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Everything posted by MooCow

  1. Yes this. My youngest has horrible penmanship and typing on a computer definitely helped him.
  2. Well my youngest is in public high school now. He also has a 504. So, if he did that now, his super amazing wonderful guidance counselor would probably take him out separately from the class and do a writing session with him. However, if it happened when he was new to public school, the teacher probably would get nothing out of him. Even when I homeschooled he detested writing. Of course, we had him privately tested before he was put back into public education. I knew there was something wrong. It kind of does sound like maybe this Mom is just clueless......my dh didn't really believe me until he had the report in his hand.
  3. @ScoutTN it's super cold here, our high today is 52, but right now it's in the 30s. It was so cold yesterday I didn't even walk. Must go to the grocery store! School due Sunday Dd spending the night at her bestie's. Youngest is off next week. Dh is feeling under the weather. I think I'm back to sleeping in our bed again. I was just too hot and then too cold in my nest on our couch in our room. So I threw off all my clothes and got in bed and actually slept the whole night and woke up at a decent hour.
  4. Does the student involved like you? I only ask because if it had been one of my sons and they didn't like the teacher, neither one of them would have put out hardly anything.
  5. Trying to see if my daughter will pick up pizza otherwise I guess I'll cook.
  6. Not going to the grocer today. Too cold for me and I'm not in the mood. Perhaps stir fry, rice and wontons for dinner.
  7. Good morning, youngest went to school. Stayed up late yesterday, cleaned the kitchen and baked brownies. Need to go to grocery. School Pay bills Do nails It's cold and rainy
  8. Came face to face with a deer while on my walk... didn't know what to do, so I just crossed over and kinda walked backwards away from it. It was dark, but I think I saw antlers...needless to say, when I got home I googled and I did the right thing if it was a buck. Made a huge chicken casserole that everyone loved. Everyone is in bed. I'm bored lol. Sorry about your fridge @ScoutTN, glad you're able to get a replacement!
  9. Picked up dd 🥰 , got rxs, she wants a home cooked meal. Washed my hair. And it's trash night!!
  10. Picking up dd at noon. Must wash my hair No clue for dinner Must walk tonight, haven't in two days Pick up youngest Pickup rxs
  11. Got chipotle for Tuesday dinner. Picked up some m&Ms for my anxiety...I cannot believe this stupid class is going to ruin my 4.0 Le sigh Can't eat anyways lol Dd comes home tomorrow Haha, my IT hubby can't figure it out either!!
  12. Got my teeth cleaned Youngest is home again Struggling with my computer class Get my granddaughter next week overnight! Putting lots off until tomorrow Should walk
  13. Congratulations! You did amazing! Prayers for little man that he doesn't have to there for long!
  14. Haven't really done much of anything, an IBS attack is starting, I think, hope I'm wrong
  15. Picked up youngest Saw some kids coming to school late that really should have stayed home. 🥺 So. Much. Coughing.
  16. I request from youngest to pick him up from school so I'll do that in about 20 minutes. My daughter sent me another picture of what she had for breakfast this morning LOL she sure likes being fancy! Lots of school in my other class that is due Wednesday morning, which is an odd time to have things due. Clean my house again, dinner I don't know what yet Walk later Shower wash my hair
  17. Mac, their new one with fiber extensions! Love it!!
  18. Did my definitions, about to read chapter and take quiz.
  19. Happy Sunday!!! Didn't hear from dd except that she landed.....so after dh finally went to bed, 🙄, and hours later of no response, I got the big brother to step in!! Within three minutes he had her on the phone w/me! I made her do the safety protocols lol, but she understood it had to be done lol. She sent me a beautiful pic of the view from her room!! Lots of school due today! Clean kitchen, take out trash and clean up my husband's mess Praying for safe travel Amy Happy Bday to your dh Scout
  20. I'm very blessed that my ingrown toenails are permanently removed except for a little part and that I'm able to take my walks every night and am able to add intermittent jogging. I'm super grateful for my leased car. I had a crappy minivan that I truly loved, but it finally died. I enjoy the heated seats and the heated steering wheel. And that's reliable. And we don't pay a ton of money or a super high lease payment.
  21. I live in the South. I see lots of smokers, vapes, chewing tobacco. Some in cars, haven't really seen smokers with kids in the car.
  22. Deliberately slept in so I wouldn't wake up to see dd leave, I'd just cry like a big baby and maker her feel bad when she's super excited for her first work conference. So we texted for about an hour before it was time for them to board. Who ever planned the flights needs to make better choices next time. They fly to Baltimore, then to Florida...?? Their flight left at 11am and gets to Florida at 6pm...the flight home is worse, they charge planes in Atlanta...I don't understand, it's super easy to fly straight to Florida where we live, lol. Dh is napping. DS is needy, lol, perfect timing!! Lots and lots of mommy love going his way! Finish criminal law today so I can work on other class tomorrow Shower, wash hair, should walk since it was to cold and windy yesterday. Put away laundry. Happy Saturday!
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