not receive any tickets or get into any accidents that were her fault, we would pay for her car insurance indefinitely. She's 24 now and travels all over for her job and we are happily (knock on wood) still paying for her car insurance. 😁 She told us recently that in the back of her mind while she's driving, she does not take chances because she does not want to have to pay her own car insurance LOL!
  16. I would do it. In my experience we had to try a situation that nobody agreed with me on, but dh eventually agreed with me because honestly there was no other choice. It wasn't perfect, but looking back I believe it truly helped and I do not regret a thing that I did and our family's situation needed help big time. The number one thing you have to be concerned about is that your child will go through periods of not wanting to take their medication and turning to drugs to self medicate. This may happen whether or not your child goes in for inpatient. Honestly, for me, as the mother, I had to do everything in my power to show child other options. Prayers for your family.
  17. Finally got up. Youngest is no longer on the robotics team...there were lots of teams whose parents obviously made the robot. He is very adverse to cheating or what he believes is cheating....one local school who won is "famous" for bending the rules. C'est la vie Shower, hair. School Make an appearance at neighbors bday party unless my covid fears stop me from going. It's inside a little coffee/bakery. I really wish the powers that be would stop spring forward/ fall back. Happy Sunday!
  18. Half a dozen definitions left... youngest is home. Did not enjoy the robotics.
  19. Taking a break from neverending definitions in criminal law class. Getting some vitamin d on my porch. Probably going to give in and clean the kitchen. Dinner out since dd will be gone and I'm too busy to cook and youngest will be grumpy/ and/ or tired so he'll get to choose
  20. Been chatting with dd and dh. Youngest is at robotics competition. Dd watching dgd overnight at oldest house. Should clean my kitchen. Lots of school to get done.
  21. @TheReader hope you continue to feel better
  22. I would not tip your hand. I would do what is best for you and that is getting a fair wage and it sounds like this new job would be better for your mental health. I have come to the realization for myself, that sometimes God makes things so difficult for us because He wants us to change and we're fighting Him because change is scary.
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